i want a pony [01]

Jul 12, 2009 14:07

It’s well past the time when Chantal should be home, tucked safely in her four-poster bed, even by her own standards, so she’s not entirely surprised when she falls asleep on the walk home. Right after the clock chimes, she collapses softly in a doorway, her handbag in her lap, and doesn’t move as the world churns around her. Buildings shift, ( Read more... )

courtneycrumrin, !01, orchidlover_wa

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orchidlover_wa July 12 2009, 18:48:44 UTC
When the city changed, Caspar was fast asleep, passed out on a park bench, never having made it home. He wakes up feeling very foolish. He shouldn't have stayed out so late speaking with that intoxicated girl.

He sets out to return home, but the streets have changed, and without meaning to, he gets lost. He frowns at he sight of the carnival -- who has time for such frivolities -- but perhaps someone there can tell him how to get back to his neighborhood.

He spots Chantal as she goes around the carousel. Isn't that the Von Krumrhein girl? "Uh... Miss? Pardon me, Miss?" He calls out as her horse comes around.


orchidlover_wa July 13 2009, 03:48:42 UTC
"I don't either..." He imagines it's for different reasons, although both of them are overdressed for a haunted house. Still, the bats outside are amusing, and he continues to smile. "Certainly. I'll make sure the coast is clear." He steps through first--

--and into a face full of fake cobweb. It's the price of being tall. "Bleah." He brushes it aside, and then looks around. The first room is fairly mild. There are more of the bats, but they don't look as happy. It's dark, and a faint mist appears from a door at the other end.


courtneycrumrin July 13 2009, 04:10:07 UTC
"Brave man." There is a hint of flirtation in her voice.

Trailing after him, Chantal manages to dodge the cobweb with a giggle. "Ooh, I never have liked spiders. Nothing should have that many legs."

She sobers as she looks around the room, however. It's awfully dark, and while the frownier bats don't bother her, there's something a little unsettling about the mist. She's not about to turn chicken now, however, so she moves on ahead.

"Um. Well..." she begins, then stops as they arrive in the next room. The walls are painted to look like a dark, skeletal forest, shrouded in the mist, and points of yellow and green light flash out here and there, twinned like eyes. There is a soundtrack of soft growling and snuffling sounds. Unconsciously, she moves closer to Caspar.

At the opposite end of the room, something silvery shines, like a pool of water on the ground of the faux wood. It's a mirror, set into the floor.


orchidlover_wa July 13 2009, 04:21:12 UTC
Caspar is too busy wrestling with cobweb to pick up on any subtle flirting. "I'm not bothered by spiders," he replies, looking around for any all the same. "They eat the bugs that are worse."

He looks around, not particularly bothered by the next room. "It's like a fairy tale forest..." he says quietly. "But... not the ones with talking animals. It's more like... the Brothers Grimm, perhaps?"

The shimmer catches his eye and he approaches it, looking down curiously. He can see himself and Chantal in its reflection --

Except that isn't Chantal. She's blonde, and the same age, but her face is different, and for some reason his heart races when he sees her. He does a double-take.


courtneycrumrin July 13 2009, 04:59:07 UTC
Chantal shivers. "I don't like it. I'm...not sure why. The big bad wolf, I guess." She smiles weakly.

She follows him toward the mirror and peers around him into it, leaning over a little so that the torn hem of her skirt brushes the edge of the silver.

She sees him, and she sees herself, but her reflection looks different, dressed in black, with unruly straight hair, the white lock shining out in the gloom of the misty room. Her reflection is scowling. It's a defiant expression. Fascinated, Chantal reaches a delicate hand toward the mirror, slowly and hesitantly.


orchidlover_wa July 13 2009, 10:47:17 UTC
Caspar looks back at his reflection. He looks more or less the same, but he's not wearing a suit, and that strange yet oddly familiar blonde woman is still there. She reaches up as Chantal reaches down, and he swears she's mouthing a warning, and suddenly he feels quite afraid. There is something horrible behind that mirror, and if the two women meet hands, it will escape and the mirror will shatter and all the pieces the shards the clicking of beetles--

"Don't touch it!" he cries out, his voice cracking with terror.


courtneycrumrin July 13 2009, 15:21:55 UTC
Chantal flinches back at the sound of his voice, turning to stare at him, but unforunately for them both, her foot slips into the edge of the floor-mirror. To Caspar's eyes, the two blondes touch. A spider-web network of cracks radiates out from the point of contact, glittering with an odd, greenish light.

"What--oh, I! I didn't mean!" Chantal gasps, stepping back, and then the world churns around them. Walls seems to expand and grow larger and the eye-lights turn into sickly green coils, then fade. Swellings form along the floor, looming up around them, over them, and Chantal shrieks as one nearly knocks her over. When the tuning is done, they are in a dimly-lit labyrinth of indescribably complex machinery, all of it clicking along quietly, all of it some kind of dark metal, clean and shiny like polished obsidian.

