Sina Libbu Ziana (Part 2)

Dec 28, 2011 17:50

Title: Sina Libbu Ziana (Two Hearts Beating)
Rating: NC-17
Part: 2/7

The contentedness doesn't last when Will arrives home and all through the hour he spends grading Freshman papers on the proper use of tenses, the half hour he spends in the kitchen rustling up a half-decent dinner and the forty-five minutes he spends channel surfing before giving it up and deciding to go to bed early, he is plagued by what he did by letting his guard down.

He had sex with one of his students.

Yes, there were extenuating circumstances but it's not like he can explain in a court of law that his alien sex drive made him do it, not if he doesn't want to end up in some government lab being interrogated, or worse; dissected so his ZE can be weaponized, anyway.

And really, he'd have a hard time trying to explain it anyway because it's not like he understands it. He thought he did, he really thought that he was old enough to get how things worked, but he'd gone into work on Tuesday preparing to avoid physical contact with Emma at all costs and then discovered, when he bumped into her in the hallway, that her Ni was so withdrawn and underdeveloped that looking at her was about as arousing as looking at fine oak furnishing, i.e. not at all.

But he made Duranki with Finn? He formed the bond instinctively from the slightest of contacts and Finn's Ni felt so good against his aching body, his Shi was a welcome visitor in his mind and, heck, even his spunk hadn't tasted too bad. And really that's wrong, it's so fundamentally wrong that he knows what Finn's reproductive juices taste like because he's a child...

And, no, no he's not. Puck may still be the same as he always was but Quinn and Finn were really affected when she fell pregnant. It changed them, matured them, and Finn's been Etlutu ever since that moment when he let Will send him off to be the hero at Sectionals, even when it was the last thing he wanted.

So now Will has to wonder, how long has he been watching Finn? How long has he been observing as the teenager blossoms into a young man before his eyes, and has he been unconsciously hoarding an attraction to him? He knows that, objectively speaking, Finn is handsome: tall, broad, quarterback, All-American as apple-pie and all those other fawning statements mothers would make to any daughter lucky enough to be bringing him home to meet them. He also knows that he likes Finn, has had a soft-spot for him since he first joined the Glee club and goes out of his way to help him in any way that he can. So are those two pieces of knowledge totally separate? The longer he pokes at it, digs down into his psyche and tries to find the two strands so he can pull them apart, the more tangled everything becomes.

He frustratedly presses the power button on the remote, blacking the TV screen out of an infomercial for an innovative new paintbrush that's really just a sponge with a handle, lets the device drop between the couch cushions and heads into the bathroom. Because really, it doesn't matter if he has feelings for Finn or not, Finn is his student and that's the bottom line; there can't be anything between them and what they did today was a one-time thing. You're horny and need to get laid, and I'm, y'know, seventeen. Those were his exact words; so now that they've done it, they can put it behind them and get on with their lives like every other person on the planet who has a quick, meaningless fuck.

Will catches himself palming his soapy prick and curses; he twists the knob all the way to one side and hisses at the sudden, sharp sting of icy water pounding down on his back.

He makes the decision to go into work the following day. His mind is still a mess and he really doesn't want to face up to Finn, but his Eru Emuq is soothed enough that he can't honestly follow through on his plan to play sick and it'll be less suspicious to take off a few days after the weekend than to claim he's suffering a prolonged ailment that lasts from today to the middle of next week.

The halls and classrooms of William McKinley are as chock full of pheromones as ever, but Will isn't as blindsided by them and thinks he should make it through the day without too much difficulty... until third period. Third period he teaches Spanish 2 to the Junior class, third period he teaches Finn.

Finn walks through the door with Quinn and Santana about a minute ahead of being late to class. Will's chest tightens, his Eru Emuq pulses and he clenches his jaw to hold back the neurochemical impulse trailing up his spinal cord, which he knows would express itself by dragging Finn across the classroom and throwing him down across the desk so that Will could mount him.

There's semen residue on his fingers, it's the barest trace but might as well be neon body paint for how well it stands out to him. Will took another cold shower this morning when he made the decision to go into work, but Finn has faint traces of spunk lingering on his fingertips and hot, damn, fuck now all Will can think about is whether Finn was recollecting the blowjob and thinking of him while he dealt with his morning wood.

