Hunted [Chapter 2]

Oct 13, 2012 22:44

Title: Hunted
Autor: darkgrimangel
Pairing: ToDae / others
Rating: NC-17 - R
Summary: I'm guessing that everybody dreamt of being a supernatural being when they were kids. You imagined you could fly, travel at high speed, being able to see in the dark, be invisible... Those kind of things. And I get that it looks very fun when you are young. The only things you think of are the fun parts of being something that's not human, not the bad things. And why should you?  Even though you are a kid, you somehow know that it's only in your mind and that you'll never be a weird creature, right? Well, you can't be more wrong.

"Hi hyung, my name is Daesung, but you can call me Dae."

"H-hyung?" I asked.

"Uhu, you're older... Let's be friends, okay?"

"Uh... Y-yeah."

Daesung and I did become friends, best friends as a matter of fact. We were always sitting next to each other in class, spending time together outside of the school,... It's not like I didn't get along with the rest of the class. I'm pretty sure that a lot of girls have a slight crush on me, or at least that's what Daesung told me.

"Dae, why are all those girls looking at me like I'm their favourite food?" I remember asking him.

"Hyung, did you look at yourself in a mirror lately? You're the most handsome guy in the entire school!" Daesung said in disbelieve.

"Me, handsome? Yeah right, look at me."

"I am looking... Hyung, really? You look great, sharp cheekbones and killer eyes. Not to mention the rest of your body! Even guys are jealous of you! You're not... Chubby anymore, you... practically perfect!" Daesung said smiling. Yeah, I told him what happened, I told him everything... Well, I had to. Almost a year after we met.

It was my birthday. And no, I didn't tell anyone it was my birthday that day, so I just went to school like any other day. I really didn't trust anybody yet, not a hundred percent anyway and I didn't want to bother anyone with the fact that it was my birthday, thus I kept it quiet. I was on the brink of leaving the school building, heading back home, when Daesung asked me if I had some time to help him with something. I followed him  back to our classroom and when he opened the door, the lights went on and I saw a birthday cake, surrounded by a couple of presents. I was so stunned that I didn't see Daesung coming. He jumped in front of me, screaming: "Surprise! Happy birthday!!"

The fact that I was shocked must have been written all over my face because Daesung put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. He told me that the teacher saw my birth date in my record and informed the rest of the class. They decided to throw in a surprise party for me. The rest would be there soon, but they still had clean-up duty.

I tried to remain strong. Nobody did anything like this for me before. But then he started to sing and I could feel tears stinging, threatening to spill over. So I ran out of the classroom, searching for a place to hide.

Ironically enough, I hid myself in a stall in the bathroom. At that time, I was already crying. I tried to muffle the sounds escaping from my mouth, in case he'd come after me.

After a few moments, I thought he didn't or he wasn't able to find me. But then I heard the door of the lavatory open.

"Hyung are you in here?" I didn't make any sounds, or I don't think I did. But he knew I was in there for some reason. I could hear his footsteps getting closer and then, a knock.

"Are you alright? Can... Can I come in? Please?" I didn't answer him, he just opened the door. When I looked up, I could see his sympathetic face. I tried to cover up mine, because I didn't want him to see me crying. He crouched in front of me and took my hand away from my face and into his.

"Why are you crying? Did I... Did I do something wrong?" He said softly, face filled with what I can describe as panic. I shook my head.

"Then what is it?"

I told him everything. I told him about being chubby. I told him about the fact that I never had friends, I told him about the bullies and what happened. I even told him the entire story, not the one I told the police and my parents. And he just... Accepted it. He didn't judge me, got angry at me, no. He smiled at me and said he understood. I couldn't believe he would simple believe me. From that day on, we became inseparable.


For a couple of years, everything went smooth. I made friends with my entire class, even went out with a couple of girls (although I have to admit something's off, because every guy tells me it's the best and I really don't get why). I got good grades, which made my relationship with my parents better again. It wasn't like it was before 'that' happened, but at least they talked to me again.

But somewhere in my head, I knew that it wouldn't last. Not that anything happened again at that time, but I noticed I lost my appetite. I ate less and less without feeling hungry. The weird thing was that I didn't lose any weight doing so. So I got curious and decided not to eat until I got hungry, see how long it would take... After six days of not eating, I was still not hungry. So I just continued without food. My weight was stable, I didn't feel weak at all. And yes, at that time I told Daesung about it. I told him I began to worry it had anything to do with the 'incident'. He told me not to jump ahead of things and go and see a doctor. But seeing a doctor was the last thing I wanted to do. He'd just tell me I had anorexia and he'd tell my parents, the school, my friends would disappear... Daesung agreed with me after a day that it would indeed be a bad idea to see a doctor.


