A Quiet Love - drabble prompt.

Jun 09, 2010 01:32

For pristineungift

Well about four months ago I posted an entry on my journal, asking for the first ten people to comment to give me a prompt with their favourite pairing and I would write them a drabble.

Well, the first person has given me their pairing! If the rest of you want to follow along with it laurelindorenae.livejournal.com/11150.html

Prompt: RahlxCara.
Inspiration: Night of the Loving Dead - Lordi

A Quiet Love

Cara laid there. The night was so quiet, the lack of the sound of insects at first had pleased her. But now that she thought on it for a moment, it started to disturb her. Worry was not the word she would use. Nothing worried her. But it made her wary as to why the crickets weren’t playing their little leg violins. To her left, arranged in a tangled matter around the dull embers of the fire, lay Richard and Zeddicus, somewhere behind them. The Seeker, and his First Wizard lay given to sleep. Sleep that would not come to her. Confessor Kahlan sat up near to the other two. Keeping watch on her shift. But the woman paid Cara little to no attention for now.

The Mord’Sith sighed to herself and turned over onto her side. Facing her leather clad back to the dying fire. She tucked her gloved right hand under her head trying to bring herself a little comfort on the dirty ground. There was a rock in her side and she could feel it. But she knew this was the most comfortable she was going to be tonight, or any night for some time. Her green eyes stared for a moment off into the darkness of the forest around them. But even with the heightened sense of observance, she could neither see nor hear anything in the darkness. Her eyes were growing heavy, but she didn’t try to fight it. Sleep finally claimed the warrior woman.

When she awoke the next morning, her eyes slowly fluttered open. She jolted back in surprise when she sat up, feeling the soft and warm covers  move off of her legs. Her belly felt heavy, but in her grogginess she couldn’t place the feeling. The warmth of the bed surrounding her. This was not the bed of leaves, and the cloak that Kahlan had given her, that she had fallen asleep on the night before. She blinked hard, forcing her eyes to focus as she looked around; and her heart leapt into her throat.

The room was a rounded three-leaf clover shape, made of white marble. The golden sunlight streamed in through the window to her left. Glittering off of the cut stone as the shimmering silver embroidered white silk curtains danced around in the midsummer breeze. The room was all too familiar. Cara squared her jaw, unable to believe what her eyes were telling her.

“Ah, Cara. You’re finally awake I see.”, the smooth voice sounded behind her. The slightly flinty edge more than recognizable to her ears.

It sent shivers down her spine. He was supposed to be dead. Killed by the Seeker nearly a year before. She slowly turned her head, her jaw still squared, to look to her right. Afraid of what she would see. Afraid that it might be true. Her heart leapt again.

Darken Rahl sat on the right side of the bed; his legs over the side and his torso turned towards her. One hand on the bed close to her, the other laying calmly in his lap. His freshly washed dark hair lay about his broad naked shoulders in gentle chocolate waves. He wore only a pair of close-fitting black velvet leggings that laced closed with black leather strings.

Cara couldn’t help but raise a brow and look him up and down. She kept her face hardened, but her heart was beating loudly; thumping against her ribs. She was sure he could hear the offending muscle beneath her breast. But, if he could (which was rather unlikely), he chose to ignore it. Darken was as gorgeous as ever; how long was it since she had been in this place in his bed? It was before that night a year ago. It was long before that night. Rahl had kept her close, his favourite of the Mord’Sith for years. Since she was broken by his own hand. Had given her a permanent place in his bed when she wanted it. But, when the Seeker had been named by the First Wizard, her master-- her lover-- had had no time for her from there on out. When she had sought to ease his stress in any way she could, even if that was only spending the night laying at his side to give him company, he had turned her away. Finally she had stopped trying to give him pleasure and waited until he came to her. And he did. Though it was to go after the Seeker and stop him before the Prophecy came true.

But the Prophecy had come true. And she had helped the Seeker do it. Darken Rahl was no longer her master, Richard Cypher - Richard Rahl, was her master.

