[One-shot] Who Has The Best Skills?

May 29, 2010 00:06

Genre: Romance, Humour

Pairings: Don’t want to spoil the surprise.

Rating: PG-13 (sorry, I suck at defining ratings other than G, but still quite safe so long as you can tolerate Arashi boy-on-boy pairings)

Disclaimer: Can’t claim credit for the boys, their fame and what nots, just this insane brain of mine.

Summary: Sho is hyped about filming Mario CMs and seeks assistance.  Comments are love.

Word count: 1,524 words

Author’s Notes: Time is a rare commodity indeed that I apologize for the slowness of the next part of Thunderstorms and Tempest.  Hope this one-shot can make up for it a little?


Filming for the group interview is just over, and the members have gone about their individual schedules when a storm veritably blows into the green room.

“Ne.  Nino-chan!”

To which the gamer spares Sho a quick glance before narrowing his eyes suspiciously and turns back to his game on-screen.  “I’m busy.” He deadpans and it is not a question.

The brightness in the up-till-then sparkly eyes dims a little, but refuses to be snuffed out.

“Aw, come on.  You know I wouldn’t ask if you weren’t the best,” he tries again in a more cajoling tone, and even plonks himself half onto the smaller man.

A cough from the other end of the four-man couch draws Sho’s attention.

“Oh.  Hi Jun,” is all the attention the youngest earns before Sho’s focus returns to the diminutive figure who is hunched over the Wii controller, intent on blocking out whatever cheerful spirits have inhabited the animated newscaster.

“I’m exercising my physical dexterity.” Nino’s eyes are virtually glued to the screen, intent on beating the boss despite the doe-eyed looks that he catches out of the corner of his eye.

As his fingers glide effortlessly over the buttons, he releases an aggrieved hmph. Although his eyes follow Mario as he jumps from cloud to cloud, his words only seemed to perk Sho up as the latter realizes his presence is at least acknowledged.

“Why are you still playing the Galaxy games?  Your filming with Aiba’s already over right?”  Sho pouts almost too prettily.  “Couldn’t we practise for the one that we’re going to film?”

“No offence, Sho-chan,” Nino’s left lip quirks a little too merrily, whether it’s because Mario clears another level or because of the remark directed at the older man, “but I’d hardly call playing with you ‘practice’, not when I can count on one finger how many times you’ve claimed superiority over me in this aspect.”

“I’m not THAT bad.”

A choked chortle from the other end of the couch results in a shuffle of papers to hide a guilty countenance, and again causes Sho’s attention to shift to the only other occupant in the room.

“Why don’t you get Jun to help you? He’s just as qualified to help you, and he’s free,” Nino suggests, as his body jerks a little to his right, following the movement of the swinging floor panels Mario tries to avoid crashing through.

“But YOU’re here.”

“Hey,” protested Jun, “I’m no small fry you know.”

“I know THAT,” Sho addresses Jun nonchalantly before turning back to Nino once again.  “But Nino, YOU’re the one I’ll be filming with anyhow-”

“Hey,” the youngest sulks grudgingly and is no longer content to be ignored.

“Nino…” Sho practically whines.

“Sho-chan.” Jun is no longer content to just be heard and reaches to tug on Sho’s tee-shirt, even as the twenty-eight-year-old distractedly pats his hand, his focus still trained on the group’s acknowledged gamer.

“Argh!” Nino groans as Mario plunges over the cliff edge, causing the gaming wizard to turn his gaze sharply on the cause of his early demise.

“That. Is. It.” Nino’s voice is barely controlled as he practically flings the controller on the couch between Sho and himself.  “Is it too much to ask for some downtime to relax between filming two movies?  You,” pointing at Sho, “can seek help from your boyfriend. And you,” his finger finds a new target in Jun, “can remind your boyfriend how it’s rude to practically fawn on another man in your presence.”

Without waiting for another word, Nino exits the room.

Jun realizes that Nino’s words hit the nail on the head and throws a glance over at Sho, only to have his resentment at being snubbed dissipate when he sees the whipped-puppy look in his boyfriend’s eyes.  His own emotions quickly turn to worry when he sees Sho’s eyes moisten, his lower lip being pulled in by teeth to be nervously chewed upon.

Jun knows that Sho takes it personally whenever someone gets mad at him, and he cannot bear that the older man is smarting from Nino’s brusque remarks.  Moving closer to Sho, he tries to find the right words to soften the blow.

