Flashfic: Consequence

Aug 26, 2010 22:05

Title: Consequence
Characters: Chatri, Lanh
Rating: PG-13/T for language
Summary: Lanh finds out about the second doujinshi starring him and Chatri -- and it's not funny at all.

The door opened, and Lanh turned to see Chatri come striding in, a book in his hand. He started to grin, and his fellow trainee punched him in the face. Taken off guard, the pickpocket stumbled backwards and tripped over his mattress.

"You son of a whore," Chatri snarled.

Lanh stared up at him, wide-eyed. "What the fuck, man!?"

"You know, I didn't mind so much when it was me. I'm an outsider, it's to be expected," Chatri said. "And you have no reputation to worry about."

"You are making no sense," Lanh told him.

The younger trainee threw the book at Lanh, who snatched it out of the air. The cover was plain, with calligraphy the only decoration. It took him a moment to puzzle it out. "Roses Woven in Cloth of Gold? Chatri, wh--"

"Read it."

Lanh flipped it open. Okay, there was him, and the ridiculous representation of Chatri that so pissed off his partner, but he couldn't see just what had got him so--

He stared.

"Hyun Su says Alak hasn't left his room in a day -- not since he told him about it," Chatri informed him. "You know, it was fine when it was just me and you. You've already decreed these 'funny', and my family's in Omashu again, so it won't really do much to us." He reached down and pulled Lanh upright by his collar. "This thing has already been out for two days. Alak has just started speaking with his family again. What, exactly, do you think this will do to that?"

Lanh took Chatri's hand from his robes. "Has Hyo-sir already talked to the Shadow Girls?" he asked quietly.

When Chatri affirmed this, Lanh nodded. "Then let's go take care of Alak."

He wasn't smiling.

fandom: avatar, character: dai li trainees

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