He wants to suck Finn's fingers. Scratch that, he wants to suck Finn's dick again. He's struck by the insane desire to announce to the class that they'll be studying anatomy, then invite Finn up to the front so that he can strip him bare and explore every sexy inch of his Etlutu frame while he narrates the Spanish names for each limb and muscle to the class. But that's a stupid idea, possibly the stupidest idea he's ever had; right up there with the picnic basket with a built-in compartment for a telescope he'd designed for the Business Economics class he'd hated taking in college, so when he does stand up and address the class he says, “I'll just be a few minutes,” and fucking runs.

He stops to catch his breath out in the hall and considers his options: He can pretend he left to get a cup of coffee and spend the lesson acting jittery as he tries not to openly lust after Finn; he can go to the bathroom and jerk off, sending his Eru Emuq into a frenzy for the rest of the day, but that will at least reduce his chances of doing something to give himself away during the lesson; or...

And he picks door number three, more accurately, the door to the Language department's storage cupboard. There are filing cabinets containing the master copy of pop quizzes, review sheets and textbook order forms; dusty piles of old, graffitied texts that the Lit classes don't use anymore; a box of cassette tapes for audio repetition tasks; an OHP with a cracked lens and a broken skeleton that got shunted over to them from the Science department and has never been returned. The cupboard operates under a rudimentary filtration principle, with the items that are used more regularly being stored at the front while those that see less use fade to the back. Fortunately for Will he is here for something that sees frequent use and so he doesn't have to wade through the clutter. The Language department has two VCR/DVD combo televisions at its disposal and there isn't a teacher of foreign language that doesn't know the benefit of being able to stick a DVD on in the language they're paid to teach, select the option for English subtitles and sit back with a reasonably content class for a lesson.

Will signs the booking form, dating it the previous day to feign some authenticity, and collects the tangled cable from the floor, wheeling the stand out of the cupboard and down to his classroom. He steels himself as he pushes the door open, and although Finn's Ni hits him brighter and harder than the others' it doesn't make him feel like he's going to lose control now that he's prepared for it.
“We're watching a movie?” Ronnie questions as Will clumsily pushes the rickety TV-stand through the door with minimal bumps against the doorjamb.
“Yes,” He answers cheerfully. “I thought, 'Who wants to be taking a test on a Friday morning?' so I pushed it back to Monday; just make sure you all study this weekend, okay?”
An affirmative murmur passes through the class and Will wonders how many of them are going to keep the promises they're making, but if everything goes according to plan he's not going to be here on Monday and so he won't have to find out.

An overly Conservative mother of the PTA took umbrage at her Freshman daughter's health class watching Mean Girls a few years back, so since then the movies they're allowed to show to students have been restricted to PG rating or below. Will doesn't think most of the students mind so much because, from their perspective, being able to watch a film is better than a lesson where they might actually learn something, but it doesn't exactly leave him with a wide collection of DVDs to choose from.

In the end he selects Finding Nemo, sets the audio language options from the menu and then makes a futile attempt at encouraging his students to actually learn something by asking them to focus on the repeated scenes of characters asking for directions and to write down the dialogue exchanges. About two thirds of the class take out pens and look prepared to take notes, and he knows that about half of them will just note down the first few lines of relevant dialogue and then stop bothering, but it's better than nothing.

Finn isn't one of the ones who even makes the effort to look like he's taking notes, he just sits back with his elbows resting on the back of his chair so that he can talk to Brittany about how this is one of his favorite movies, and that should be a really unattractive quality; blatant disregard and disinterest in learning, but he has this big grin as he lazily gesticulates with one hand and Will really just wants to straddle his lap and suck his fingers down to the knuckle.

