Title: The Shadow of Death
Author: Gillian Taylor
Character/Pairing: Jack Harkness, Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Rating: PG-13
Summary: You can't change the past. Can you? And, if you do, can you live with the consequences?
Disclaimer: Don't own them. I just like playing with them...a lot.
A/N: Thanks, as always, to my lovely betas
wendymr and
ponygirl72. Sorry
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Comments 23
There's a line that will haunt me for a long while. Feeling like someone walked over your grave is one thing, but this hits even deeper.
I loved the Ten babble, brilliant Ten. I may have to use that line at work soon, and believe me there are times when the gift of insightfully delightful babbling comes in quite handy when dealing with the public :)
Time lines interspersed and woven so well, fantastic!
The twist is great - that it's nothing to do with Jack's meddling, that the change was someone else's fault and in fact no one was meant to die or regenerate (and a great cameo from the Tenth Doctor *g*).
I LOVE the last scene. :))) I do love any subtle hint of Jack/Rose, haha. But it was all great, the Doctor's part too, of course. :))
The bit about Jack holding a living Rose was wonderful. I wanted to put something like that in one of my stories, but had to leave it out eventually because I couldn't get it to sound right. You've managed to make this poignant without going over the top, and very in character. Big kudos!
I find it very difficult to handle the complexities of even a couple of alternative timelines, and your stories, like a beautiful garden, always have a very well-thought-through and solid foundation.
Love the contrast between the Doctor's way of operating and Jack's more violent and impulsive chivalry towards someone he loves - also the way you can switch so effectively from Nine to Ten, yet retain the sense that they are the same character.
And thank you so much for the compliments! It's a blast writing Jack and the Doctors. *g*
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