Points and Scoring

Sep 03, 2011 21:15

There are multiple ways of making a bingo where each filled square counts as 50 points.

The minimum requirements for a fill are:

Fic - 500 words
Art - medium sized (at least 320x240)
Icons - set of 10
Rec post - 10 recs (any combination of fandoms)
Podfic - 500 word fic
Picspam - 20 pics
Vids - 30 seconds
Mix - 10 songs with track list and explanation included
Meta - 1000 words

*Note: Visual representation of the bingos will be posted as soon as they're finished.


Straight line (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) (5 prompts) - 1 prompt per fill, 5 fills, 250 points

*note that the line doesn't have to go through the central square unless it's diagonal.

4 corners (5 prompts) - 1 prompt per fill, 5 fills, 250 points

Parallel Diagonals (2 parallel diagonals; points dependent on which diagonals used) (5 - 9 prompts) - 1 prompt per fill, 5 - 9 fills, 250 - 450 points

*Note that any parallel diagonal lines may be used, except for the corners and you cannot use the two two-square diagonals together to make bingo. At least five squares must be used.

Diamond (8 prompts) - 1 prompt per fill, 8 fills, 400 points

Crosses: X or + (2 diagonals or crossing straight lines through the center) (9 prompts) - 1 prompt per fill, 9 fills, 450 points

*Note that the + does not have to cross in the middle. Any horizontal + vertical line is considered a +

Border (all outside squares) (16 prompts) - 1 prompt per fill, 16 fills, 800 points

Envelope (all outside squares and X through the center) (21 prompts) - 1 prompt per fill, 21 fills, 1050 points

Blackout (all squares) (25 prompts) - 1 prompt per fill, 25 fills, 1250 points(twenty-five stories answering all prompts on the card).

After you've made a bingo, you can make a new bingo on your card or request a new card to complete bingo on. You may also do extras using your original card. Extras are worth a unique number of points.


Cross-square (parallel squares) (2 prompts) - 2 prompts per fill, 2 fills, 200 points

Postage stamp (2x2 square) (4 prompts) - 4 prompts per fill, 4 fills, 400 points

Straight line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) (5 prompts) - 5 prompts per fill, 1 fill, 500 points.

*All five prompts in line combined into one story.

Parallel lines (2 straight lines) (10 prompts) - 2 prompts per fill, 5 fills, 600 points

*Parallel lines means writing five stories, each of them covers two adjoining prompts from parallel lines.

Bonuses are ways to earn more points or special prizes, but do not count as a bingo or an extra.


One fill, all 25 prompts: if you can incorporate all 25 prompts equally into one fill, meeting these minimums, you can earn a special prize
fic: 12500 words
art: wallpaper sized (1024x768 - 1280x800)
mix: 30 songs, plus track list and explanation
icons: set of 50
meta: 15000 words
podfic: a fic of 15000 words
vids: 5 minutes
picspam: 100 pictures
rec post: 50 stories

Benchmarks: You can earn bonus points for your bingo or extra for meeting these benchmarks in a single fill.

+50 points

fic: between 5K and 10K words
art: 500x375
icons: set of 30
rec post: 30 recommendations
podfic: a story between 5K and 10K words
picspam: set of 30 pictures
vids: 1.5 minutes
mix: 20 songs with explanation
meta: between 5000 and 7500 words

+100 points

fic: between 10K and 20K words
art: 640x480
icons: set of 50
rec post: 50 recommendations
podfic: a story between 10K words and 20K words
picspam: set of 60 pictures
vids: 3 minutes
mix: 30 songs with explanation
meta: between 7500 and 10000 words

+150 points

fic: greater than 20K words
art: 1024x768
icons: set of 100
rec post: 100 recommendations
podfic: a story greater than 20K words
picspam: set of 100
vids: 5 minutes
mix: 20 songs with accompanying story (at least 1000 words)
meta: greater than 10K words

Note: All of the fills in your bingo do not have to reach these minimums to receive bonus points, just one. ex: Your bingo consists of four fics of 500 words, and one of 10,000 words. You’ll receive the 250 bingo points , as well as a bonus of 100 points for meeting a benchmark, for a total of 350 points for that bingo. If you have several fills over the benchmark in your bingo, you get appropriate number of bonuses (e.g. for a story more than 20,000 words and picspam of 60 pictures in one bingo you get 250 bonus points in total).

Points per combination

Bingo: straight line: 250 points
Bingo: four corners: 250 points
Bingo: parallel diagonals: between 250 and 450 points
Bingo: diamond 400 points
Bingo: x or +: 450 points
Bingo: border: 800 points
Bingo: envelope: 1050 points
Bingo: blackout: 1250 points

Extra: cross-square 200 points
Extra: postage stamp: 400 points
Extra: single line: 500 points
Extra: doubles: 600 points

Bonus: 25 in 1 special prize
Bonus: Benchmarks plus 50 points, 100 points, or 150 points depending on which benchmark (see above)

Winners and Prizes

During the Round
Bingo: banner
Blackout: banner

After the Round
1st place (totaled points): Banner and a set of 50 icons
2nd place (totaled points): Banner and a set of 30 icons
3rd place (totaled points): Banner and a set of 10 icons

Honorable Mentions (Mod’s Choice): banner


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