Series Title: Colliding with Reality
Title: The First Time Ever I... (Part 2)
dark_orionPairing: Kradam
Rating: NC-17
Summary: That abruptly reminds Kris there had been a reason for wanting to get Adam back to the mansion, to have him alone, and that reason is still burning up Kris’ agenda.
Author's Notes: Yay, Part B! Time for the sexin'! And
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Comments 34
Lovelovelove this fic, and I hope there will be more soon! <3
You have quite a gift.
i'm like on the edge of my seat in anticipation...there's gonna be another one, right?
i think i might die, if there's not.
anyway, just wanted to give you kudos for EVERYTHING, because i don't know if you realise how hearfelt and genuine and awesome your writing is.
the 'i love you' part at the end was especially incredible, though...
thanks you so much!!!
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