Title: Restoration (6/10)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Doctor, Martha, Rhys, Rhiannon
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: CoE
Summary: My response to the horrors of series 3.
Well, this should have been up yesterday, but my keyboard upped and died on me while I was typing up the last couple of paragraphs. So, here it is, a day late. Thanks for all the comments, they're great! Hope you enjoy this part :-)Ianto surveys the Plass, Jack at his side. It’s been cordoned off from the public; the official story is that there are old bunkers beneath that were destroyed in the blast and that the foundations need to be stabilised before the Plass itself can be rebuilt. After the 456, though, interest is low and it’s simple enough to keep things quiet.
Objects have been found in the wreckage - Jack’s apparently indestructible wrist-strap, which he seems happy to have back, and a few bits of alien tech - but most things were completely obliterated. The debris has been cleared now, and Jack has set up a mild version of the old invisible lift’s elusive technology around the site to keep passers-by not so much unaware as uninterested. It work, regardless.
Looking around he can spot four of the eight UNIT operatives they’ve been loaned guarding the perimeter. The workers have all signed off on secrecy and confidentiality clauses, but he won’t be surprised if Jack orders them all to be retconned once the Hub is fully rebuilt.
It’s been a week, and they’re anticipating another few months before the Torchwood base is complete. For the time being Ianto has rented office space, a whole floor in fact, and it’s currently being kitted out with salvaged tech, stuff brought in from UNIT and the still-substantial Torchwood One stash.
Thankfully, the Rift has been fairly quiet recently, a single object falling through and mostly they’ve been working on getting things running again and catching the occasional Weevil. Ianto knows it won’t last - such quiet periods never do - but he’s in enjoying it while it does.
Today they are waiting for the appearance of Lois Habiba. Jack is hopeful that she’ll join Torchwood, but Ianto think it’s unlikely. She had acquitted herself admirably, but he doubts it’s something she would want to do on a regular basis. It doesn’t hurt to try, though, and as Jack had pointed out, even if she doesn’t want the job, after everything she’s done they should at least thank her in person.
It doesn’t take her long to arrive and they walk across the bay to meet her. She is a pretty, neat young woman, and Ianto knows immediately that she won’t accept the offer. It’s in tje slightly tense posture and the uncertain regret of her emotions.
‘Hi,’ says Jack. ‘Lois Habiba? I’m Captain Jack Harkness and this is Ianto Jones. Thanks for meeting us.’ They all shake hands and smile politely.
‘It’s no trouble, really. Thanks for calling me.’
‘Cafe?’ Jack asks, and they end up in a Costa. While Gwen might be satisfied by Starbucks only Costa comes anywhere near Ianto’s high coffee standards. It’s only once seated around a secluded table tucked into a corner with a cup in front of each of them that they get down to business.
‘So,’ Jack begins, ‘I’m sure you know why you’re here.’
She hesitates; nods. ‘You’re offering me a job.’
‘Yes. You’d be a part of the Torchwood team, dealing with aliens, anything that might come through the Rift. Exciting work, and it pays well, too.’ He grins widely. Lois looks to Ianto, eyebrows raised, and he nods.
She sighs and shakes her head. ‘I can’t. I’m sorry, and I’m honoured you asked me, because I realise what you do is very important, but I just can’t.’
Jack looks serious and asks, ‘Why not? Don’t worry, I won’t push if you really don’t want to do it, but I’m curious as to why not.’
‘I’m not cut out for it. If what you usually do is anything like with the 456 I won’t be any use.’
‘You handled it well,’ Ianto points out.
‘Because I had to. I hated it though; I was petrified the whole time. I’m not going to put myself in the position where I’ve got to do something like that again.’
Jack nods, seemingly satisfied. ‘Fair enough. At least you can admit that. Have you got work?’
‘Not yet, no. I haven’t really had chance ...’
‘I’ll see to it, sir.’ He looks to Lois. ‘You’ll have a job next week.’
‘I - thank you.’ She looks completely taken aback.
‘No problem,’ grins Jack. ‘And if you ever change your mind about Torchwood, call me.’
‘I will.’
‘Excellent.’ They stand and head for the door. Outside they shake hands again. ‘Thanks for coming, and thanks for what you did before.’
‘I’m glad I could help,’ she says with a small smile. Then they’re going their separate ways, Jack and Ianto heading towards the temporary office.
‘In a way,’ Jack starts, ‘I think it’s better Lois didn’t join us.’
Ianto shoots him a surprised look. ‘Oh? How so?’
‘We need specialists - a doctor and a tech. Lois would be good for general stuff, at the admin side of things, but not as good as you. You’re in the field too, but she wouldn’t be, and if we could get a tech your workload would be manageable even with both the field work and the admin. Or would you prefer the admin taken off your hands?’
Ianto is a little thrown by this - he’s always just done what needs doing, and he never thought Jack would actually consider his workload - but shakes his head. ‘I enjoy it, and you’re right, I’m good at it. I’m not going to give up field work, either. It’s the tech stuff that’s the difficulty - I can do it fairly well, but I’m no Tosh, regardless of what she taught me - and with that plus archives and field work ...’ He shrugs. It gets a bit much sometimes, not so much in that he can’t handle the work but in the fact that some of it needs doing at the same time, and that too much even for him. He’s not going to complain though; he’s always enjoyed what he does, and prides himself on a job well done.
‘You do to much, Ianto.’
‘Not at the moment, and it’s never really been a problem. I quite like some of the computer stuff.’
They step into the lift up to the office, Jack shaking his head. ‘I’m glad the Rift’s decided to be quiet, we all deserve a lighter load at the moment - you especially.’ He presses a quick kiss to Ianto’s lips; it threatens to become something more, but the lift doors open and Ianto pulls away, faintly flushed and straightening his tie. Gwen, sitting at her desk, waves as they enter, a knowing smile hovering on her lips.
She shakes her head. ‘Nothing from the Rift. One supposed UFO sighting last night but I checked it out and it was a small plane. I’ve been watching the ... situation.’
Ianto pauses on his way to the coffee machine and looks at her. ‘Oh?’ Ever since the 456 they’ve been monitoring the political and social situation, currently so precarious. He remains happily surprised by the fact that the whole country - world, even - hasn’t fallen into total anarchy.
Gwen sighs. ‘Diplomatic relations between Britain and pretty much everywhere else are more strained than ever, but there’s no risk of war. On the other hand, I’m worried that they might try to intervene in Torchwood - the UN seems very keen on watching and restricting at the moment. The PM’s stepping down, and a General Election’s been called but considering the public’s current views I haven’t got a clue what we can expect from that.’
Ianto, who had continued to the coffee maker and started brewing, collects two mugs, handing one to Gwen and the other to Jack before taking his own and settling down in front of his computer. ‘Anymore terrorism? Protests?’
‘Oh lots of protests, they’re daily now. One terrorist attempt against the Cabinet, but it was found early and kept quiet.’
Jack hmms and nods. ‘I think, if we can get through the next couple of weeks without anything really drastic happening, things will probably settle down. I doubt it’ll be quite the same as before but I figure we’ll avoid too much turbulence.’
Ianto agrees with that, although he wonders what the long terms effects are going to be, and finds Gwen’s speculation about UN interference in Torchwood worrying. Nothing to be done now, though, except try and find Miss Habiba a suitable position. Perhaps he’ll get her a few different offers so she isn’t forced into working for the government again. He doesn’t think she would appreciate that.