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darkangel_0410 February 18 2011, 12:44:43 UTC
*happy dance* It took long enough, lol.

I got a feeling he did that once he got home, lol. She really was a fucken bitch and she deserves a kick to the face but I supposed we'll hafta make do with Roddy breaking up with her, lol. Sweetie, Roddy's always got that look on his face, lol. Maybe it did happen before -and maybe it didn't *whistles innocently* I'm so glad you still like the way I write the Guns together. They're one of my OTP's, so I love when people like tem. And dom Chris is one of my faves, too. Rough sex is always a plus and I figured the rougher the better. Not the roughest sex I ever wrote but I figured Chris mostly saves that for 'Lex.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked. It was a bitch to write but I'm happy with the way it turned out. Don't know if I'll ever attempt to write Roddy again but it was...interesting, lol.


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darkangel_0410 February 18 2011, 16:33:01 UTC
Alright, you got me. They did used to mess around, way back in the begining of the Gen Next days. But then they decided to be friends and Roddy decided to do pussy. And we all know Alex won't go near that.

God, I adore hard sex with te Guns. We need more fic like that.

Unless a bunny chases me down and holds me hostage, no more Roddy fic. He's too dificult for me, lol. Sorry :(


enigmatic_raven February 18 2011, 08:37:16 UTC
I was starting to feel bad for putting this idea in your head. But, I've gotta admit, I'm happy with the results!

Yay to Roddy for dropping the bitch! Tsk tsk to him for kissing what's not his. Baby needed to be put in his place and Chris damn sure did it! I love how he got hard while they were fighting and Chris just says 'Ah, fuck it' and goes with it!

And the way Chris tells him to sit and he listens...that dominating side of Chrissy is so hot!

Poor Roddy...hopefully he can find a guy that fits him as well as Chris fits Alex. Austin maybe? It could work, I think...

Anywho, so happy you wrote this! Hot rough sex between two gorgeous men! Perfect!


darkangel_0410 February 18 2011, 12:29:46 UTC
I'm glad you liked it. Yeah, it threw me for a loop for a little bit, lol. Roddy's a pain in the ass, but eventually I was able to get him in the story, lol.

She is a bitch in this, huh? I don't know why, altough i supposed if she was nice, Roddy wouldn't wanna fuck a guy and there'd be no story, lol. I have no idea what he thought was going to happen when he decided to kiss Alex, but he defaintely ended up having have fun.

Oh, I agree. I dom Chris, he's one of my faves. i supposed that's why he's like that in all my MMG stories...

Yeah, I have no idea who it would be if I wrote a sequel to this. I don't even know if there is going to be one, to be honest. Austin probably would work, though. I've never even attempted to write him before, though so I had hae to think long and hard about it first.

Thanks, again. I really am glad you liked.


enigmatic_raven February 18 2011, 21:43:40 UTC
Roddy's a bitch to write, but, getting him drunk seems to have helped, huh? lol

Very true; she had to be a bitch or Roddy wouldn't leave her. At least Roddy got to have some fun after making such a stupid move. Not everyone would fare as well if they kissed Chris's Lex.

Dom!Chris is the best. I can totally see him making Alex-or almost anyone-submit!

It would be a hard decision if you tried it, that's for sure. Austin's the best option, in my opinion. Not many others from ROH that I could see with Roddy....of course, you could always have the Guns try to set him up! God, that'd probably go so wrong, they'd probably by him a hooker or some shit!

You're welcome, it was an awesome fic!


darkangel_0410 February 18 2011, 23:06:57 UTC
Thank fucken god, or I never would have finished this, lol.

Ikr? Roddy's lucky he's a friend or Chris probably would would have put him in the hospital.

Oh, defaintely. He's just got that inner strength that let's you know who the fucken boss is.

I can see him and Austin, but like I said, I've never even attempted to write Austin before and I don't know if I could. He seems like he'd be even worse then Roddy to write.

Lmfao. Yeah, and they wouldn't tell him it was a hooker, he'd find out later, after the fact. And he'd get so pissed. And the whole time he was yelling at them, they would be laughing their asses off.

Thanks :D


energy_purple February 19 2011, 22:59:23 UTC
Bloody hell, you've certainly been busy writing over the past few days, haven't you ( ... )


darkangel_0410 February 19 2011, 23:53:40 UTC
Yeah, apparently my MMG muses are in fucken overdrive, lol.

I love Roddy, but he is a pain in the fucken ass to write. It took me fucken forever to get a handle on him, lol.

I'm glad you liked it so much *happy dance*

Chris is so easy going sometimes, that you forget he's pure strength beneath the surface and he does not like people putting their hands on his 'Lex.

Aw, I'm glad I could help you feel better, even in a small way. Hope the rest of your day is good.


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