Meme, snagged from doreyg

Jan 31, 2015 17:07

Never Will I Ever meme: Name three fics you think I will never, ever, ever write. In return, I may attempt to write a couple of sentences of one of them.


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Comments 17

eternal_moonie January 31 2015, 17:12:51 UTC

Barry/Caitlin [The Flash]

Clark/Kara [Smallville]

Oliver/Thea [Arrow]


daria234 January 31 2015, 17:20:12 UTC
LOL I've written a Barry/Caitlin drabble before! so i feel like that wouldn't be fair to do that one

Oliver/Thea snippet (set as if they both knew each other's secrets):

Thea slid to the ground and deftly kicked Oliver in the back of the knee before standing and returning to her stance. "I told you not to go easy on me, Oliver," she said with a smirk.

"You're good," Oliver said with a nod, then grabbed her into a hold, his body leveraging her until she was face down.

She moved to the side quickly, pushed against Oliver's body with her thigh, and brought them face to face. She was breathing hard, but it was Oliver who looked nervous, uncertain. She reached up and softly swiped the back of her hand against his hair, right above his ear.

"You're sweating," she said with a smile, as if it were a victory.

Oliver inhaled quickly, then let go. He stood up, but she stayed there for a moment, on her back on the floor, smirking up at him.


eternal_moonie January 31 2015, 17:31:46 UTC
oops, sorry.

Thanks for the Thollie though!



doreyg January 31 2015, 18:32:44 UTC
1. Clark/Lex/Lois - functional threesome fic!
2. The Joker and Batman go on a romantic cruise.
3. Harley Quinn becomes president with an unexpected landslide. Ivy is her First Lady.



daria234 January 31 2015, 19:20:14 UTC
LOLOL those are awesome.

"Really?" Batman said reprovingly.

"Tell me you aren't secretly happy that 'entertainer' isn't still belting out that awful Sinatra impersonation any more."

Batman glared.

"He's not even dead! He's almost entirely alive! You know I did that for you!" Joker whined.

Batman sighed. "I do know that."


doreyg January 31 2015, 20:12:46 UTC
HAH! Oh, this is great. XD I love how resigned Bruce is! Thank you for this! :DD


elrhiarhodan January 31 2015, 20:02:52 UTC
Ooooh, I like this one.

Mozzie/Clinton - First date (White Collar)

Diggle/Walter - You don't know all my secrets (Arrow)

Bruce/Loki - You fucked with the wrong Science Bro (Avengers)


daria234 January 31 2015, 22:45:33 UTC
okay it took a while to remember who Walter is but I actually think they would be good together! I didn't even know you watched the show!)

and... you're right. i would never write bruce/loki. though the prompt itself is AWESOMENESS. i love Bruce being a badass


"Oh, let me tell you about the Malbec," Mozzie said excitedly.

Jones casually turned the bottle to read the label. "2005 Alamonda Vinyard. Blueberry and blackberry with hints of mocha and smokiness, if I recall."

Mozzie sat up straighter in surprise, eyes dark and eager. "I can see that this is going to be a superb night."


elrhiarhodan February 1 2015, 00:16:43 UTC
Oooh, thank you! And you are now the second person I know who's written Moz/Jones.

I just started watching Arrow - in the early part of S1. It has promise, but I'm not feeling fannish about it yet. '

And I know you won't write Loki - that's why I gave you that prompt. ♥


likewinning January 31 2015, 23:00:10 UTC

Barbara Keane/Fish Mooney - wrong place, wrong time
Buffy/Fred Burkle - goofy names
Angel/Bruce Wayne - turf wars


daria234 February 1 2015, 03:36:17 UTC
ooh that's hard!


"Hey, I'm Buffy," she said, reaching out to shake Fred's hand.

"I'm Fred," she answered, giving her a shy grin.

"Cool name," Buffy said.

"Thank, you too."

"I hear you're like super awesome at science," Buffy said.

"Thanks, I hear you're super awesome at killing things."

Buffy raised an eyebrow.

"Evil things, obviously," Fred said with a nervous laugh.

"I have my moments," Buffy acknowledged with an amused smile. "I'm glad you're here Fred. Let me show you around."


milly_gal February 1 2015, 11:09:21 UTC
Braver girl than me, I swear!


daria234 February 1 2015, 17:38:20 UTC
LOL I'm only committing to a couple of sentences not a fic :) otherwise, no way


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