A couple of days later, I began to feel... strange. It was like my blood pressure was way too high, only it wasn't. My blood seemed to go through my body at 10 times its normal speed. My hands became ice cold as well as my feet. That went on for a few days and then it just became worse. I had to wear sunglasses to go outside, the sunshine was too bright. Even the classroom's lights hurt my eyes. When a classmate laughed it was like sirens went off. My head felt like it could explode any moment. Daesung, of course, noticed my pain.

"Hyung, you look awfully pale, maybe it's time to actually eat something." He could be right and I agreed to join him for lunch. That was the biggest mistake I could make. The moment the food entered my stomach, I felt like I was going to puke. I ran towards the toilet, leaving behind a confused Daesung. On the way over, the nausea made place for a familiar feeling. Everything went black except for the people walking in the corridor. I could see their veins again, hear their heartbeat, just like I could back then. Alarm bells went off in my head that time. I needed to get away from all those people or I might attack them again. instead of blacking out, like I did before, the darkness made place for a negative view of reality. The corridor lamps' light were black. On the other hand, the shadows of the lockers were white. I could see the environment again, but the people still looked like only a bundle of veins.

When I found an empty classroom, I sped up, running into that room. I felt like I was going to collapse any moment so I steadied myself against the wall furthest away from the door. I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing to calm down. After a few seconds I opened my eyes again. I hoped that everything would be back to normal, but the wall was still black while it should be white.

I heard the door behind me open. There was no need to look up to know who it was. In my mind I noted that I needed to start locking doors behind me.

"Hyung? Why are you here? Do you feel alright?" I didn't want to hurt him so I didn't gave him the time to come over to the other side of the room. I just closed my eyes and ran out of the room, knocking Daesung over in the progress. I definitely didn't want to do that, but I don't want to hurt him either. Besides, it'd be best if he was mad at me for a while so he wouldn't come after me again. But knowing Daesung, he'd rather be worried than angry. I ran straight home, trying to avoid busy streets.

Entering my house, I remembered that my parents were on a holiday trip for an entire week. I climbed up the stairs and walked into my room. The only thing on my mind was to get into my bed and sleep until everything was over. But I never made it to my bed. Suddenly I was on the ground screaming in pain. It felt like I was being stabbed. I tried to move away, reaching for my phone to call 911, but I didn't make it.

I woke up some time later. I figured out I blacked out just like I did that time. I opened my eyes, sat up and looked around. Everything looked normal again. The amount of light coming from the window wasn't a lot so I got up and walked over there. As I looked outside, I noticed the sun has gone down recently. I saw a few people walking on the streets and they looked normal also just as my vision and hearing were. My body however, felt different. I turned away from the window and walked towards my mirror hanging on the wall.

What I saw wasn't what I expected to see however. My skin looked as white as a corpse's. My eyes were bright blue and seemed to glow a little bit, even my featured seemed sharper. I opened my mouth in amazement and I saw that my teeth changed to fangs! Fangs as in, you-know-fangs! I put up my hand to touch them, but I stop as I see my fingernails were sharper too.

I backed away from the mirror and sat on my bed. Trying to come up with some reasonable answers for all of this. But I couldn't find any.


I stayed away from school a couple of days. In the meanwhile I searched for some answers on the internet, but I couldn't find anything. I also slept alot, hoping that when I'd get up, I was back to normal again. But that wasn't the case. I figured out how to switch back to a normal look and reversed. But I still had no clue who or what I was.

A day later, I heard a knock on my front door. There was only one person who knew where I lived and I didn't want to worry (or face) Daesung now. So yeah, I ignored the knocking on my front door. It stopped after a while, Daesung probably gave up, I thought. But that was wishful thinking. My bedroom door suddenly opened and there was Daesung, looking worried and slightly angy.

"Hyung, why didn't you open the front door!!!?" He asked. Well it was more a demand than a question.

"H-how did you get it?!?"

"The door was unlocked." I really sucked at remembering to lock up doors if I think of it.

"Hyung, are you all right? What happened!?"

"I-I don't know... I came home and just fainted...A-And wh-when I woke up I...I... was different..."

"Different? Different how?" He asked me, clearly confused.

"I'll show you, but... Please, don't freak out, okay?" He nodded and I changed. Eyes bright blue, skin snow-white.

"Woah!!" He screamed and just stared at my with wide eyes, and kept staring.

"Okay, say something." But as my mouth opened he noticed my fangs.

"Hyung, y-your teeth.."

