Title: And Then It Got Worse
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG/K+ (implied offscreen violence and sex)
Summary: Hyo is having a bad year.
Dealing with the Avatar had been a headache.
Dealing with the fallout from Long Feng's arrest had approached migraine.
Having to take orders from the fourteen-year-old princess of the Fire Nation had chafed, especially because Long Feng couldn't have been thinking when he made that deal with her.
And then things had gotten worse.
Princess Azula had somehow managed to cow Long Feng and take Directorship of the Dai Li from him.
His own Dai Li had participated in the fight against the Avatar, and the boy had been killed.
Ba Sing Se, bastion of the Earth Kingdom, the last great city still holding out against the Fire Nation, had fallen.
And then things had gotten worse.
Princess Azula had ordered Hyo and others of the Dai Li to do the unthinkable and bring down the wall. And Hyo had obeyed.
Princess Azula treated the Dai Li as pets at best, as servants at worst. Her interest in Qin worried Hyo, as did Xiang's reactions to it.
Princess Azula had revealed to her uncle, the Dragon of the West, that it had been Hyo who had stopped the Great Siege by killing Prince Lu Ten, ensuring that the Commander would not die of natural causes.
And then things had gotten even worse.
Princess Azula was preying on Qin, turning him into a frightened shadow of who he once had been.
The earth trembled where Xiang walked.
Whenever the palace guards clashed with the Dai Li and violence ensued, it was Hyo who paid the price for his agents' choices to defend themselves.
Now, deep within the palace archives and looking at a portrait of the royal family before the Firelord had been crowned such, Hyo found that all he could do was laugh. How had he not seen it before?
The single encounter with a woman Hyo had had since the death of his wife, and his new Director was that woman's daughter.
Perhaps it wouldn't be Iroh who killed him after all.