He makes a start on grading the pop quizzes he'd given to his Sophomore Spanish 1 class the lesson prior and largely ignores his students as they watch the action unfolding on the 18-inch screen, glancing up every few minutes to admonish anyone who isn't paying attention but otherwise leaving them to it. On one occasion he is pleasantly surprised to see Finn bent over his notebook, but then the young man leans across the desk to read from Quinn's paper and his surprised cheer sours into disappointment. Seeming to sense the gaze on him, Finn looks up and forces a tight, apologetic smile; he sits back upright and focuses on the confusing exchange between Marlin and Dory, before scribbling a few fragments down entirely under his own effort. Will is annoyed at the warmth that spreads through him at that simple action and shifts on his chair to relieve the sudden pressure on his Eru Emuq.

He stops the DVD right after Nemo has made his first attempt at jamming the tank filter, much to the dissatisfaction of the class. He makes the promise that they'll finish watching the movie next week if everybody does well on Monday's test, because again; he's not planning to be here so it's not his responsibility to keep that promise, and asks for people to contribute with phrases they'd picked up from the movie. Finn offers up the fragments he'd gleaned and Will smiles appreciatively even as he corrects him. By the end of those last five minutes Will is sure that his class will all be able to ask any passing Spaniards of the direction to Sydney, not the most useful phrase to have at their disposal but something at least.

When he gets back from returning the television to the storage cupboard, he finds the classroom empty of everybody but Finn, who is waiting in front of his desk.
“Did you want something, Finn?” He asks, nervously closing the door behind him.
“I was just wondering...” Finn shrugs, false-casual, playing with the strap of his backpack, “Are you okay?”
“What? Yes, yes I'm fine,” He lies swiftly. “Look, you should go or-” He cuts off as Finn catches him by the waist.
“Are you okay?” Finn repeats pointedly, digging his fingers into the flesh above his throbbing alien organ.
Up his spinal cord and out, a strong burst of ZE that pushes the desk three feet across the floor and sends the clutter on top of it cascading to the ground.
“Apparently not,” Will remarks; then gives a relieved groan and lets his head fall forward onto Finn's shoulder because, even through the Cura-Heat pack he put there this morning, the fingers kneading into his tense back feel incredible.

He wants Finn to keep touching him, wants Finn to bend him over the desk and stretch him open achingly slowly with his dick, wants to feel the filthy, amazing slide of it going in, pulling out, sinking in again in a short sharp jerk that makes him see stars, wants to be fucked so hard he forgets his own name, fucked so hard that his Eru Emuq shrivels away and dies because he'll never have an orgasm that good ever again.

He feels a prod against his thigh and looks up to see Finn's cheekbones flushed pink; he realizes that he's just said all of that out loud.
“Oh fuck.” He groans again, this time despairingly, and lets his head fall onto the young man's shoulder.
“W-we could do that,” Finn suggests hesitantly, the prod of his half-hard poking into his teacher again. “I mean, not right now, but... If you wanted.”
“Finn, I don't-” Will cuts off as he feels the young man's hand dig into his pocket.
Finn taps away rapidly with his thumbs, then passes Will's phone back to him, “If you need some help, just call me.” He sinks his hands deep into the pockets of his cargo pants and Will can tell that he's adjusting himself. “I mean, if you know somebody else; that's cool too,” He sounds incredibly insincere about that, “But, you can count on me.”
Count on a teenage boy to come running if there's a chance he'll get laid? Yeah, Will's sure that he can.
“See ya later, Mr. Schue. I mean, or after the weekend, or whatever,” Finn stumbles over his goodbye as he backs towards the door.
“Or whatever,” Will parrots back with a hint of a smile.
The second Finn is out the door, Will has his address book open and is thumbing through to find the number the young man just entered; because this has gone far enough and he simply can't...


His chest is feeling tight again, he forces himself to take a breath. His thumb hovers over the option to delete the number, then moves up to instead select the 'Edit' option; he corrects Finn's spelling error and pockets the phone. There's no harm in having a back-up plan.


It's the evening of the fourth day of his cycle, which means that Anpa is less than a day away and Will can feel it through his whole body; little vibrations along the taut length of him and his Eru Emuq is aching even worse than it was yesterday and he was a monumental idiot to think that giving one hasty blowjob would negate a biological imperative.

