Scene. Lima Bean. 4:00pm

Mar 16, 2011 16:08

As the weeks drew closer to Regionals, Blaine had found himself falling out of touch with most of his New Directions acquaintances--aside from the occasional text from Artie and a few sleepovers with Lauren. His usual course load was time consuming enough, and rehearsals had just made matters worse. Now that competition season was all said and done ( Read more... )

scene, artie, blaine, lima bean

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Comments 48

def_poetry_jams March 16 2011, 20:35:54 UTC
Artie usually came to the Lima Bean with Brittany for their latte dates, a favorite tradition. But when Blaine suggested it, he was more than happy to meet their Regionals opponent there. He wanted to hear more about the developments between Blaine and Kurt. Even though kids at McKinley didn't know Blaine, he and Kurt were trending on the gossip circuit.

As he rolled his chair under the table where Blaine was sitting, he greeted the other boy with: "So. You and Kurt."


dapperblaine March 16 2011, 20:39:07 UTC
"Not you too," Blaine groaned, burying his face in his hands. "Here I thought you actually wanted to hang out with me."

He tossed Artie his phone, just as it beeped again.

"Feel free to ignore some of the more charming anonymous ones. I swear, I'm going to have to change my number."


def_poetry_jams March 16 2011, 20:50:10 UTC
Artie caught the phone, his face falling slightly. "No, no," he insisted, flustered now. "I do wanna hang out. That wasn't really my motive..."

He glanced at the latest message on the phone and cringed. "I bet a lot of these are from the football team. I could actually find out. I do have the team roster at home. Dunno what you'd do about it, but yeah..."

He passed Blaine's phone back to him.


dapperblaine March 16 2011, 20:57:24 UTC
He silenced the pesky device and slipped it into his pocket, "I'm just kidding.. I know you didn't mean anything by it, just a little on edge.. that's all."

He rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his coffee, "Thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure what good it'll do. In my experience, these things are better off left alone."

He waved a hand dismissively, "But enough about that. As much as I enjoy your company, I mayhave had an ulterior motive for requesting your company this fine afternoon. What is this I keep hearing about Kurt.. and Brittany? Is Santana just being Santana or..."


def_poetry_jams March 16 2011, 22:37:12 UTC
"Until recently, I was Bert," said Artie. "But Brittany tweezed mine for me in the middle. Check it out..."

He removed his glasses and leaned across the table to give Blaine a better look at his brows. It was perfectly okay for a guy to inspect another guy's brows, right? Artie thought so. "The perks of having a girlfriend. Hurt like a bitch though!"


dapperblaine March 16 2011, 22:40:23 UTC
"Yeah.. Kurt is never coming near my face with tweezers. Not that he's asked or anything, he just keeps staring at them and I know he wants to," he ran a thumb over one of his brows self consciously. "I think they suit my face."


def_poetry_jams March 16 2011, 22:43:38 UTC
"Sure, they're good," Artie agreed. "Kurt wasn't around to make me slick my hair back for Regionals this year. He's always saying it looks good pushed back and so I let him fix it for competition last year. I dunno, Kurt tries to give me fashion advice all the time, but I just tune him out."


dapperblaine March 16 2011, 23:03:03 UTC
"That, my friend, is one of the many reasons I am thankful for this uniform," he chuckled.

"I have a medium drip for Bert and a medium latte for Ernie."

"I hate you, you know," he rolled his eyes, shaking his head before getting up to grab their drinks.


def_poetry_jams March 16 2011, 23:41:49 UTC
"It's a shame, we really could use your talent," Artie mused, sipping his latte. "Not to mention I just miss seeing Kurt at school. Passing notes in class. Hanging out with him and Mercedes and Tina and Brittany. Singing MC Hammer in the library by way of causing mischief..."

Artie sighed. Mike, Finn, Puck and Sam were gradually becoming closer friends, but it just wasn't the same without Kurt. Kurt was someone he could truly relate to, for the simple reason that Kurt was different, too.


dapperblaine March 16 2011, 23:45:57 UTC
"I'm kind of waiting for him to tell me he's leaving. He's been telling me how much he misses you guys.. even before we were together. I really want him to be happy, even if its not at Dalton," he frowned, toying with the cardboard holder around his coffee cup. "You don't think he would stay just for me, would he?"


def_poetry_jams March 16 2011, 23:50:20 UTC
"I think he stays because he was tormented so badly at McKinley," Artie commented, oblivous to the fact that Blaine would want to think that Kurt stayed for him. Artie wasn't so perceptive when it came to that kind of thing.

