Title: No Happy Endings (11/? - "It's Not Enough to Bash in Heads")
Rating: PG-13
Paring: slight Billy/Penny
Word Count: 1556
Summary: The Hero is dead, and the Villain has taken over the city. Caught between worlds, all Penny wants is to get back to a normal life, only to find that she's already a pawn in epic struggles she didn't even know existed.
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Comments 5
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It makes it tricky, doesn't it? I guess it's better then not having a clue where you're going! : )
And I'm hopelessly shipping Penny/Bill in this! But preparing myself for a tragic ending.
Did the title give it away? : )
>> Penny nodded. This was so going to end badly. <<
PENN!!! Y. I forgot the Y. This story is getting me unfairly excited and your inbox and sazz_k are getting the brunt of it.
Poor Penny! *huggles Penny in a corner far away from any harm*
Joe's a jackass douche, aw at Penny finding the stalker photo and finding it kinda sweet, giggle at Billy's horrible writing, and HOPE!! Yay hope! And I wanna know what the ray is! :D
I think it's a given that Penny has to find the stalker photo at least once in every multi-chapter Billy/Penny story. It's a Rule. : )
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