Title: No Happy Endings (13/15 - "Nothing Here To See")
Rating: PG-13
Paring: Billy/Penny
Word Count: 2636
Summary: The Hero is dead, and the Villain has taken over the city. Caught between worlds, all Penny wants is to get back to a normal life, only to find that she's already a pawn in epic struggles she didn't even know existed. AU from 'Slipping'.
Act 13 - Nothing Here To See )
Comments 7
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I can't believe it's almost done either! I've been working on it since January...
Thus was my reaction on reading this chapter! It's a roller coaster, just zipping along.
My heart's racing!
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Zomg, is Moist okay?
Ah! Okay, there were brilliant things in this chapter but I must move on to the next to see if Moist is okay! And all the rest of them! Like Billy! AH! He got SHOT at! With a dart, but still!
(And by the way, yes Penny should have been more worried about getting shot herself :P)
Ah! Are they going to do horrible things to Billy now? But he was being so awesome and cute!
Thanks for commenting. : )
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