Hunted [Chapter 4]

Oct 13, 2012 22:51

Title: Hunted
Autor: darkgrimangel
Pairing: ToDae / others
Rating: NC-17 - R
Summary: I'm guessing that everybody dreamt of being a supernatural being when they were kids. You imagined you could fly, travel at high speed, being able to see in the dark, be invisible... Those kind of things. And I get that it looks very fun when you are young. The only things you think of are the fun parts of being something that's not human, not the bad things. And why should you?  Even though you are a kid, you somehow know that it's only in your mind and that you'll never be a weird creature, right? Well, you can't be more wrong.

"Hyung, run!!" And I do. I run out of the classroom, out of the school and I just keep running.

I'm running so fast now I can hardly breath. It's traffic hour in Seoul, can you imagine? People are staring at me, is it so obvious I'm running away from the authorities? Is there a sigh on my forehead that says: I'm a monster that is fleeing from... from... Whatever they are? That's not right, they can't know that. I can hear sirens, but they're so far away, I doubt that anyone thinks they're after me. The people I almost run into are backing away, in fear?

Oh, now I know... In my haste, I forgot to 'change' back into a more normal looking teenager. So I concentrate and sure, I can feel my nails retracting to their normal size, which tells me I look normal once more. I keep running and when I turn around the next corner, people aren't staring as much as they did. Good.

Huh, it's weird. It's my 18th birthday today. I guess normal kids spend this day a bit different. But running is the best option here. I really don't want to get caught. Although 'they' claimed they won't do anything to us except performing some tests, I don't want to find out. Besides, for the past month or so, stories started to go around the school. Stories about people like me, people that were caught and never heard from again. Even though they might not be true, most people that got caught didn't do anything wrong. I, on the other hand, already... Or so it would seem.

I can't hear the sirens anymore so I stop running. Staying on the streets would be a bad idea. I look around and spot an abandoned apartment. While looking around, to see if nobody's paying attention to me, I cross the street. There's an ally next to the apartment. Maybe it'd be best not to enter through the front door. As I walk into the ally, there's indeed a small backdoor. I enter the building. It's too dark to see anything, now what? I don't have a lighter or anything like that. Wait, I remember that the first time I 'changed' my strength didn't improve that much, as well as my night vision. But after a while I thought it did improve, maybe...

And sure, when I eyes change bright blue, I can see my surroundings. I'm standing in a kitchen. It clearly hasn't been used in a very long time. Everything looks rusty and there's no food in sight. Not that I'd need any.         As I make my way through the kitchen, I can see rats fleeing from me. I can see their tiny veins. Now I've been watching vampire movies the past four months, just to, you know, make sure I wasn't a vampire. I even watched the vampire chick flicks and there was always one thing they had in common: bloodlust. And I don't have that, at all. I don't feel hungry, I have no need for food. But I also have no need for blood. When I bit Daesung, I did feel something. But it turned out it was just a dream.

There's a door at the end of the kitchen. I walk through the door and I'm standing in a hallway with stairs. Upstairs there are probably some bedroom. Maybe it would be best if I try to sleep a bit. As I go upstairs I notice that I didn't bring my backpack. Shit, I left it in the classroom. I want to call Daesung, to see if he's okay. They must have noticed that he knows about me, since he was the one that told me to run. On the other hand, he's 'normal' so I don't think they're allowed to do something. And knowing Daesung, he's probably more worried about me than about himself. But since my cell phone is still in my backpack, there's no way I can contact him.

On the second floor, there are a lot of separate rooms. Come to think of it, the building looks more like a hotel. I open one of the doors and enter the room. Inside, I can see a comfortable looking bed. There's a window on the other side of the room. It's been closed off with wood but there's light coming in through the cracks. I lie on the bed and close my eyes. The running has worn me out. Since the window's glass is broken, the room is cold. It's November. Why did this happen now and not during the summer? It's freezing, even if I'm wearing a coat. I had a scarf as well, but while I was running, I threw it away. Stupid, stupid me!

