[Drabbles]: Laws of Motion

Jun 09, 2010 02:31

Genre: Fluff

Characters / Pairings: Various

Rating: G

Possible Spoilers: Shiyagare #002 (Shimura Ken), #004 (Nakayama Hideyuki), Monster PV Behind-the-Scenes
Disclaimer: Can’t claim credit for the boys, their fame and what nots, just this insane brain of mine.

Summary: Drabbles linking Arashi and Newton’s Laws of Motion.  Comments are love.

Author’s Notes: LOL.  Good God.  Seems like everything can be linked to the 5 rainbow boys these days.  I haven’t abandoned Thunderstorms and Tempest ( new part posted!), just inspired by RL to write these little random bits.


“An object will stay in its state of being until affected by another object”

Johnny’s Entertainment was nothing but strict when it came to rules.  They all understood that.  That’s why they knew to “abide by company guidelines” when the group was hit with difficulties in the starting years: despite members wishing to quit even at the start, scandals that arose due to their youth, among others.

But there were also rules that were meant to be challenged by individuals, molds to be broken, otherwise how else did one explain idols who thrived on industry firsts?  Sho was the first idol-cum-university undergraduate-cum-national newscaster, Nino - a Japanese star who could make a name for himself in the foreign lands of Hollywood.  Not forgetting Ohno was the first and only Johnny’s artist to successfully hold an art exhibition, while Matsujun went for dramatic roles - like a human pet and half-Japanese-half-Filipino - that defied common sense to critical acclaim, and even now claimed another first for the group’s drama appearance at the coveted Monday 9pm drama slot.

Someone in the higher-ups must have also begun to realize that other rules needed to be brought into question.  It had been an unwritten edict since forever that Johnnies were forbidden to perform skits like Baka Tono.  This was the way things were, and how things were supposed to continue.  But even that was now thrown out the window.

That it was company-sanctioned and not any of their individual’s decision really wasn’t something that Aiba needed to argue with when he was having so much fun, and looking at the other four white-painted faces around him, he was pretty sure the sentiment was shared.

Word count: 263 words

“Force = Mass x Acceleration”


“I see… Indeed…”


“Ma ma ma ma ma…”

The man threw a glance at the other as the sounds continued to pour forth from the most unlikely person he could imagine.  The roles were practically just foisted onto them just minutes ago, and already Jun seemed like a fish taking to water.


“Whoo! Whoo!”

“Whoo! Whoo!” This time, the calls were closer, as if Jun was intentionally trying to get his attention.  Biting on his lip, Sho refused to look over to his side.  Unable to decide if he was more affected by the - somewhat - embarrassment of Jun’s hyper-excitement, or amazement that the latter seemed to have found a way to apply his newly acquired skill to his private life, he steadfastly kept his eyes glued to the front as Lady Gaga returned to the stage to rousing applause… and the calls of one wound up top idol.


“There he is… Kaibutsu-ku~n!”

“Ky~u! Ky~u!”

It was no longer a surprise that the catcalls were becoming an increasing feature of Arashi’s recent backstage antics.  Even the others were beginning to mimic Jun, and the occasion of the Monster PV filming was no exception.  The heat of the location was probably not helping, but it was undeniable: the atmosphere was undoubtedly fired up.

Sho couldn’t help but wonder bemusedly to himself that really, they’d created a monster alright.

Word count: 230 words

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Ohno looked at Nino sprawled out on the couch, his face hidden by his forearm, and he felt bad.

He didn’t mean to always turn down requests to go out together for meals.

He didn’t mean that he didn’t like to spend time with the second youngest outside of work.

He didn’t like the feeling in his tummy that told him the other one was probably skipping meals in favour of much-needed rest with the filming for Gantz and Oohku.

Which was the only reason why he was doing this; he convinced himself it was to cheer up the recently much-fatigued other half of Ohmiya SK.

“Nino,” Oh-chan squatted down to softly whisper into the other’s ear to avoid waking him up too forcefully.

“Hmm…” the other mumbled sleepily.

“How about going out for yakiniku after you’ve showered?”

A smile gradually curled itself around Nino’s lips when he finally sat up to throw Ohno a megawatt smile; the oldest idol congratulated himself on a job well-done.

Nino having a proper meal: check.  Agreeing to Nino’s request for a meal with him: check.

“Guys, get a move on.  Oh-chan’s treating yakiniku!” Nino merrily announced to cheers around the room.

Ehhh… was all that ran through Ohno’s mind.

Word count: 206 words


length: drabble, pairing: ohno satoshi/ninomiya kazunari, pairing: matsumoto jun/sakurai sho, arashi, genre: fluff, fanfiction, character: aiba-oriented

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