Deceive Me - Drabble Prompt.

Jun 11, 2010 01:56

There are still six open spots at

For 16beckyb

Pairing: RahlxKahlan
Scared to Death - HIM
Tonight And The Rest Of My Life - Nina Gordon
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia

Deceive Me )

darken rahl, nicolas, reckoning, mord'sith, confessor, kahlan, fanfiction, mother confessor, prompts

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Comments 6

pristineungift June 11 2010, 06:26:29 UTC
Ooh.. Nice extrapolation on what it would really mean for Kahlan's child to help Richard. I'll admit the idea has tickled my mind before, but I never really sat down and thought about how dark it was to try to get your own child to essentially undo their life.


melt_in2_me June 11 2010, 19:38:48 UTC
This is one of the things that stuck in my brain after watching "Reckoning". I loved the episode, but I couldn't help think about how if things worked the way Kahlan had intended she would basically be raising a child to commit suicide in a way. What if it had been a girl? A girl who liked her life or found love? She was supposed to destroy all that and the world she knew so her Mother could be with her love? And how could Kahlan raise and love a child and then not be crushed at the thought of them not existing and not remembering them? And of course all this would only work if Rahl stayed horribly evil, but I didn't see that happening either. He let Kahlan live. He loved his child. If the child hadn't went mad I couldn't see them wanting to kill their father in the future.


pristineungift June 11 2010, 19:55:03 UTC
Exactly! Well put. Kahlan has a twisted dark side that often gets overlooked.


melt_in2_me June 12 2010, 00:42:08 UTC
I guess I never really thought it out that far. Maybe I didn't want to think the worst of Kahlan. I was hoping she was just not thinking clearly out of love for Richard or not nunderstanding how things could change as the years go by. But you're right, if she did think it through and was well aware of all those things, then yes she has a very dark side. Selfish at the very least.


pristineungift June 12 2010, 01:11:53 UTC
I think (and I hope it came out in BfS) that being raised as a Confessor has twisted Kahlan's world view into extremes of right and wrong, black and white. Darken Rahl is bad, therefore everything associated with him is bad. Richard is good, therefore everything associated with him is good ( ... )


brontefanatic June 11 2010, 21:23:12 UTC
Thanks so much for this. Dramatic touch to have Kahlan actually die from the effect of the blood rage shackled by the rada'han. Kahlan's logic, or lack of it, in this episode, has always made me nuts, as it is clear by having a confessor child for the purpose of helping Richard return from the future was a sentence of non-existence for the child. I always grit my teeth when fans write in various forums about how romantic the whole idea was. I thought it was pretty cold-blooded. What child would ever knowingly do this? Wonderful reimagining of the episode and filling in a lot of the things we didn't get to see.


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