alone, lost and confused [05]

Jul 22, 2009 11:36

Caitlyn had explored the empty hospital halls on her own, having lost Dovev somehow and unable to find any others. She turned a hall, and found herself in a small bathroom with a large metal tub in the middle. Caitlyn was about to turn, when at the door were two large nurses who grabbed her and forced her into the tub. Despite fighting as hard as ( Read more... )

harley_is_love, !05

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_meadow_lark July 23 2009, 00:07:32 UTC
Savannah had been wandering the halls of the hospital as well, delighting in her new sense of sight. Especially since she could also see through things as well...She was bound to be caught eventually. The nurses, which she did not fear (they gave her back her sense of sight!) prompted her to drink something that would help her sleep...

And she has woken up here, in the tunnels. And she wasn't wearing her hospital gown - too dark to see much, but her habituated fingers recognized a sweatshirt - a new one, given the fuzzy interior, and jeans. Sneakers, too. Socks...

And she hears singing. At least it's a woman's voice - she'd rather meet a strange woman than a strange man, down here in what likely might be a sewer. The darkness doesn't scare her, the world has been a dark place for most of her life. But things in the dark are worth consideration.

"Um, hello?" She calls out nervously.


_meadow_lark July 25 2009, 15:33:37 UTC
"Ack!" Savannah yelps as she's scooped up. This new friend seems to be Superwoman, or something! Savannah clings tightly to Caitlyn's neck and the platform draws nearer, nearer.

So does the train.

The platform comes into view, fortunately it has stairs from the tracks up to the white-tiled station.


harley_is_love July 25 2009, 15:43:37 UTC
Stairs are a good thing. Caitlyn bounds up the stairs moments before the train clanks right by. Gasping for breath, she sets her new friend safely down and looks around the platform.

"That was one way to get here quickly." A soft chuckle escapes her lips, but really she is frightened about how close they came to dying.


_meadow_lark July 25 2009, 16:36:38 UTC
Savannah gasps for breath, even though it was Caitlyn who did most of the running.

"Whoa...thanks for that. How - how did you..." She shakes her head. "Okay, I don't know if I'm comfortable with how weird my life has become in the last hour or so..."

She studies a large faded poster in the station while she tries to calm down, but the poster itself makes her nervous, for no decent reason. It features a smiling woman with many brightly-colored bags of designer clothes, with a tagline of "Meet me at The Shop!"

"I'm sorry. I never told you my name, did I? I'm Savannah. Savannah Grey, but Savvy will do. And um, thanks for saving my life back there, such as it is."


harley_is_love July 25 2009, 16:44:01 UTC
"I do not know how... I just... ran." Caitlyn is trying to figure it all out. First being able to breath underwater, and then the running fast, and being able to carry Savannah.

Glancing up, as the remainder of the train that had been chasing them rolled by the platform, Caitlyn tried to orient herself. She still felt lost.

"I am Caitlyn." The name is starting to feel wrong, somehow. "And you are welcome. At least we lost the rats. And that train."


_meadow_lark July 25 2009, 16:55:51 UTC
"This station is...there's no stairs to the surface! Must be a...transfer station or something? A place to stop and get on another train? Oh God, I hate being lost. My parents must be -" And she stops.

"Caitlyn...something really strange is going on. I can't remember my parents' names or what they look like, suddenly. It's not like I've forgotten's like I never knew! Oh God..." and she sits down heavily on a grimy bench, next to a random radio tuned to a random station.


harley_is_love July 25 2009, 17:54:49 UTC
Caitlyn sits beside Savannah and takes her hand. "Shush, it is okay. Just take your time. It will come back to you."

The radio crackles. A familiar voice for Caitlyn comes from the station, "Whatssa matter Harls? Feeling lost? Heheheheheheh."

She turns white and tries not to freak out, or to scare Savannah. "I do not like this place."


_meadow_lark July 25 2009, 19:49:17 UTC
"I'm not to thrilled with it either...should we... let's try to flag down the next subway train that comes by. God, I hope I'm not going crazy..."