"I mean, okay, I think we've become numb to most of it. The slushies, the patriotic wedgies, glasses being flushed down the toilet, chair pushed down the stairs -- okay, that was just me and Puck says he won't do it anymore -- but like Tina said to me once, something about what was happening to Kurt was so much worse."


dapperblaine March 17 2011, 00:05:30 UTC
"They really needs to do something about that school. It's as if the administrators sit on their hands all day. My old school was pretty terrible, but at least they threw out some suspensions from time to time," he swallowed and tried to push down that nauseous feeling that swept over him every time he thought of his old school.

"I propose we talk about things that don't completely suck. Nationals, perhaps? Lauren is trying to convince me to come to New York that weekend.


def_poetry_jams March 17 2011, 01:28:52 UTC
"You sound like Rachel," Artie added, helpfully.


dapperblaine March 17 2011, 01:37:59 UTC
"Whatever. Extensive knowledge of show choir rules is kind of a Warbler requirement," he cocked as eyebrow, as it should have been the most obvious thing in the world. "Well, that and lugging a bird around campus until someone new joins up. Honestly, I'm surprised that damn bird didn't die under my watch. I kept leaving him in the choir room on accident.."


def_poetry_jams March 17 2011, 01:51:25 UTC
Artie winced. "Yeeaah, I did kinda hear that Kurt sort of killed your sacred Warbler bird... and he still got featured in the competition? How'd that go down?"


dapperblaine March 17 2011, 02:01:05 UTC
"He didn't kill him. He died. It wasn't his fault.. Pavarotti was getting pretty old," he smiled and shook his head. "He was laid to rest in a fabulous rhinestone encrusted coffin, so I'm sure he's up there somewhere.. being really pissed off at Kurt."

"Well.. long story short he pretty much called me a solo hogging attention whore, so I asked the council if we could turn one of the numbers into a duet. Mostly because I wanted to make out with him. All and all, I'd say it went pretty well. Besides the whole losing Regionals thing.."


def_poetry_jams March 17 2011, 04:10:20 UTC
"I know, for sure," Artie agreed. "I'm not sure if everyone will be interested in seeing what I'm interested in, but like... the Chrysler Building, Central Park, the New York Public Library... I have a list of suggestions. The only obstacle is..."

Artie hesitated. He wasn't sure about sharing his concerns with Blaine, but at the same time, he wanted to get something off his chest. "Well, there's a good chance I'm gonna slow everyone down considerably."


dapperblaine March 17 2011, 08:01:53 UTC
It took Blaine a moment to realized what he was getting at. He gave him a lopsided smile, "Artie.. you shouldn't even worry about that for a second. Let's think of the bigger problem. Fourteen high school students wandering New York City. If we can get into trouble in Rachel freakin' Berry's basement, you know we can find trouble there."


def_poetry_jams March 17 2011, 10:41:18 UTC
Once Artie started on one of these tirades, it was hard to stop him. Plus, Blaine seemed like the perfect person on whom to unload these worries since he wasn't one of Artie's teammates.

"I got an app for my iPad that confirms what I already heard about -- the New York City transit isn't fully accessible, not even close. We'd have to be really creative in taking only the accessible lines on the subway, and we'd probably end up walking several blocks above ground to get where we're going..." (He gathered steam.) "... Every competition, we have to raise money just to get the accessible bus. This is the same old issue, multiplied by ten."

He paused for breath. "Sorry, just venting."


dapperblaine March 17 2011, 10:51:10 UTC
He listened attentively, perking up a bit with the iPad was mentioned. He didn't have the heart to ask poor Artie if it was the new one. Once his rant drew to a close, he leaned his chin on one of his elbows and gave him a concerned look, "Then that's what we do. We take the routes that are accessible to everyone--not just the majority.

"Shouldn't that be common sense?"


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