He's laid out on the couch with two cushions and a hot water bottle tucked beneath him, doing absolutely nothing to ease the throb of his bloated organ. Something is unfolding on the TV, but to Will it's all just indistinguishable noise and movement; his attention is focused on his cellphone. It's sitting on his belly, above the rumblings of his stomach digesting the chicken parmesan he shoveled down without tasting half an hour ago, and he keeps picking it up, scrolling through to the Duranki number and then locking the keypad again and placing it down.

He checks the clock, it's only been ten minutes since he last checked the time. Ten minutes? It had felt like an eternity.
Finn answers immediately, “What's up?”
Will almost chokes on his tongue holding in the moan, just hearing his voice has got the older man tenting out his pants, “Finn-”
“Oh, hey!” There's surprise, followed by excitement in Finn's voice. “You need me to...?”
“Please,” Will answers, reaching down to squeeze his erect prick. “God, I need you so bad.” And again, he's just said that one out loud, hasn't he?
“I can be there in fifteen minutes,” Finn assures, the rustling sounds of him throwing on a jacket carrying through the line before he hangs up.
Ten minutes had seemed a lifetime, but it feels like barely a second passes before there's a knocking at the door; Will idly contemplates Einstein's theory of relativity as he stumbles over himself to answer it.

“Hey.” Finn grins bright and excited, absolutely reeking of pheromone and Will dances around him as the young man steps into the apartment and shuts the door behind him. “So where are we gonna-?” He hesitantly starts to ask.
“Here, right here is good,” Will cuts across, surging forward until his lips are wrapped around Finn's tongue. Finn groans happily into the kiss and abandons his attempt to extricate his arms from his jacket in favor of placing a hand to the back of Will's neck and another to the small of his back where the erogenous organ lurks just beneath the skin. “Oh I hate you, you damned tease,” Will growls, grinding his persistent erection against Finn's thigh.
“See, I don't think you do,” Finn retorts gloatingly, pulling their lips back together and sliding a hand up under his teacher's loose t-shirt. “Uhn, Will!” He grunts, fingers fanning out across the older man's back as Will grinds down on the growing stiffness in Finn's cargo pants.
“These can come off now, right?” Will puts his thumbs through the beltloops of the cargo pants and tugs them down a few inches.
“Yes, that- that sounds like a good idea,” Finn answers.
The pants, Finn's underwear and Will are all on the floor an instant later; Will leans forwards and nuzzles the rising erection with his nose, inhaling the musky scent of Finn's crotch with the same reverence that a wine connoisseur would give to a classical vintage.

Hello, old friend. Will thinks to himself as he ghosts his fingers along the quivering muscle of Finn's thigh and holds the solid length of cock in place with his other hand so that he can swirl his tongue around the flushed head.
“How'd you get so good at this?” Finn wonders aloud, “I mean, fuck, no; don't answer that.”
Will is only too happy to comply, greatly preferring to spend the minutes it would take to explain running his tongue up and down the underside of the young man's dick, tracing the throbbing central vein, or suckling the glans.

Finn's hand is hovering close to Will's hair and he's starting to be rather annoyed by its presence so he pulls back from his ministrations and looks up at the teenager through lidded eyes, “Finn, you remember what I told you about only thrusting when I tell you to?”
The hand retreats a few inches, scorned, and the young man nods, “Sorry.”
Will shakes his head, giving Finn the most debauched leer he can manage, “You have permission.”
Finn groans aloud with his eyes screwed shut, his cock bobs up and down in front of Will as though it is expressing its own agreement. Will wraps his lips around Finn's dick again, incredibly pleased by the hand that settles at the back of his head a moment later. Finn is hesitant at first, but quickly learns to trust Will to accommodate his deep, desperate plunges; Will sinks back, breathing steadily through his nose and letting his mouth fall slack so that the sensitive glans of Finn's cock is brushing against the back of his throat. It is like a meditative state, mostly still and totally serene as a partner takes carnal pleasure from his body; Will's Eru Emuq is pulsing in time with each sweet slide of the young man's erection into his willing body, each bounce of Finn's heavy balls against his chin, and he can't stop practically purring at the sensation.
“Fuck, fuck, so good Will, it's so good,” Finn babbles, bracing himself against the wall in front of him with one hand while the other strokes at the older man's hair.
Will hums an agreement, running a finger along Finn's sweaty perineum and then up behind to the crack of his ass. He feels the muscle tensing when he presses the pad of his finger against the tight hole and understands the apprehension Finn must be feeling, so rather than press inside, he sends neurochemical energy through his cortex and uses ZE to press down on the young man's prostate without the need for penetration.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Finn calls out loudly with his final three thrusts before he tenses all over and shoots a hot creamy load down Will's open throat. Forget the chicken parmesan, this is the best thing Will's had in his mouth all day! He stays silent through Finn's trembling aftershocks, then starts to suck and slurp at the softening dick to really coax everything he can from it, moves on to nosing through his pubic hair and licking away trails of sweat from his abdomen. “Fuck, goddamn, Will,” Finn's voice cracks with the overstimulation and he physically pushes the older man away.

