Yeargh. It's been years since I possessed a fresh, dewy complexion (if at all) but this winter skin situation is getting ridiculous!
Granted, I've been slowly dehydrating myself (not on purpose!) and keep forgetting to lotion up après shower (I was going to go all out French but après douche just sounds too raunchy), but really. The return of
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Comments 16
And doooood - why not just drink the crunchy, flavorful tap water?
I have been taking flax seed oil supplements, but not as much or as often as I should. Maybe I should double my intake... (The Mister had me down a spoonful of unrefined coconut oil the other day because he read somewhere that it was good for easing PMS symptoms. It was so barfy I almost tore him a new one again. :P However, I bet my coat will be nice and shiny!)
The one professional facial I got led to the aesthetician calling my skin "crepe-y" which sounds delicious but is actually some sort of diagnosis of dehydration.
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Sounds like I'm going to have the most well lubricated "potions and lotions" section of the bathroom!
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