“Come on Sho.  Nino didn’t mean to be mean,” his slim fingers coming to rest on the other’s arm, his voice is gentle to show that he isn’t angry at having been disregarded.

“But I just didn’t want to waste Nino-chan’s time during the actual filming if we had to take too many takes,” Sho says softly, his words interspersed with his sniffles.  “I know I’m not the best among us in gaming-”

“No,” Jun says a little jokingly, “you are the worst.”

The limpid pools that Sho turns onto Jun is filled with mild horror and makes the oft-acid tongued member retract his words, “I’m just teasing you.”

“That still doesn’t solve the problem.  Maybe if I ask Nino-” Sho tries to stand and head for the door as he regains some enthusiasm, only to be pulled back into his seat by Jun.

“I’LL help you,” Jun declares with no hesitation.

“But Nino-” Sho still seems unable to believe that anyone else is qualified to help and Jun squashes the slight bubble of sourness inside before his next words exit his mouth.

“You don’t trust me, your BOYFRIEND, to help bring up your gaming skills?” Jun asks as he slowly drapes one knee over Sho’s hips, effectively trapping the man under him.

“I don’t doubt your…” Sho gulps nervously as he tries to shift himself a little higher up on the couch to give some space between Jun and himself, “… skills in ANY aspect.” This earns a small grin from Jun before Sho continues.  “It’s just that Nino-”

Jun gives a soft sigh as he leisurely sits himself directly onto Sho’s lap, his arms resting on the older man’s shoulders and his hands clasping lightly behind the soft wisps he finds there.  “One would think NINO was your boyfriend, the way you keep going on and on about him.”

It’s now Sho’s turn to try to placate Jun as the full lips in front of him are gnawed upon and the mole that is hidden under his lip comes into view.  “How could you say that?  You know how I feel about Nino… about you.” His words are spoken in a trance, his eyes never leaving the beauty mark and the lips that are briefly moistened by the flick of a pink tongue.

“Really?” Jun asks as he slowly traces his left hand from Sho’s earlobe, skimming his jawline lightly before his thumb gently follows the outline of the older man’s lower lip.  “Are you sure you wouldn’t still prefer Nino-chan to be here instead?” The words are breathed in Sho’s right ear and Jun notes the rapid breaths that are being drawn into the body trembling beneath him.

“I think,” Sho swallows deeply, his eyes fluttering shut, as his head cannot decide to follow Jun’s voice or his free-roaming, teasing left hand.  “I think he’ll get mad… if I look for him… so soon after…” Sho’s words seem to have slowed down in direct contrast to the pounding of his heart that Jun can feel as his fingertips skim down the torso of the older man.  Sho’s fists have clenched into tight fists that are seeking to burrow themselves into the seat of the couch, as if they are afraid to touch Jun.

“So let me show you just how good I can be,” Jun whispers as he runs ticklish fingertips up along Sho’s torso again, tracing lightly the biceps of his upper right arm and down to the other man’s fingertips.

When Sho feels the loss of said fingertips, he opens his eyes questioningly to see that while Jun remains atop him, his attention has unsatisfyingly been redirected to the game controller Nino had left behind on the couch.

Before Jun’s hand can actually make contact with the device, he finds his wrist pulled back to face an increasingly agitated Sho.

“What are you doing?”

“The game-” is all Jun gets out before he finds himself flipped over and occupying Sho’s previous position.  “I thought you wanted to practise…” Jun says breathlessly as Sho now glowers over him, his gaze no longer that of the melancholic wolf pup, and instead very much the predatory alpha male staking his territory.

“That can wait.”

And all Jun registers are Sho’s lips, Sho’s scent, and that is really all that matters.


When Sho awakes to a blanket wrapped around himself and Jun, he notes the blinking flash of a message on his phone.  Taking care not to wake the younger man who shifts to fit more comfortably against him, he retrieves the phone and grins a little at the words he sees.

;) Took the liberty of locking the door behind me when I left.  Told staff-san that everyone had already gone for the day.  Don’t say I did nothing for my best friend when he comes up with a brilliant plan every once in awhile.  m( ^ - ^ )m  
~ Nino


Edited for making Sho-chan younger than he really was.  *blush* Thanks Jaime astrangerenters!

genre: romance, pairing: matsumoto jun/sakurai sho, arashi, pairing: sakurai sho/ninomiya kazunari, length: one-shot, genre: comedy/humour, fanfiction

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