Will lays there on the doormat, mouth fucked utterly raw, and looks up at Finn who is sweaty along his hairline, face flushed bright red, gingerly tucking his penis back into his pants and he doesn't even have his fucking jacket off yet. Shit, Will is the worst host ever.
“I'll, um, make us some tea,” He offers, levering himself up onto his elbows and finding that he still feels boneless from the rush of endorphins his Eru Emuq flooded into his bloodstream. “Just as soon as I get the feeling in my legs back.”
Finn finishes buttoning his pants and falls against the wall; he offers a hand and manages to pull Will's dead weight back into a standing position.

“I'm sorry about that,” Will apologizes as he searches through the cabinet for cups and the box of tea bags. “The need for stimulation during my cycle is really intense.”
“It's okay,” Finn answers.
Will sets the cups down in front of the boiling kettle and turns to look at Finn for the first time since they entered the kitchen, he looks unperturbed but that might just be because he's had his senses sucked out through his cock.
“Earl Grey okay?” He inquires, watching for a response.
“Hm?” Finn blinks lazily, “Oh yeah, that sounds good.” His Ni is lax and latent, it makes Will's Eru Emuq sputter out further contented endorphins. He puts the teabags in, fills the cups once the kettle has boiled and carries them across to the table.
Finn is resting with his chin cupped in one hand, his gaze focused on Will, “Do you want me to...?”
“To?” Will prompts as he turns to collect milk from the fridge.
Finn gestures towards the older man's groin and when he glances down Will realizes that he's forgotten to see to it again, “No, there's no real need.”
Finn watches in awe as the tent in the teacher's shorts fades away, “I wish I could do that,” He mumbles, a little enviously.
Will chuckles and takes the seat across from his guest, “Believe me, I'd take a few inconvenient erections over the pain I'm putting up with at the moment.”
Finn seems to mull that one over as he watches Will add sugar to his tea, then gratefully accepts the spoon for himself and begins sweetening his own beverage, “So, um, are you a girl?” Will's eyebrows shoot up and the young man muffles a curse, “That isn't what- I just meant... You're mating with me and I'm a guy, so; or are you like a gay alien? Not that there's anything wrong with that, the gay or the alien... and I'm just going to shut up now.”
Will sips his tea to hide the amused smile on his face, “My species is tri-gendered,” He answers.
Finn glances up from studying the table when he realizes that he, somehow miraculously, hasn't managed to accidentally insult the other man. He starts adding sugar to his tea again.

