Ongoing "Lightning At Sea" Post

Jun 08, 2009 21:46

Lightning At Sea

Main Handlers: Becca and Puck
Summary: An alternate universe wherein the Water Tribes are aiming for world conquest, rather than the Fire Nation. All your favourite characters will be in here, as well as some OCs scattered throughout to help the story move along.


Tide and Time - During the hundredth year of the Water Tribe Conquest, Hahn of the Northern Tribe and Prince Sokka of the Southern Tribe struggle to make a unique betrothal necklace and bring it back to Princess Yue before her fifteenth birthday. By Becca.


Prince Sokka and Master Pakku
Hahn and Krisuk


Teaser Trailer - a lying sack of whore, like all teasers
Official Trailer - more honest.

fandom: avatar, au: lightning at sea, fanfic, alternate universes, ongoing post

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