"Yeah I know I have fangs. My nails are also pointy, I'm as cold as ice and I have a heartbeat that's below 20 bpm..." I stated.

"No way!"

"Yes way, come over here and see for yourself." He came over and I unbuttoned my shirt slightly, grabbed his hand and put it on my chest, just above my heart. His hand was pleasantly warm against my cold skin. I really enjoyed the feeling. When I looked up from his hand to his face, I noticed there was a small blush visible on his cheeks. It made me blush as well. We stayed like this for a while until Daesung spoke again.

"Your heartbeat is indeed very slow and aren't you freezing?" He whispered somewhat worried.

"No, I don't feel cold at all... I just feel... normal" I said. He stared me right in the eyes which made me uncomfortable.


"Oh nothing. Hyung's eyes are normally very intriguing already, but now... it's like... I don't know, you can see what's on my mind, or something like that."

"I can't, besides the fact that they're blue, nothing has changed..." Silence again.

"Hyung,... Can I take a look at your fangs... without being eaten?" Okay, I didn't expect that. I took a step back.

"What?! Why would you think I'd eat you??"

"Because you look like a vampire..."


"But you look like one..." He said in a quiet voice and I calmed down again.

"Dae, vampires don't exist!"

"I know, but I'm also sure that people with such blue eyes don't exist either..." I had to admit he had a point there.

"True, but I'm sure I'm not a vampire. I spent my day sitting in the sunshine on my bed..." He looked pensive for a moment.

"What about your vision, can you see better in the night? Do you hear better? Things like that?"

"No, it's all normal. I'm just a bit stronger than I was before, but nothing out of the ordinary."

"Okay, maybe you're not a vampire. Then... What about the food? Are you still not hungry?" He asked.

"I didn't eat anything and I don't feel the need to. I'm just not hungry."

"What about blood, does it seem, I don't know, more appealing to you now?"

"I... I don't know, I don't think so..."

"We should find out... Hyung... I want you to bite me..."


"Hyung, please, I know you don't want to, but we'll have to get out of the house and we need to know so, please?" He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Dae, no... What if I am a vampire and... and..." My voice died.

"Hurt me? Hyung, you won't... I trust you." He looked at me, smiling but with determination visible in his eyes.

"please?" And I nodded. He smiled again, walked over to the nearest wall, leaned against it and tilted his head sideways, showing his neck.

"Why the neck?" I asked as I walked over, stopping right in front of him, our bodies almost touching.

"Because... I don't know... It seems right?" He whispered, still smiling. I leaned in, my in between his neck and his shoulder. I had no Idea what I was doing, so I gently rested my fangs against his soft skin. I could feel him shiver slightly and he put his hands on my back. When he exhaled, I bit down smoothly, trying not to hurt him too much.

"Aah-" He cried slightly in pain. The taste of blood was just as it was before, metallic. And I wanted to back out since it wasn't any different. But then an unknown feeling filled my veins. I felt warm, complete. Not hungry or anything, just warm. The feeling just intensified and I felt the need to bite down harder. So I did.

"Aah S-Seunghyun!"

The fact that he said my name and the fact that he didn't scream in pain but moaned, turned me on for some reason. I closed the small distance between our body and put one of my hands in his hair. And although he was moaning before, I thought that by now he would push me away. But instead, he just gripped my back harder.

"M-more..." My other hand gripped his side and my body pushed him even further against the wall. Daesung on the other hand jumped up and put his legs around my waist. By that time I was pretty sure my body gave away how turned on I really was. In the back of my mind I probably noticed that the other person was Daesung, my best friend and a guy. But it would also explain why I didn't like dating girls and frankly, at that moment, I couldn't care less.

Some seconds later I felt something poking me back, confirming Daesung felt the same, and I just lost it. I released my mouth from his neck and kissed him deeply. He gripped my neck even harder and kissed back while moving his body against mine. It felt so good, and we continued until I had to end the kiss to breathe.

"Dae..." I moaned. I licked his neck and he screamed my name and came, which send me over the edge as well.

I tried to stay on my feet as I catch my breath, since I was holding us both up, but I failed and we both slid down the wall. I looked at him. His chest heaved and he looked back at me with half-closed eyes while biting his lip.



Yeeey another chapter ^^

Wow and so many subscribers *feels grateful*. Again, sorry for the mistakes, I barely have the time to write so I'm not checking it :s

Little note 1: I think that from now on the fic will get darker (as I promised XD).

Little note 2: I want to make fan-art but 1) I don't have the time 2) I don't have the skills T^T

Hope you enjoyed it :)

fic, bigbang, daesung, fanfic, taeyang, big bang, g-dragon, top, seungri

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