OC Meme

Nov 03, 2010 17:13

Fuck it, I want to write about some of my OCs.

But I am limiting this.

Your choices are as follows:
  • Hyo - second-in-command of the Dai Li, widower, single father, generally considered to be The Nice One.  Earth Kingdom, earthbender. 38 as of Sozin's Comet.
  • Li Shang - second cousin of one Admiral Zhao, member of the ubiquitous, military-oriented Li Clan*.  Lied about his age to enlist.  Fire Nation, nonbender.  16 as of Sozin's Comet.
  • Liang - only son of aforementioned Admiral Zhao.  Has never met his father; is in fact unaware of who his father is.  A smith.  Fire/Earth mixed, firebender.  18 as of Sozin's Comet
  • Leilani - Kidnapped "princess" of a previously-unknown branch of the Water Tribe* near the Fire Nation.  Currently working as a healer at Coastline Base.  May or may not suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.  Water Tribe, waterbender.  15 as of Sozin's Comet
  • Yui - Middle sibling of the Yujiro Trio*.  A talented singer with a growing repertoire.  Knows some opera thanks to one Admiral Zhao*.  Also developed very early; it's a family trait.  Fire Nation, nonbender.  10 during Tales of Ba Sing Se; 11 as of Lake Laogai.

Pick a character, give a prompt.  Does not necessarily have to be canon.  AU-requests are permissible.  I will mark which ones can be considered canon to my universe.

Two prompts per person; four to my writing circle. (This includes you, Kat.)  I only promise to fill one.  Interesting requests are more likely to be filled.

....why do I only seem to have two female OCs?  Yu Lai doesn't count; she is biologically male and only considers herself female about half the time.

* Piandao said it! We all heard him! "There are a million Lis"
* (Shut up, the Foggy Swamp guys got away with it.)
* She's ten to fifteen minutes older than Kouji
* I am noticing a theme here. Leilani was kidnapped by Zhao too.

oh no! more memeings

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