Meme I stole from ilovedrmcdreamy!

Aug 11, 2008 21:03

Meme, the dirty who would you shag?

1. Bold the names of guys you'd definitely shag.
2. Italicize the names of guys you might shag after a little persuasion.
3. Leave the guys who don't do anything for you alone.
4. Put a question mark after the guys you've never heard of.
5. Strike the guys you wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.
6. ADD FOUR OF ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

lou_anatomy August 12 2008, 17:45:20 UTC
Twilight is just a wonderful love story, the book is very sensible, all the characters are moving, and the feelings between edward & bella (the main characters) are so strong, so breathtaking, I'm sure you'll love it.

omg there's even Dorian Gray in the list *__* I need to do that meme.

thinking that Derek is so much better than ALL THIS GUYS makes me smile. haha ^^


pealingthunder August 13 2008, 17:12:59 UTC
Honestly, Twilight is horrible, and I'm saying that even though it is my most active fandom. The series is extremely mockable; half of the fandom doesn't take it seriously and is only in it for the lulz. It's so bad but it's a lot like candy, you just. can't. stop. The author is a mormon housewife whose writing is mediocre at best (I'm being very generous here) and they read a lot like bad fan fiction, especially the fourth book. The actual fan fic they inspired is ten times better than the books, lol. I do like the first two, the third one not so much anymore, but in the end, there are a couple of pretty amazing characters (not counting that obvious Mary Sue of a main character) that have come from this series, and I love them so much. Especially the secondary characters, though SMeyer pays hardly any attention to them; it's kind of a good thing because a) she can't screw them up so much, heh, and b) it leaves so much room to play with them ( ... )


darkandtwisty02 August 13 2008, 17:56:24 UTC
Well thanks for your take on it. Honestly, I'm really busy and I don't read much, but all the hype I thought I was missing out on something...

I'd much rather spend my time reading my Grey's fanfics (The good ones that is) :)


seattle_dreams August 19 2008, 22:07:48 UTC
Jenna, you wouldn't shag Jim Halpert?! I am shocked. :P

Next to the Grey's guys, he's my TV crush. I love him. ;)

When I get a minute, I'm going to fill this out too...

Can't wait for Fight Club!


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