“I was beginning to wonder if you were going to wake before the afternoon.”, Darken smirked and lifted his arm. He ran his hand through her dark blonde hair. Entangling his fingers and combing them down her very long locks.

Her long hair. Her hair was long. The Sisters of the Agiel had not cut her braid from her. She looked around quickly, trying to take it all in. When she couldn’t decipher it for herself, she finally asked. “What year is it?”

“41 ACB, of course. Cara are you alright?”, his brows knit a little as he lifted his hand and put it to her forehead to see if the woman was suffering a fever. She wasn’t.

Cara’s mind was racing. 41 ACB. That was the year after Darken Rahl’s death. That was the year that the Keeper was close to winning the possession of the earth. Yet her hair was long and - Cara suddenly looked down. Knowing why her belly felt heavy. She was pregnant again. At least six months. Her jade eyes widened, immediately looking back to Darken’s face.

Darken smiled a little and put his hand to her belly. He rubbed her pregnancy softly in slow circles.

Cara closed her eyes, concentrating and relishing on the feeling of his course hand upon her bare flesh. She was slowly coming to the realization the Richard must have died that night; Orden must have been won by Darken Rahl. But what of the Confessor? Kahlan should be his Queen, should she not? But at the moment, with the feel of her lover’s hand upon her child heavy belly, what did she care?  clearly Rahl was with her and not the Mother Confessor. She looked down to his left hand, which laid upon the bed at her hip. Holding him steady. Gold glinted; a golden wedding band upon his ring finger. She looked to her own left hand. A blonde brow raising while she fought a smirk. So she was wearing the mark of her master yet again. But this time it was a gold ring binding them together.

Darken rubbed her belly once more, and leaned down. Kissing the pregnant belly softly. “You’ve made me so happy Cara.”, he smiled up at her. He sat up slowly.

Cara smirked, “And you’ve always made me happy, King.” She put her hands upon his face and pulled him close. Kissing him fiercely. Groaning her passion into his mouth.

He smirked and pulled her up against himself. Careful of her belly, but close enough to feel her against himself.

Cara lay once more in her Master’s arms. Her cheek resting against his sweaty breast; her long hair draped over both of their naked forms. Happy to be once again in his bed, in his arms, in his life. Her eyes started to flutter as she drew a deep breath. Bringing the scent of his flesh into her nostrils. Musk, old world roses, lemongrass, and the slight tang of his sweat. The scent of Black Magic. Something she missed while she was traveling with the Seeker. Something she missed while the Seeker was in the world. She fell into an easy sleep.

When she awoke, the dirty rotten rock was digging into her side. Groaning she  rolled over. Looking up at the stars through the breaks in the branches overhead. There was the Seeker, sitting on watch, the Confessor finally asleep, and the First Wizard still slumbering away. She laid there, trying to recapture the dream that seemed so real. So… sweet. Tears sparkled in her eyes, but there they stayed. There was no use in crying. Darken Rahl was dead. It was because of her. She had been the sway of the tide that helped to defeat her Master. Her lover…

Richard looked towards her, “Cara? What’s wrong?”

But Cara rolled back onto her side; hiding her face from the Seeker. Her back facing him. Staying quiet. The love she felt for the dead tyrant had to remain silent. A quiet love that continued to rage in her heart. Pulling her slowly apart.

Richard let it go. Knowing Cara wouldn’t tell him if she chose not to. Whatever her secret was, would stay hers.


Deep in the Underworld, with the flames burning and cracking a brilliant emerald green, knelt Darken Rahl. Gazing up towards the rift thousands of feet above. And there through the burning and snapping flames he saw the twinkling of the stars in the Land of the Living. He smirked a little. “Soon Cara… Soon I will be your Master again. And you, you will be in my arms for eternity.”

fanficton, confessor, darken rahl, drabble, cara, mord'sith, prompts

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