Savannah notices Caitlyn's reaction to the radio, and fiddles with the dial herself. The first voice she hears is somehow familiar, and she goes as white as Caitlyn.

"Please face the wall with your hands on your head. Do not turn around." says a somewhat pleasant computerized voice.

A pause, and then a sharp burst of static, and Savannah whimpers sharply, curling up on the bench in reflex.

""...ry that again, you that yo...ittle bitc..." growls an angry voice. With another cry, Savannah grabs up the radio and hurls it onto the tracks, as if it were something frightening and disgusting. The radio comes to rest against the electric third rail, sparks, and dies.

((will be gone for a few hours, be back this evening!))


harley_is_love July 25 2009, 20:12:40 UTC
They are both scared. And the voices on the radio are bringing back memories that neither of them care to talk about. So Caitlyn moves closer to Savannah and wraps her arms around her, just to hold her.

"The radio can not harm us anymore. We have to figure out if we move forward or stay in this spot."

She has a faint whisper of a memory of a lulluby she once sung to her daughter. Except, Caitlyn doesn't have a daughter. But the song is still there, in her heart, and so she softly hums it.


_meadow_lark July 26 2009, 19:59:35 UTC
The song is nice, she has to admit, and she slowly calms down. "It's just...I remember that. I remember the..." She slowly lifts her shirt to peek. Along her side, against her ribs, is a faint circular burn scar. "...the shock baton. But...that wasn't me, was it? I've never been imprisoned in..." She glances at the poster on the wall, again. "The Shop. Wait...yes, I think I was, but...I have two sets of memories...oh God, I've really gone cracked, haven't I?" As she talks, her voice picks up more and more of a London accent.

"Let's get out of here, it's too strange. We'll catch the next train, even if we don't have tickets, we can at least try to get on..."


harley_is_love July 27 2009, 01:20:21 UTC
Caitlyn guards over Savannah as the other woman tries to figure more stuff out. She can hear another train coming down the track, and hopes they can board that one.

It runs over the radio on the tracks and it comes to a stop. However, when the doors open, a pale man in a black coat is standing there. "Another two with problems we will have to fix."

The presence of the man does not make Caitlyn very happy. "Savannah... we have to get out of here. Now!"


_meadow_lark July 27 2009, 19:54:31 UTC
If it was bad before, it's just gotten worse. Savannah, doesn't need to look twice to know that this new arrival is bad news bears.

Getting out of here, however, seems tricky. But there's always the track, again. Savannah rushes to the side and jumps down off the platform and onto the tracks behind the train, hoping that it can't travel in reverse. She hits the ground hard, but is on her feet in a flash and high-tailing it towards who-knows what, ignoring the rats and puddles of muck.


harley_is_love July 27 2009, 22:41:13 UTC
The Stranger moves to chase after Savannah when Caitlyn rushes him and with strength she did not even know she had - pins him to the subway wall. "You leave her alone!"

"You have been poor test subjects, we will just have to start again." The Stranger is stronger than he appears too. And soon he and Caitlyn have switched positions, with him holding her up against the wall.

"I am not a test subject!" Caitlyn lifts her legs to kick him in the stomach. Causing him to gasp slightly for air. Moving towards the train, she glances around for Savannah, and calls out to her. "Savannah! The tracks are not a safe place, take my hand and we will board this train to nowhwere."


_meadow_lark July 28 2009, 20:03:04 UTC
So Savannah returns, and gets on the train with Caitlyn. The doors close with an automatic *woosh* and off they go, leaving creepy black coat man behind.

"Who was that and - Test subject? That...I'm - WAS, was one before...I think. Oh God, I have so many memories and I can't figure out if they're real. I have...I somehow have two fathers, that doesn't even make sense!"


harley_is_love July 29 2009, 00:08:55 UTC
"I think he was a Stranger." Caitlyn replies, clinging to one of the poles in the subway train.

"My memories are not clear either... But I am sure we can get through this."


_meadow_lark July 29 2009, 00:21:48 UTC
"Well, I certainly didn't know -" and then she catches on. "What's a Stranger, then? Have you seen them before, heard of them?"


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