Title: Vesper
Fandom/Pairing: Twilight, Edward/Bella
Rating: PG-13
Category: Romance, Drama
Spoilers: AU, but there are references to all four books. You'll probably just glance over them if you haven't read BD, however.
Summary: In an alternate universe, the Cullens stayed in Alaska for three more years than in the books, so Bella spends the end of her
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Comments 3
But I was also going to say on Carlisle ... I love Carlisle stories. He's mu guilty pleasure E/B shipper that I am. So on a different note, have you read Minisinoo's "This Is My Beloved Son"? It's an awesome historical "Why Carlisle turned Edward" story. I thought you might like it, given the historical element you had here. No Esme in it, but still, it's sort of my personal canon for Carlisle and Edward.
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