“From human classifications of biology, there are what we call Zikar; men, that is the ones who bear seed. There are Sinnus; women, the ones who bear eggs. Then there are people like me, Dumuzi.”
“Dumuzi,” Finn repeats. “So if you're not a man or a woman, what are you?”
“Closer to a man than a woman at least,” Will responds, to answer the original question. “Dumuzi carry seed and are capable of impregnating Sinnus, in the days of my ancestors that would've been done in times when the number of mature Zikar in a community was too low for a productive mating cycle and more recently has become a less common practice indulged in by individuals who have that desire. The traditional role that Dumuzi play in reproduction is as a conduit between mating pairs of Zikar and Sinnus.”
Finn listens to the explanation, trying to follow along as best as he can. He sips at his tea, makes an expression of distaste and rubs the sleeve of his shirt across the surface of his tongue to scrub the flavor away. “A conduit?”
“Zikar and Sinnus have very subdued nervous systems, that certainly has advantages but it makes attaining arousal for prolonged sexual intercourse difficult,” Will answers, watching the steadily decreasing bowl of sugar warily; but, he decides, Finn was good enough to come over and help him when he needed it so he can't begrudge him a bowl of sugar.
“Wait, so you're like living Viagra?” Finn surmises. The withering stare that Will sends his way doesn't chastise Finn and he bites down on the cheeky grin as he finally sets aside the sugar bowl and pours milk into his cup.
“When we find a suitable mate we form a Duranki,” Will begins to explain the process. “Through physical contact we are able to comprehend details about them that will assist in maintaining a state of arousal while the act of intercourse takes place, and if physical contact is made with the Sinnus during this time some genetic information will pass on to the offspring. Dumuzi have an organ called the Eru Emuq, as you already know, that releases endorphins in response to pheromones produced by Zikar and Sinnus when they orgasm.” He can see Finn struggling to understand, so he summarizes, “In layman's terms: when you come, I come.”
Finn sips his tea and manages to swallow it without making a face, then frowns and gestures towards Will's groin, “So why...?”
“A penis is a useful tool to produce sexual arousal,” He answers plainly. “And it does feel good to use it during sex, but compare it to having every gland in my Eru Emuq spitting out endorphins and it seems a bit surplus to requirements.”
“But what if you're having sex with someone and getting them off at the same time?” Finn poses.
Will smiles widely, an expression full of fond memories and sips at his tea, “That is marvelous.” Finn chews at his lower lip and it takes Will a few seconds to realize that he's feeling guilty, “Finn, what you've been doing for me is great. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.” He reaches across the table and takes Finn's hand, squeezing gently.
“This is crazy,” Finn remarks, glancing up shyly. “Quinn and Rachel pretty much told me that sex wasn't going to happen and Santana acted like it was some big favor she was doing for me, and here you are actually thanking me after you've just sucked my dick.”
“Well, manners are very important,” Will remarks grandly, smiling when he's successful in teasing a grin out of Finn.

“So, the Duranki,” Finn prompts. “Tell me more about that.”
“What do you want to know?” Will returns.
“Well, right now you're Will,” Finn answers, then lets go of the teacher's hand, “And now you're Mr. Schuester again. It's weird, because it doesn't feel strange at all to call you Will when I'm touching you. It feels like I've known you my whole life, actually it's more like I've known you your whole life.”
“My people call it Shi,” Will answers. “That would translate as soul or spirit, I suppose. A Duranki makes a bond between two people and when those people touch, their Shi are able to communicate.”
“When you first made the- the Duranki, I had all these thoughts in my head and I sort of knew they weren't mine, but at the same time they felt like they were,” Finn says.
“And when I stopped touching you, it all fell away and now you can't remember any of the details,” Will continues.
“Yeah,” Finn confirms.
“Try and remember now,” Will suggests, taking Finn's hand in his own again and interlacing their fingers. He feels the flow of the Duranki as surely as he can feel the ground beneath his feet.
“I know how to play an E7th,” Finn answers instantly, “Calculus is suddenly making a lot more sense and, mmm, peanut butter is so delicious to you; I mean, that's better than sex. Not sex with you, I mean, but that's like ten times better than sex with Santana.” He narrows his eyes as Will starts laughing, “Don't laugh at me, it's your stupid peanut butter fascination.”
“Better than sex?” Will breathes out between bursts of laughter.
“That's it,” Finn playfully twists his hand in their joined grip. “Let go of me and take back your peanut butter fetish.”
“I'm not the one who made it about sex,” Will points out.
“We could do,” Finn returns, eyes darting towards the pantry. “You got any?”
“No, no I don't,” He answers, well aware of just how disappointed he sounds.
“Oh well,” Finn answers, shrugging, and lets their joined hands fall back to the tabletop.

