Same Song, Different Key

Dec 08, 2009 17:25

Title: Same Song, Different Key
Story Continuity: Returning Away
Rating: PG
Summary: Sara and Milo. Sara wants something, and has to resort to clever trickery to get it. Where clever is, you know, clever for plotting against Milo.

There was an unwritten law among her comrades when dealing with Sara: if it ain't a crisis, it ain't worth it. "Crisis" was, apparently, up for personal interpretation.

Sara was bored, damn it.

Then, Sara had a plan. It was wonderful. It was beautiful.

And there was but one artiste for the job.

"Milo, I need you."

Milo looked away from his computer, then back. "Trolling 4chan. Go away, princess."

"I can draw a better meme than you," Sara said somberly. "I bet you $50."

The silence was taut. Then:

"Where are my fucking crayons, and is there a deadline?"

the mccreary icons, story: returning away

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