Irish by Injection-A St. Paddy's Day fic

Mar 22, 2007 19:12

Special thanks to my beta 
bubbleslayer  whole helped me get this fic together and whine about it over the last week. I'd also like to thank her for the Gaelic, the history lesson and for the fic title. Also, thanks to
sororcula  who listen to me bitch every night on IM that this fic was driving me crazy I named the waitress after you, not sure if that's a compliment or not but Hey Coop and Don flirt with you!

Pairing(s): Don/Coop/Lia(OFC)
Rating: R
Author's Notes: As always thank you my beta bubbleslayer who as always helps me with content and reigns me when needed

Fiery Irish music played in the background at the Blarney Stone’s yearly St. Paddy’s Day celebration

The waitress came over to the table to take Don and Coop’s order. She appraised both men with a seductive smile before laughing heartily at Coop’s shirt. “Me name is Mary, I’ll be your waitress this evening. What can I get you two handsome lads,” she said in a thick Irish accent.

Coop gave her a roguish smile, “Well, hello there Mary. We’ll take three pints of Guinness.”

“Three pints?”

Don responded with a slow easy smile, “Yes, ma’am. Three. Our friend Lee will be joining us shortly.”

“Well, I hope your friend Lee is as handsome as the two of you. Three pints coming right up.” She gave them one last flirtatious grin before sauntering away from their table showing her curvy figure.

“I think Mary’s going to be a bit disappointed when she sees Lee.”

Don rolled his eyes, “Ya think?” He looked at Coop’s shirt. It was white with green lettering. Don snorted as he read the words ‘pog ma thoin' which meant ‘kiss my ass’ in Gaelic.

“So, you gonna kiss my ass later,” Coop said with a smirk.

Don gave Coop a shove in the arm, “You mean you’re gonna be kissing mine.”

Coop tapped his fingers on the table in time with the music. “So where’s your green? ‘Cause everyone’s a little Irish on St. Paddy’s Day. Come to think of it, they call the Irish the “Jews of Europe.” Would think you would want to show your support for our people?”

“Uh huh,” Don started to say but was cut off from a remark when Mary returned with their drink order.

A few minutes later Lia stepped in to the pub. She looked around and saw Don and Billy at a table against the wall. They were tapping their fingers to the beat of the music and watching the Irish dancers step dancing for the crowd, clicking their heals and stamping in unison. Don looked up smiling one of his thousand watt smiles, and waved her over to join them.

She joined them with a kiss on their cheeks and took a seat next to Don. She looked down at the table and smiled at the waiting pint of Guinness they had ordered for her.

Coop raised his beer, “Slainte!” and clinked his glass against Don and Lia’s.

The waitress came back and took their order. Don and Coop ordered Shepard’s pie. They both made fun of Lia for ordering a salad, telling her let her hair down and enjoy the celebration. She rolled her eyes and added a bowl of potato soup to her order along with a second pint of Guinness. The waitress cast one last disappointed look at the table before withdrawing to put their order in.

Lia raised her eyebrows at the waitress’s attitude, “I see you two have broken another poor girl’s heart.”

“Can you blame her,” Don said.

“I see your egos do not need stroking, as usual.”

Coop replied, “Nope, but you can definitely stroke something else when we get home.”

“And now we have the innuendos, my night is now complete,” Lia quipped back.

Don chuckled before he leaned over said, “You look nice.” He traced his finger down her neck and ran it over the low cut neckline.

Flushing slightly she replied, “Thanks.” She smoothed down her sleeveless silk, emerald green tunic, “Figured when in Rome do as the Romans, or maybe I should say Dublin.”

The band started a new set and invited the audience to join the dancers in a jig. Lia watched the dancers twirl around for a minute before asking, “Either of you care to dance?”

“I will,” Coop said as he stood up and offered his hand to her.

Don watched the two of them laugh as they tried to keep up with the other dancers. Don had never been happier in his life then he was now even his shrink commented that Don seemed to be more open. If Dr. Bradford only knew Don thought and to be honest not being able to be open about Coop was the only thing that marred his happiness. Don shook off the dark thoughts deciding that he had more than he could ever dream of with Coop and Lia both in his life. He sat back and allowed the festive music to wash over while he sipped his beer enjoying watching his lovers dance merrily about. When the song was finished they clapped for the band and returned to the table. Coop said to Lia, “I didn’t know you knew how to step dance. You sure you don’t have any Irish in you?”

Lia sat down took a sip of her beer before answering, “Nah Billy, a friend in college taught me, and besides, with a name like Liandra Sophia Grecco do I sound like I have any Irish in me?”

“Actually I can think of a time when you have some Irish in you,” Coop replied as a slow grin spread over his lips. “You too Don.” He took a sip of his beer.

“Yeah? Oh, this should be good.” She cast a wary glance at Don, who shrugged in reply,
“So tell me, when do we have some Irish in us?”

"Oh, how about every single time I thrust into you. With my tongue, my fingers, my cock...."

Don and Lia both burst out laughing at his answer. “He does have a point.” Don chuckled.

Lia gave Coop a playful grin, “So, I guess that makes Don and I honorary Irish.”

“Yup, it does,” replied Coop with a mischievously grin of his own, “We have a name for that. It’s called Irish by injection.”

Laughing along with Lia, Don raised his beer, "Here's to Irish by Injection. May it never end."

numbers_slash, don/coop

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