The soft aroma of arousal is beginning to rise from Finn, so Will rubs a thumb over his knuckles and slides a bare foot along the kitchen tile to rub against the young man's ankle, and the scent grows stronger. It may only have been fifteen minutes since he sucked Finn off in the doorway but time is relative and, to a teenager, fifteen minutes without sex is a very long time. He leans across the table and the younger man meets him halfway, their lips joining together in a soft kiss; Finn's mouth tastes like sweet, milky tea but Will doesn't mind that too much and runs his tongue along the young man's lower lip to encourage this into something dirtier.

Finn's hand settles at the back of his neck and holds him close as they mouth, hot and wet against each other for some time. The pheromones pouring off of Finn keep multiplying and Will's Eru Emuq is totally ready to go again. Finn whines at the loss of contact when Will pulls back, opens his mouth to protest it, but then finds himself and his chair being pushed across the kitchen by an invisible force.
“What was that?” He questions as the older man crosses round the table and straddles his lap.
“Zumru Emuqa,” Will replies, pressing open mouthed kisses along Finn's jawline.
“That's the thing that made the papers blow about when you were making the Duranki, right?”
“Right,” Will agrees, rewarding the correct answer with a lingering kiss. “For my ancestor Dumuzi, that burst of ZE was like a territorial claim; they'd find a mate and create a strong force to ward off anyone who might try to come in and steal them.”
“You put a claim on me?” Finn asks, he sounds a little unsettled at the idea.
“Well, yes,” Will answers, “But it was inadvertent, I wasn't in control.”
“So, a bit like coming in your pants?” Finn suggests, with one eyebrow raised.
“A very apt analogy,” Will agrees, grinding down onto the prominent bulge in Finn's own pants. “But usually I can control it,” He continues, “Like this.” The buttons on Finn's shirt all come loose at the same moment.
“Show-off,” Finn teases and helps to shrug the fabric off, throwing it to the floor.
“Sometimes,” Will admits, licking a stripe up his neck as he reaches down to pull Finn's t-shirt up.

He slides low on Finn's lap and leans down to play with his nipples, they pebble and harden but it doesn't really produce much of a response; he slides his hands lower and finds a erogenous zone along the edge of the young man's ribs that he makes a note of.
“What I don't understand,” Finn muses, running his hands up Will's back underneath his loose t-shirt, “Is why you don't use it more often. If I could move things just by thinking about it, I'd be doing so much more with it.”
“Normally I can't,” Will answers. “There's a mineral on my home planet that doesn't exist here on Earth and that's what makes my ZE functions possible, normally. During the mating cycle my Eru Emuq synthesizes a hormone that acts as an alternative to the mineral.”
“Because it's a useful tool to produce sexual arousal,” Finn guesses.
Will runs a feather-soft trail of ZE along his student's chest, “Yup.”
“Fuck.” Finn exhales low and quiet with his head thrown over the back of the chair; Will wants to bite down at his exposed throat and leave a dozen claiming marks there but he knows that would be a bad idea, so instead he reaches down to Finn's lap and starts unbuttoning his pants. Finn's head snaps back up and his hands fall out of Will's shirt to reach down and pull at the elastic waistband of his loose-fitting shorts.
“You don't have to,” Will repeats the assurance he's made twice before as Finn grips his turgid prick.
“You said it's better when we both get off,” Finn answers, getting a feel for having another man's dick in his hand as he mouths kisses against Will's throat.

They get a grip on each other, stroking and fumbling and bumping hands until they find a rhythm that suits them both; Will sliding sinuously on Finn's lap and thrusting into the snug embrace of his hand, while he has his own fingers wrapped round the younger man's dick and Finn makes the chair groan by bucking his hips up a scant few inches to meet each stroke. It's warm, hard friction, slicked only by their precome and Will's going to be rubbed raw from it but can't bring himself to care.

