Funeral of hearts ch 9

Jun 21, 2010 21:43

Title: The funeral of hearts - ch 9
Author: dark_light_girl
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Just as Bam finds happiness, his life and love are torn apart
Disclaimer: I dont own ville or bam, but wish i did XD twuld be fun
Warnings: tis a tiny bit sad = [
Author's Notes: This is my first ever fic, so comments critial or otherwise appreciated, taah x

Oh btw *Looking for beta* :D any one willing??? much <3

"These are the thing you make me do"

"Hunnie I know your uncertain about all this, but trust me, Im only trying to help him out."
"Ville, I'm not so sure... I mean there's alot of history"
"But thats all it is - history"
"Does he know that?"
I pause.
"...I hope so... for his sake"
"So, when will you be back?"
"I'm not sure... a week or so maybe?"
"That long?! You've already been ther for 4 days! And we do have a wedding to plan ya know..."
"Yes I know sweetheart, how could i forget?!"
"Then come home..."
Call waiting caller Id - Bam
"Baby I've got to go, My phone's dying. Il speak later yeh?"
"(Sigh) Ok then..."
"Love you"
"yeh...Love you too"
 End of call


"Hey ville its bam, Iv'e done it... Its all gone, everything... and Skank, he's leaving...I asked him to go... Come visit me soon? I feel so ill...Plus i really want to talk to you about things...
Ok call me later or drop by yeh?...Bye."
"Love you"

Oh Lord... Maybe he has got the wrong idea...

Bam's diary
I feel like death. God I miss it already, and skank broke my new fuckin deck...the little bitch.
But Ville... That kiss... surely it means something... It has to, why else would he still be here?
I hope this is the start of something long forgotten. It has to be... he's the only reason I still belive in love... Even now.

Ville's POV

As I'm walking up the driveway, my phone starts ringing again, Its Jonne.

"Hello baby?"
"Hi, I thought your phone died?"
"Oh, Yeh... I changed the battery"
"Oh ok liste-"
"Darling, now's not a good time, ok? Can we talk later?"
"Oh. Fine"
"Jonne, wait..."
End of call.


Just then, a movement out of the corner of my eye distracts me. Its that kid again, what did bam call him...?
"Oh hi, again," He adresses me, "I'm skank"
"Oh, Hi,"
"Erm, Bam's in a mood, can you give this to him for me?" He somewhat hesitantly passes me a ailver and black jacket. "He's been lookin for it all day"
"Oh ok."
He retreated away from me, and headed off down the drive as I entered the house.
It was very quiet.
"Bam?" I called into the silence. No reply.
I looked around, and then down to the jacket in my arms.
It was very beautiful, but quite small.. Maybe Bam had lost alot more weight than I had first thought...
As i held it out infront of me, something fell to the floor.

A needle. It had fallen out of the pocket.

I reached inside the left pocket, There was a note,

"Hey Bam, I got the shit for later, Just give me a ring when you've sorted the finnish bitch out yeh? Make him hurt."
Love, S x

He was lying to me... Messing me around, Making me lie to Jonne... I saw red. I was trying to help him, and this is how he repayed me? Him and his little bitch getting revenge? Fuck that.

And with this thought, I dropped the jacket where I stood and left.
Pulling out my phone as i ran, i rang Jonne...

Voicemail, darn

"Baby, I miss you... I'm coming home now..."

And with that I hung up.


As Ville left bam lying sick in bed without a clue of his depature, Skank crept into the house, retreving his jacket from the hard oak floor, a smile snaking across his face.

*** Hours later.

"I'm so sorry baby, but the airport said he left earlier today..."
Bam sniffed, as he cheked his voice mail once again,
"Yeh hunnie?"
"I'm so sorry about tellin you to leave... please stay"
"Its ok baby, and of course I will" I replied, barely disguising my smile, "Anything else Bammie?"
"...Make it all go away..."
I pulled him round and kissed him hard on the lips, loving his taste - more addicting than any drug.
"I'l go get the rock" I stated, breaking the kiss.
He simply stared into space, tears falling down his cheek, heart broken in his chest.

He was mine now, and Ville would never get him back...

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