The only familiar thing that remains is the pile of mirror shards, and they are beginning to stir.


orchidlover_wa July 13 2009, 23:00:56 UTC
The mirror cracks, and Caspar cries out as he is overcome with fear. It's been let out, whatever it is, and it can see him, and it's coming for him.

He almost doesn't notice that their environment has changed, at first. The moving shards, though, that catches his eye. He grabs the woman's hand -- he can't tell if she's Chantal or the one from the mirror, but it doesn't matter. "They... they know we're here. We have to move." He starts to drag her in the opposite direction of the broken mirror.


courtneycrumrin July 13 2009, 23:51:12 UTC
Chantal has noticed the change in environment and is looking around frantically, equally panicked in her own way. "They? They who??"

She goes unprotesting as he drags her away from the mirror, but some of the larger shards make a soft, singing sound in the darkness and actually rise in the air, sailing toward them. The girl cries out as one sinks into the back of her unprotected calf, and stumbles. Others pelt the floor around them, exploding in a shower of gritty, silver dust. Caspar may also get cut as a sharp piece darts past his shoulder.


orchidlover_wa July 14 2009, 00:03:09 UTC
The shard grazes his face before careening into a wall and exploding into dust, but he barely notices, his fear overpowering any feeling of pain.

Chantal's cry cuts through his terror. He catches her when she stumbles, and wraps an arm around her to hurry her along. If she can't walk, he'll try to pick her up. "I... I don't know," he admits. "But I don't want to stay to find out!" He attempts to turn the corner, put some of this bizarre machinery between them and the flying glass.


courtneycrumrin July 14 2009, 01:32:01 UTC
The girl does not need to be carried, but she leans on him and limps heavily as they stagger along, blood running down her leg.

A pendulum swings at them as they duck around the corner, whistling past their ears and smashing another flying shard of glass. As they are forced to lunge forward to duck the backswing of the pendulum, something springs out at them from between two piles of shiny black gears. It's man-sized, dressed in black with a pale face and...it cackles at them.

It's a mannequin, dressed as a vampire, on a spring. Apparently, weirdness notwithstanding, they're still in the haunted house.


orchidlover_wa July 14 2009, 01:48:54 UTC
Caspar's heart leaps in his throat as the mannequin springs forward. Evil man from another place, have to protect her, have to--

Oh. It's a dummy. Which, coincidentally, is what Caspar feels like. It takes the edge off his fear at least, enough that he walks Chantal around the mannequin and behind a pile of gears. "Are you hurt?" he asks worried, looking her over. "Oh, your leg!"

There's a thin line of blood on his cheek.


courtneycrumrin July 14 2009, 02:24:40 UTC
Chantal squeals at the mannequin, not because of any primal recognition it triggers, just because it jumped out at her and things are so strange all of a sudden. She clutches at Caspar's sleeve for reassurance and gasps for breath as she realizes it's just a dummy that's frightened her, clutching at her chest. "Oh, god, that...I thought...I don't know what I thought." She laughs nervously, limping wherever he leads her.

The glass isn't embedded very deeply into her calf, but her stocking is torn and there's significant bleeding. She bites her lip and tries not to look at it, feeling a little sick and sitting down on the gears. Noticing the blood on his face, she shakily gets her handkerchief out of her purse and dabs at his cheek. "You've got a cut, too..."


orchidlover_wa July 14 2009, 02:31:10 UTC
"This is... this is all very disturbing," he concludes. Fortunately, no more mirror shards are headed that way. There is still a horrible feeling of dread in the back of his mind -- he feels raw and exposed -- but the chest-tightening panic has lessened.

"I am?" He blinks, then gently waves her hand away. "That's not important. I... I think we should take that glass out of your leg and bandage it up proper. That can't be sanitary."


courtneycrumrin July 14 2009, 02:47:06 UTC
Chantal is feeling a little dazed. Surely she couldn't have just seen what she thought she did. The mirror must have just broken because she stepped on it. And the room can't have really shifted around them. She must just be a little drunk. Only why is he so jumpy, then?

"I...er...yes. I'm afraid I wasn't quite prepared for this," she says vaguely, then what he's said about the glass in her leg penetrates her consciousness and she swallows hard. She doesn't even want to look at the wound, let alone pull out the glass.

After a moment, she forces herself to peer at the reddened mirror shard. Splinters. It's just like a splinter. Surely she's had a splinter before? She can't remember.

...come to think of it, she can't remember ever having any injury before. But that doesn't make any sense. No one goes through life without at least a papercut, a skinned knee. And she climbs trees every night. Why hasn't she ever fallen, twisted an ankle, sprained a wrist ( ... )


orchidlover_wa July 14 2009, 02:55:34 UTC
Secretly, he's relieved that she pulled the shard out herself. He wasn't sure he'd be able to. "Here." He pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket. "We can tie this around your leg, to hold yours in place." His cut isn't all that bad. Might not even scar, if he's able to clean it later.

He still can't shake the feeling of foreboding, and he looks around again anxiously. "When you're ready, we should find a way out."


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