
Apr 10, 2007 22:51

Sequal to Package You asked for it and well I delivered the pr0n. Enjoy!

Thanks to bubbleslayer and sororcula. Bubbleslayer also wanted to know when Coop would get his turn. ...... sheesh you're a needy bunch!

Pairing(s): Don/Coop/Lia(OFC)
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: As always thank you my beta bubbleslayer who as always helps me with content and reigns me when needed

Don was on his side with his arms above his head, handcuffed to the headboard. He felt Lia behind him sucking on one of his earlobes, her breasts pressed against his back, while Coop began to suck on his cock slowly. He groaned as he felt Lia begin to massage his ass and place kisses on his neck. He closed his eyes and allowed the dual sensations to overtake him.

He felt Lia’s finger, slick with lubricant, push at his entrance slowly. She murmured in his ear, “You like that baby?”

“Uh huh. Mmm. Oh yeah.” He moaned as he felt Coop’s mouth encircle him once more as he started to suck harder. “More.”

“What’s that? You want more,” she asked as she slipped another finger inside, getting him ready. She nibbled on his ear. “Is Billy doing a good job on that big cock of yours?”

Don licked his lips. “Oh god yeah.” He loved it when Lia talked dirty. He struggled against the shackles in pleasure as Lia stroked his prostate. He longed to touch both of them and again pulled at his bonds. He was being slowly driven towards the edge by Coop’s tongue swirling around the head. “Shit, Billy.” He tried to reign in some control. “You’re gonna make me come before Lia can… oh, shit.”

Coop chuckled.

Lia giggled. “Getting impatient, Agent Eppes? Can’t wait for me to use the strap on?” She slipped out of the bed to put it on and spread some lubricant over the dildo part of the toy. She laid back down on her side behind Don, and pressed the item against his thigh. “You ready for me to give it to you, like you give it to me?”

Don growled, “Fuck Lia, hurry it up.”

“As you wish.” She gently guided the toy into him slowly, pushing in like Don and Coop had done to her so many times. Her voice tinged with concern asked, “How’s that feel? I’m not hurting you?"

“No, Lee," grunted Don. "Feels good. Push all the way in now. Yes, that's nice, that feels good.”

“Okay,” she said as she pushed the rest of the way in. Once she was in securely she placed her fingers around his hips as she held him tight against her.

Don's senses began to overload and he finally dropped all pretense of control as Lia began to thrust slowly in and out of him and Coop continued to work his cock. Don let out a loud yell as he came hard, bucking forward against Coop and seeing stars from Lia’s assault to his sweet spot. His body finally stilled from the convulsive pleasure. Lia gingerly removed herself and got off of the bed. Coop removed the condom from Don’s softened cock before he laid a long kiss on his lips. Don heard Lia remove the strap on before she walked towards the other side of the bed and sat next to Billy.

“So, what now gentleman?”

Don said, “I wanna watch you two fuck.”

Lia cuddled in close to Don, her body pressed up against his. “You want Coop to make me come? Watch him fuck me?” She kissed the tip of his nose and then started kissing his neck, rubbing up against him.

“Yes, oh yes. I love watching you two fuck,” Don groaned.

“I think that can be arranged.” Coop gave her a feral grin before kissing her on the shoulder. “So, should we un-cuff Don?”

Don sighed. “Yes. Please, yes. I want to touch you two as you do it.”

Lia purred, “No, I think not. I think we should leave him like that.” She gave Don a smirk. “Oh, I have an even better idea. Let’s put him on his back and I can hover over him as you take me doggy style.”

“Now that’s an idea,” Coop said. He helped her move Don to his back despite his protests about still being cuffed. Lia straddled Don and bent forward. Coop scooted behind Lia and slid into her slowly, placing his hands on her hips and gripping her tightly. She placed her hands on the bed on either side of Don’s head.

Don said, “Oh come on, un-cuff me please.”

“Nope, not gonna happen. Oh god, mmm yeah. “ She closed her eyes in ecstasy. “You feel so good in me Billy, mmm, yes,” she said with a breathy moan.

Frustrated, Don tried to reach out. “You’re so cruel. Please un-cuff me.”

“You’re so wet and warm, Lia, shit, this feels good. I’m already so close.” He moved one of his hands from her hip to stimulate her clit.

Lia leaned down closer to Don; her lips gently brushed against Don’s as her body was pushed forward with Coop’s movements. She began to kiss Don’s lips, teasing them with her tongue and sucking on his lower lip.

Don shivered with pleasure as Lia’s body brushed against his over and over again. If he hadn’t already come he would have done so right then watching them fuck. He stared into Lia’s eyes as her body began to be consumed in pleasure. Moments later he watched her eyes cloud over, knowing she was close to orgasm.

With a low moan she came. “Yes, yes, oh.”

Her lips were close enough for Don’s to capture and kiss while she climaxed.

Coop’s thrusts became faster and stronger as he let out a moan of his own, coming hard with loud slaps again Lia’s ass. Don could feel Coop trembling against Lia as he came hard.

Coop let out one last moan as his cock pulsed out the remains of his orgasm. He snuggled in close to Lia for a moment, holding her close. He let out a sigh of contentment before rolling over to remove the condom. He grabbed the ‘cuff keys and kissed Don gently before freeing his arms.

Don, relived to be untied, rubbed his wrists and arms to put some circulation back into them. Lia smiled at him and took each of his wrists and kissed them. She moved to Don’s side laying her head on his chest snuggling in closer. Coop got back in the bed and spooned behind her, placing his free arm on Don’s hip.

Coop sighed. “Now that was fun.”

Lia made a sound of agreement.

Don teased, “As soon as I am up to it, you two are gonna pay for that.”

Coop chuckled. “Looking forward to it. Looking forward to it.”

“Uh huh, sounds like a plan,” added Lia.

don/coop/ofc, numbers_fic, don/coop

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