How long am I going to have to run? I don't have a car or money, so I'll have to do everything by foot? Great... I can stay here for a while, but soon they'll start looking for me. And an abandoned building isn't really a very original place to hide. I'm sure that by now they've showed my picture on TV. So it's best to leave the city. My eyes start to get tired. I close them and practically fall asleep right away.


I wake up to the sound of cars honking. The light isn't coming through the cracks of the window anymore, so I guess it's already night. I must have been exhausted. I still can't believe I fell asleep like that. It's actually quite dangerous. I sit up and suddenly remember what I've dreamt about.

Daesung and I were walking next to the han river on a sunny summer day. He was holding my hand in his and smiled at me. I was holding some ice cream.

"Hyung, can I have a taste of your ice cream?"

"sure" I said, and I held it in front of his face.

"Ah, but I want hyung to feed me." He pouted. And I took some of the ice cream in my mouth, got closer to Daesung and kissed him.

And then I woke up. Great, Why did my mind decide that this was an excellent time to dream something like that? I get up from the bed. I really do want to call Daesung now. I want to know he's okay, I want to hear his voice,... But without a cell phone... Wait, maybe there's a phone booth nearby. It's dangerous to go outside, but it's dark. There aren't a lot of people walking around anymore, and if there are it's too dark to see my face clearly. And if I don't move soon, I'm going to freeze to death.

I leave the building and put the collar of my coat up so it covers most of my face. I look around. Nobody's walking on the sideways anymore. There's a digital clock hanging on one of the shops across the street, reading 21:13. I really slept for a long time then.

I walk around for a while and then I see a phone booth standing on a street corner. I walk towards it while searching for some change in my pockets. Up close, the phone booth looked pretty old but still working. I take the change out of my pocket and put it in the phone. I dial Daesung's number. Yes, it's the only number I know by heart. When the beeping starts, my heart begins to beat harder. After w            hat feels like forever, I can hear somebody picking up.

"Hello?" His voice, he's okay. I want to answer, but my throat constricts. I'm so happy he's okay.

"Hyung? Is that you?" My eyes widen, how does he know that? I don't know why, but I can feel tears stinging in my eyes. I try to say something, but there's still no sound coming from my mouth.

"It's you, isn't it? Are you okay hyung?" He speaks in a soft and caring voice. God, why is he so kind to me? I don't deserve a friend like him. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I should say something since I don't have a lot of time before the phone runs out of money. I open my mouth and try to say something without my voice cracking too much, but who am I kidding...

"D-Dae-" But I get cut off by a voice shouting at me.

"Choi Seunghyun! Put down the phone and turn around slowly!" Crap, they've found me. I do as I'm told. I can see a couple of 'agents' standing there. When I look closer, I notice that they aren't caring guns or anything like that. So I decide to run , changing back into my 'supernatural' form so I'm a bit faster than them.

But when I cross the street, I forget to look out for any possible cars. I hear a honk and look to my right, just in time to see a car hit my leg. I'm smashed against the asphalt a few meters further. The pain in my leg is indescribable. My leg looks torn up, blood seeping through my trousers. I hear footsteps coming closer and I remember that I have to run. And I do. Despites my injured leg, I get up and run as fast as I can.

I'm totally delusional the entire time I'm running and it seems like I was able to shake them off at some point. I'm not stopping however, they can be back anytime. But my foot gets stuck behind a side border and I trip and fall.

"Aargh!!" Shit that hurt! My leg is in a very bad shape. I crawl towards the closest wall I can find and pull myself up. I can't keep running in this condition. I look around and it seems like I'm in an industry zone. The highway bridge that runs above an abandoned wasteland seems to be full of life. The bottom part of the bridge is delineated with tall fences. I can see an opening between two fences. It seems like a good place to hide for now. I stumble towards the opening and try to wriggle myself in between the two fences without making too much noise.

