Fic: 'Four Ways John Tried To Seduce Rodney And One Where He Honestly Didn't, But It Worked Anyway'

Nov 11, 2006 04:40

Author: darkhavens
Title: Four Ways John Tried To Seduce Rodney And One Where He Honestly Didn't, But It Worked Anyway, 1/5
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Rating: PG-13
Words: 247
Feedback/Concrit: darkhavens @
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Summary: Sometimes, Rodney can be oblivious.
Notes: Written for stagesoflove Round 6, Five Elements (Asian set), #1 - Wood.

Four Ways John Tried To Seduce Rodney And One Where He Honestly Didn't, But It Worked Anyway - Wood

Rodney approached each stick-fighting lesson with equal amounts of anticipation and palm-moistening dread, but he never failed to turn up. Barring invasions, nanovirus breakouts or a thousand other flavours of emergency, Rodney got to be the sole focus of Colonel Sheppard's up close and personal attention for a whole hour every third day. And in a locked room, too, because there was no way on any planet in any known galaxy that Dr Rodney McKay was picking up Athosian fighting sticks while there was the remotest chance that someone might wander by and accidentally see him. He had a reputation to maintain, after all.

So, every three days there was sweating and panting and bruising and close contact, and at least one, usually two and on one never-to-be-forgotten occasion four, incidents where he was pinned to the floor by a wildly grinning, slightly squirmy, bright-eyed Colonel.

It was heaven and hell and Rodney loved every painful minute, sadly secure in the knowledge that the Colonel was oblivious to how the regular sparring was affecting Rodney's hormones, his BP and the fit of his underwear.

And if, occasionally, Rodney felt The Little Major (and please god, when had he given John's dick its own nickname?) trying to muscle in on those full body pins, well, it was just a normal reaction to combat, right? Not that that stopped him haring back to his room once the lesson was over to work off some excess 'adrenaline' of his own.

sga:m/s:misc, sga:m/s:4x john tried

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