so today, wow. i went to bed after four (it was prolly nearing five) and i woke up to my alarm at noon, switched it off and went back to sleep until 2, when my sister decided to wake me up by giving me our huge cat fooseball. she apparently wanted to trade for chaplin, who sleeps with me and had decided that, since i wasnt up she wasnt getting
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Comments 4
LMAO, "My Job Sucks". XDDD That could've been the working title of it, lol.
=D Work lulz. Omfg, man. That girl is so dense. XDD And she was trying to get the calls traced, wow. I lol'd. You guys rock at pranks, seriously. x'D And you're totally the workplace Moriarty. XD
Sucks that Boris ducked out, though. Dx Fail. You know that's not a coincidence, either. Lol, speaking as if I know him. XD
I fail to see how a Littlest Petshop fish is cuter than Basil. ;___;
Nice icons! :3 I like the fourth one.
INO, man. srsly. id like to think if someone announced they had been prankcalling people the other day and *I* had been prankcalled & texted i would have put 2+2 together but i guess not, lol. wots sad/awesome is that well quickly top it, i have no doubt. and s is like out to get me, man, saying im an evil genius and wotnot (i shouldnt like to consider her a sherlock type XD) yeah ino wots up with that? ah well hopefully itll go by fast next week
THANK YOU. i guess she is a bit "special" cos she does rant on and on about tennant XD
;_; i like him in that dandy sailor outfit. i still say theres something cary grant-ish about him when hes dressed like that.
how is it weird for me to think a cartoon mouse is adorable but acceptable for her to think a virtual/drawn fish is cute?
It's like the pot calling the kettle black, right there.
Lovely icons =D
If you're wondering why there's a difference in photoshop b/w, it's cos some old films use a bluish/cyanish tint to bring out the details better. Learn that fact from MST3k :3
For #2 That's cos Holmes is that gangster XD
yes thank you! and then she logged in with her display as the freaking fish and she got mad when i said something about it XD honestly. people are just crazy.
ah well that explains it then. the more i know XD
trufax holmes smacks a bitch with the phone in the next scene ..... ;_; i would have lold if he had, at any rate
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