Title: The Phantom Device
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Generally up to AoT or Continuum
Pairings: Cam/Vala, Sam/Jack, Daniel/Sha're
Genre: General....episodic stuff, with a mild side of ship.
Summary: When SG-1 travels to a remote planet to negotiate a deal for the planet's specific technological wonder, the Phantom Device, which allows its user to experience
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Comments 1
This is the first time I read this and I can't believe I missed it
First of all, Vala and Cam are my fav couple so I'm beyond grateful you wrote this cause I thought I already read all the fics out there with them as a couple
On another note, damn this was so intense!!!! poor Cam and Vala ;( those cute kids are not real
Also, Vala thinking none of it could happen in the future broke my heart
So much angst without being overly explicit, amazing!
Beautifully done!
Thank you so very much for sharing!
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