Middle Pleasures 1/3

Mar 01, 2007 20:27

This fic has been sort of running around in my head. It's sort of what I wanted to do and thank god for

bubbleslayer   she help make some sense out of it. IT was way longer than I had intended. But, it sort of came about by someone commenting on a fic that i read awhile back that the reviewer said, "I want a prostate!", It was also sort of inspired by
gyen_gaoltosing 's fic "the Offer"

Ok now that I've boared the hell out of you with that.. off to the story! (yeah it's along one)

Pairing(s): Don/Coop/Lia(OFC)
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: As always thank you my beta bubbleslayer who as always helps me with content and reigns me when needed

part 1

Lia exited the bedroom in a silk robe that Don had bought for her a few months back. She stepped into the living room to find both Don and Coop lounging on the couch next to each other. Don wore a pair of sweat pants while Coop had put his beat up jeans back on. Coop was leaning against Don as they both looked at the TV.  Lia watched them both for a minute. Both men still had the flush of afterglow of sex spread across their faces.  They both wore easy expressions of relaxation and contentment that made Lia feel slightly envious.  Don was touching Coop’s red hair. She stared at them for a few minutes and enjoyed the view. Both men were built and well defined. Don and Coop’s dark and light contrasted with each other as they leaned on each other. As usual the sight of the two men made Lia’s blood rush to certain parts of her body. Don was her boyfriend but she enjoyed the attention that Billy Cooper gave her with those lips and fingers. She mused that this threesome thing was really a good thing since both men lavished her with attention almost all the time. She felt her face flush as she thought of the things she liked to do to them and have them do to her.

Don turned his head catching her eye and said, “You gonna stand there all day or come sit with us?”

“Yup, that’s the plan.” Lia answered, as she came over to join them on the couch.

“Come sit here.” Coop smiled at her and scooted over allowing the dark haired woman to sit between the two men.  She sat with her back against Don’s chest. Coop pulled her legs to rest in his lap as he laid his hands on her calves. He absentmindedly ran his finger in a circle on one of them as he said, “We were trying to decide on what to have for dinner.”

Don added, “Yeah, were starved.”  He situated one of his arms around her torso.

Lia rolled her eyes, “You two are always starved after sex.”

Don’s face broke out into a large grin as he looked over at Coop, “Don’t you mean great sex?”

Coop chuckled, “Yeah, great sex. So what, pizza?”

Lia scrunched up her face, “Not pizza again. I swear, I’ve put on at least five pounds hanging out with you two. You’re making me fat.”

Coop looked at her incredulously, “Fat? Yeah, okay.”

Don grinned at Coop over Lia’s head, “Yeah, where? ‘Cause my hands have been over every inch of your body and I haven’t felt a thing. Actually, let me check again.”  He undid the tie on her robe letting it fall open and started to run his hands over her skin.  “Nope, don’t feel anything. Billy?”

Lia giggled, “Hey, wait, stop.”

Coop gave a feral grin and leaned over and started touching her too, “Nope, not a thing. Oh wait, maybe here.” He squeezed one of her breasts a little, “Nope, I was wrong.”

She half heartedly struggled to get away as she laughed, “Stop stop. You’re tickling me.” Lia felt herself oddly turned on as both man were touching her all over. “Please, please stop.”

Don said, “Okay, we’ll stop.” He leered at her, “For now.”

Coop chimed in, “Yeah, for now.”

Lia tried to catch her breath from laughing, “Is that a promise?” She asked as she quickly got up from the couch and sat on an adjacent chair away from their grasp.

Don made a pouting face, “Why are you sitting over there?”

She retied her robe close. “I don’t trust you two to keep your hands to yourself.” She smirked,  “So, about dinner?”

Coop answered, “Well, if you’re so concerned with getting fat what do you want?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know. I can always make something. I have some chicken that’s defrosted.”

Don said, “Sounds good.”

“Okay, then let me go get started.” She stood up.

Coop spoke, “I’ll give you a hand.”

Lia raised an eyebrow at him, “You’re gonna help?”

“Yeah, sure, why not?”

“Fine. Do you think you can behave yourself and not annoy me?”

“Nope, not at all.” Coop grinned.

“Wonderful. Well come on, you can chop the veggies,” she said over her shoulder as she went to the kitchen.

Coop winked at Don as he followed behind her.

Don said, “I’d better help too. You know, keep the blood shed to a minimum.”

Link to part 2-  http://darkkevlar.livejournal.com/5406.html

numb3rs_slash, numb3rs_fic, don/coop

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