Inside, it's dark. The fences cut off the street lamps' light. Luckily, I can see in the dark now. Or see good enough to see where I'm going anyway. I walk in the direction of one of the bridge's pillars. There's something and its foot. It looks like there's a hovel or something. I continue walking until I can hear a voice behind me.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I turn around to see a figure with red, glowing eyes. I back away instantly. Shit, I can't run!

"I said: Who are you and what are you doing here!?" His voice only got stronger. It's clear he is something like me, but that doesn't mean anything. I continue to back away.

"I-I'm running from t-those guys in the black suits with those neon logo's. I'm just looking for a place to hide!" As proof I show him my blue eyes and fangs.

"I'm hurt and I can't run anymore, please that's all!" I can see him reaching out and I try to back away further, but there's something on the ground that makes me fall down once more. It's really not my day.


"Shit, are you okay?" The stranger asks me, his voice now worried instead of angry. He bends down and I can now see his face. He looks about my age, has hellish red hair that is shaped like a horn on one side, his eyes are even more red and he has a piercing in his bottom lip. He looks apologetic at me.

"Crap, I didn't want to scare you like that. Can you stand?" He holds out his hand and I nod. I take his hand in mine and pull myself up. He puts his head under my arm so I can lean on him and we slowly walk towards the hovel. When he opens the door, there's a small fire in the middle of the room. Around the fire are boxes and some thin mattresses with blankets. He puts me down on one of them and starts talking again.

"Sorry about that, I thought you were one of them suit guys." He says smiling slightly.

"When I looked closer I recognized you from the pictures they've showed on TV this afternoon. And no, I don't have a TV here, I saw it on the great screen at the end of the highway. Just so you know, the entire city is looking for you." And then his hair colour changes into blond, the horn disappears and his eyes turn brown. I recognize him now.

"Y-you're the kid that ran away almost a year ago, the first one!" He looks at me and nods.

"Yeah, that's me. The name's Jiyong by the way." He smiles again, sadly this time.

"Your name is Seunghyun, right?" I nod. He looks at me and then looks at my injured leg. He turns around and starts to rummage through some of the boxes.

"Your leg looks awful and since I can't exactly take you to a hospital... Ah, here it is!" He says a little brighter. He turns around again and shows me a first aid kit. He comes over and sits next to me. With his hands, he carefully lifts up my torn trouser. The cut on my leg isn't bleeding any longer, but the gash in my leg is pretty nasty looking. Jiyong takes out some disinfectant and puts some of it on the cut.

"Aah-" I bite my lip so I wouldn't scream. He looks at me.

"Sorry... How did you get this?" He asks.

"I got ambushed, ran away and got it by a car somewhere in Seoul..." He looks at me in disbelieve, eyes wide.

"You got hit by a car and ran 6 miles with this leg?!?" 6 miles? Wow...

"How were you discovered then?"

"It's my birthday today. At school they tried to surprise me by buying a cake and when I refused to eat..."

"So you already knew you were... 'different'?"

"Yeah, I was 13 when I first discovered it... You didn't know?"

"No, when I first changed a year ago, my parents saw. My mom freak out and my dad grabbed his shotgun and told me to get out of the house." He smiles, or at least he tries to.

"Can... Can I ask you what happened to you?" I nod and tell him everything. I tell him about the bullies, about what happened to them, the men in suits, my parents, Daesung... I even told him about the hallucination when I bit Daesung.

"Shit and I thought my life sucked... But at least you have a boyfriend that loves you." I look at him an shake my head.

"No, wait. I never told him about it... He was my only real friend and I put him through enough crap already, so..."

"You didn't tell him?!" I nod sadly.

"And now I wish I did..." I try so hard not to cry and I guess he sees it. He puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles at me.

"You'll get your chance, believe me! Besides from now on, you have two friends!" He laughs and I can't help but to laugh as well.



A/N: Ooof~ another chapter ^^ Welcome GD!! XD (sorry for making your life a hell as well XS)

Made a 'bookcover' (it's the best I can do T^T)

And again, sorry for the mistakes ^^

fic, bigbang, daesung, fanfic, taeyang, big bang, g-dragon, top, seungri

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