Layout #7

Mar 02, 2005 16:56

First thing... this place has a new layout!. Even if you're not going to comment on the layout on offer, PLEASE comment on the new look :) It's a compilation of a whole bunch of new things that I've never ever tried before, and I'm quite proud of it! As you can see, there's quick links to all the layouts on offer, eventually, they'll be links to ( Read more... )

movie, hobbits, layout, actor

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Comments 35

freetoday March 2 2005, 19:26:18 UTC
delightful! I am not using it now, but may come back for it soon. :)


darkicedphoenix March 2 2005, 19:44:37 UTC
Glad you liked!


sunny_gurl March 2 2005, 19:43:48 UTC
I like the new layout, it took a while for it to load onto my computer, but I think my connection at school is just a bit slow right now. I really like the links on the side, its really organized, and easy to use. So good job!! :)


darkicedphoenix March 2 2005, 19:45:22 UTC
It took a while? Must be a slow connection - there's even less to load then my normal layouts! Haha. And yay, you liked :)


sunny_gurl March 2 2005, 20:33:03 UTC
yea the connection here at school, has been pretty awful lately, but what can ya do???


artistbynight March 3 2005, 21:04:17 UTC
Lovely new layout! May I ask how you did the image map with the overrides? I've never been able to figure that out.

The banner, dividers, and colors are gorgeous, although I have a few suggestions...

< con-crit rant >
  • The brushes on the banner look pretty good, but remember: do NOT over do it! The keyword that you should ALWAYS remember for brushes is subtle. I would probably suggest lowering the opacity on that brush layer quite a bit, and possibly changing the layer blend mode.

    Also, brush choice is important, too! Remember; you want brushes that are, again, subtle, but when used all together, improve the look of the picture. While the Gryffindor and Slytherin crests are a cool idea, they look odd, and somewhat out of place. Perhaps you could try making those two brushes *much* bigger, and overlaying the Gryffindor one over the entire Harry side of the image and the Slytherin one over the entire Draco side of the image. I might suggest changing the layer blend mode & opacity on those, too, to make them stand out a bit more from ( ... )


darkicedphoenix March 4 2005, 01:39:40 UTC
Image map...a firend of mine has asked for a tute, so I'll be doing one of over the weekend. Look out for that ( ... )


artistbynight March 4 2005, 03:54:59 UTC
Image Map > Great! I shall be on the watch ~.^
Brushes > Yeah, it does have kind of a cool effect, but more of a...*BAM* sort of effect, rather than a...well, a *whisper* effect. And any excuse to play around more with brushes is good, right? ;)
House Crests > Haha, glad you caught that one yourself XD Because that was the only really obvious "wow, that does NOT work" type of thing. And canning them entirely would not necessarily be a bad thing >.>
Gradients > Welcome ^^
Text > Great, that should work.
Links > Haha, yeah, the blue is good ^^
Color Scheme > I do too, but it *is* possible to have too much of a good thing ~.^ And while I like dark reds and all sort of purples, I don't, er, exactly like that dark red you've got for the links with that bright purple XD But that's really just personal opinion. So yeah -.-
Tables > Ahahaha, I *just* looked at the layout in IE, and the scrollbox looks all spiffyful now, so never mind! (I use Firefox, see, and it was showing up like this XD ( ... )


darkicedphoenix March 4 2005, 04:29:44 UTC
This is getting freaky - I was thinking the same thing about the red links! And I was also gonna work on changing the colour of the 'mood' and 'music' labels. What I *really* would like to do is change the colour of the text in the sidebar, but I can't work out the correct override to use. LJ refuses to let me use <*font> tags in the overrides, so I have to have the same colour as the rest of the text! One of the days....

and GOD it looks awful in mozilla! I never use mozilla, so i didn't bother putting in the mozilla variations so it'll look cool on that too. maybe I should!

Yeah, will be touching up the header. I'm having issues about softening the brushes though, cos I like how they lighten it up so it blends better against the white background! HAHA, I''ll work something out.


and_i_dream March 9 2005, 02:36:53 UTC
i took your layout, if you don't mind... i love it so much!!!! ^_^ if you don't like me having it, just tell me, and i'll take it off.


darkicedphoenix March 9 2005, 02:41:45 UTC
LOL, it's there for other people to use :) So keep it on as long as you wish and thanks for using it!


and_i_dream March 9 2005, 02:44:13 UTC
yay! thanks! lol. i just had to ask... some people are odd about their layouts... even though they post it publically, they tend to get iffy when people use it... so, was just play safe, so that i'd not have any people hunting me down... ^_^


darkicedphoenix March 9 2005, 02:57:09 UTC
Really? wow, that's weird! This is my graphics LJ and all the graphics I post (mainly layouts and icons, sometimes banners too) are for other people to use (with the correct credit of course *wink*). SO feel free to friend this place if you like my work and I'll friend you back!


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