Sam/River- Sleeping With Roaches And Taking Best Guesses

Mar 09, 2008 21:20

Title: Sleeping With Roaches And Taking Best Guesses
Author: Liv
Fandom: Firefly/Supernatural
Characters: River Tam, Dean Winchster, mentions of Sam, Kaylee and Simon
30_kisses Prompt: 16. Invincible; Unrivaled
30_shinyfics Prompt: 17. Accuracy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Season 2 of Supernatural
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters before you. They belong to their respected creators, and not me.
Author’s Note: This is set after Imaginary Aliens and another fic that I haven’t posted yet, which really isn’t as important.

River was sleeping as close to Sam as she possibly could, her head buried into his chest and his arms wrapped around her shoulders so tightly she wouldn’t have been able to get away from him if she wanted to. Sam’s forehead was resting on the top of River’s head, his fingers brushing against the skin along her back unconsciously.

River’s eyes snapped open. She was unsettled. At first she though it was Sam but it wasn’t, it was someone else. Someone very much like Sam. Turning her head to the side and pressing her mouth against Sam's neck she felt him shift against her, loosening his grip around her and letting her pull away from him. His hand slid down her stomach and draped across her waist River sat up. She stared in the direction of the bar and climbed out of bed, her feet sticking to the polished wood floor.

River pushed open the bedroom door and saw Dean sitting on one of the bar stools, holding a beer loosely in his fingertips, staring off into space. River stared at him, because it’s what she did. She stared at him until she could feel a shiver run down Dean’s neck and he turned to look at her. He stared back, a mixture of hatred and something else pulsing under his skin and he turned away from her, taking a drink from his beer.

"What do you want," he asked, looking back over at her. He gave her a once over, taking in the small girl wearing nothing but one of Sam’s shirts. River, her name was River. River was Sam’s girlfriend, she was more than just his girlfriend, from what Kaylee had told him. Oh, Kaylee. She was cute, he could see himself getting rather friendly with her. Dean watched River’s cheeks flush.

"Did you hear me?" asked Dean.

"I’m sorry," said River. Dean frowned, not quite sure if she was sorry for ignoring him or...yeah, he didn’t know.

"What for?" he asked. He pulled the stool next to him out, a subtle offer for her to sit down, but apparently it was too close to him for her. He watched the girl pick at the hem of Sam’s shirt, the collar slipping a hair too low for anyone but Sam to be allowed to see. Dean turned his head away and finished off his beer, setting it down on the wooden bar top. River slid into the stool two seats down.

"I took him away from you," said River, staring at water spots on the bar, her fingers making patterns along the cracks in the wood. Dean stared at her, his natural reaction to a pretty girl was making his eyes skirt up her bare leg, which was exposed a little more now that she was sitting. He didn’t need to remind himself that she was Sam’s.

"You’re broken," said River, causing his attention to snap back onto her. Her head turned slightly, looking at him mostly from the corner of her eyes. "You broke yourself for him. And he tried to fix you."

"You are crazy," said Dean. Staring at her with a mixture of amusement and amazement. "No wonder Sam likes you."

"He likes fixing things," said River with a smile in agreement, staring back down at the bar. "I’m sorry I took him away from you."

"You didn’t take him," said Dean with a sigh. "Whatever the hell he was talking about, those people, they took him."

"I kept him," said River. "They were very mean to him and I wished very much that he would stay with me. They brought him back here-"

"And you magically appear," said Dean.

"I’m very smart, Dean," said River. "I make my brother look like an idiot, and I bring the smile back into Sam’s eyes. You know I’m here to take him away, because I can’t breathe without him, and he can’t see without me."

Dean stared at her for a very long time, finally closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly.

"It’s funny," said River, making Dean jump, but he refused to open his eyes. "Simon hates Sam for being my net, and you hate me for being Sam’s."

Dean listened to River’s stool scrap against the floor, and her feet hit the ground softly. He listened to her leave, walk back to the room she was sleeping with Sam in, leaving him sitting at the bar wanting something harder than the empty beer bottle to drink.

dean winchester, supernatural, series | the haunting hour, firefly, crossover, river tam

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