Microfic Meme: Ten Genres in Ten Sentences (x5 fandoms)

Sep 16, 2009 00:46

So, way back in March, a Microfic Meme appeared on my flist and I snagged it. The idea was to write ten sentences in ten genres for a particular fandom - Angst, AU, Crack, Crossover, First Time, Fluff, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, and UST ( Read more... )

eureka:carter/stark, sga:m/s:misc, dcu:bruce/wally, spn:wincest:misc, meme, btvs:s/x:misc

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Comments 58

literati September 16 2009, 00:07:24 UTC
Crack - Teyla, as the recently elected Queen of New Pegasus, performed their marriage ceremony in the Receiving Hall of Atlantis; an event which ended with John and Rodney running hand in hand through the gauntlet of pretend Wraith to jump symbolically to safety and a new life though the unactivated Ring of the Ancestors.

This broke me. I've definitely pulled something. OMG!

Lovely, baby! Too many favourites to paste all at once.

*waits for the h/d and m/k microfics* ♥


darkhavens September 16 2009, 00:36:23 UTC
*pushes the something back where it ought to be* :D

Thankee, darlin'!

Also... :P


auntyk September 16 2009, 00:31:49 UTC
nashmaveric was only querying the existance of Nathan/Jack the other day and lo' you provide. :)


darkhavens September 16 2009, 00:34:41 UTC
They have their very own comm - marshal_science. There's not a lot of fic, but there's some good stuff, especially the ones by serene_quill.

And there are a (very) few pieces in my tags. :D


huntress69 September 16 2009, 00:38:33 UTC
I did it, but mine was 10 words or less...

Angst - Truth be told, Dean isn't angry or horrified that Sam appears to be turning to the dark side; what nearly breaks him is that Sam hasn't bothered to invite him along for the ride, after everything they've shared.

I loved this one, and you know that would have pissed Dean off.


darkhavens September 26 2009, 17:04:39 UTC
Thank you!

Dean wouldn't let Sam get away with it. *g*


indigocat September 16 2009, 00:43:31 UTC
Loved them. My favorite ones were the Eureka micros.


darkhavens September 26 2009, 17:17:32 UTC
Thank you!

I am determined to keep Nathan alive by hook or by crook. *g*


haruechan September 16 2009, 00:51:24 UTC
Loved those mcsheps! The fluff one was so sweet...


darkhavens September 26 2009, 17:21:17 UTC
Thanks! :D

The idea of catsmuggler!John was impossible to resist. *g*


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