They tumble over the precipice of orgasm within seconds of each other. Will feels himself go lax and puts his clean hand on Finn's shoulder to support himself, while the young man's hands cup underneath his ass to keep him upright. They stay in that position, sweating and spattered in their own semen, with their lips only inches apart so that they're breathing the same air; a more obscene version of the moment that had formed their Duranki.
“Damn,” Finn groans regretfully. “After all that dirty talk you made earlier, I really thought I was gonna get a chance to tap this,” and he punctuates the remark with a light slap to Will's backside.
Will snorts and lets his head fall forward, settling into the crook of Finn's neck, “You are such a guy.”
“You're a guy,” Finn retorts.
“No, I'm Dumuzi,” Will points out, smiling against the young man's warm, slick skin.
“Whatever.” Finn runs his hands up Will's body, wrapping an arm round his waist and one round his shoulders to tighten their embrace fondly. “I mean, Puck's told me some stories and I'm not going to lie, they got me through some lonely nights; but when you said that you wanted me to bend you across the desk and... I think that's enough jerkoff fodder for the rest of my life.”

There's a weird dichotomy inside Will at that moment; he feels safe and content here in the young man's embrace, like he hasn't in a long time, but all the compliments Finn is giving him and the feeling of their ejaculate, sticky and cooling between the press of their bodies, makes him feel like some cheap whore.

He turns away from Finn, resting his cheek against the young man's shoulder and finds his gaze falling on the abandoned cups of tea at the table. He recalls the expression of distaste Finn had given when he first took a sip, remembers how much milk and sugar he'd put into the beverage before he could stand to drink it, and he wonders if that means something; does Finn really want something out of this or had he just been hanging around hoping for round two?
“What's up?” Finn whispers the question into his ear, his thumb rubbing across Will's nape.
“We need to clean off or we're going to get stuck together like this,” Will answers, already peeling back and standing up.

He tears off a few sheets, then passes the kitchen roll across and watches the young man dab at his torso to clean off the sticky patches, all the while lost in his own contemplation. Is this all that Finn is looking for, somebody to make him feel good for a little while before he goes merrily on his way? Or do the kisses mean something, the soft little smiles, the feel of his fingers rubbing along Will's nape as they snuggle through the afterglow? Should he take a chance on this?
“Tomorrow is...”
“Saturday,” Finn helpfully supplies when he trails off. He balls up the soiled paper towels and makes a dunkshot towards the trashcan with it.
And fuck, seriously? He may be Etlutu, but he's still almost half Will's age and how can he possibly think that somebody that young would be looking to make something of this!
“Will?” Finn presses, concern starting to show in his eyes as he sees the frown on the older man's face.
And there, there's the reason; because even when they aren't touching, even before their Duranki was formed, Finn can tell when something's troubling him.
“Tomorrow is Anpa,” He continues, making the decision to go for it, take the risk and see where this leads. “The very middle of my cycle, it's the point where I should be at my most sexually active. You could, I mean if you wanted...”
“If I wanted, are you kidding me?” Finn shakes his head and puts his hands on Will's shoulders, smiling sincerely, “I told you I'd be here for you if you need me.”

Finn collects his shirt, putting it back on and making an attempt to smooth out all the creases, and when he makes sure to finish the lukewarm cup of Earl Grey before he leaves Will thinks that he's probably made the right choice.
“So, tomorrow?” Finn prompts, hovering at the front door as he pulls his jacket back on.
“Tomorrow,” Will agrees, leaning on the open door as his guest steps out into the hall.
“Bye Will,” Finn checks that there's nobody watching before running his hand down Will's cheek and leaning in to place one last quick peck to his lips.

Will stands in the doorway for a moment, watching Finn heading towards the stairwell and holding tentative fingers to his lips; as though he might be able to capture some trace of the kiss to keep as a memento. Chastising himself for the foolish thought, he closes the front door and heads back into his apartment; shedding his sticky, rumpled clothing on the way to the bathroom. He shouldn't be considering what Finn's feelings about this all might be; whether he's a horny kid taking the opportunity to get laid that fell into his lap or if he's taking the chance to act upon a schoolboy crush he might have had even before their shared moment in the choir room, either way it won't... it can't, last past the end of Will's cycle.

Wiping condensation from the mirror after stepping out of the shower, Will looks into the eyes of his reflection forcefully. He'll see Finn again tomorrow like they've planned and after that he'll end their arrangement and make it through the second half of his cycle cold turkey; he needs to break away before it becomes too hard to do so, needs to end it before he does something stupid.

Part 3a

writing: fanfic, tv: glee

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