Title: New Adjustments
Fandom: One Piece
Danyella Skyler SilverfireWebsite:
Livejournal, or
Fanfiction.NetRating: PG
Genre(s): Humor/Romance
Pairing(s): Sanji/Zoro mentions
Summary: Zoro wakes up with some changes. So now the Strawhats have to make some adjustments.
Beta: Bronze Tigress
Warnings: Genderswitch, which will never be
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Comments 5
Aaaand Luffy wants to name it Beetle. Awesome. Glad Zoro vetoed that.
Yay for Captain Jester! He's my favorite OC, totally.
Is there going to be any more?
Yeah, Luffy totally would, or something just as bad. And Zoro's smart like that.
I'm glad you like him, Jester's fun to write. Especially since he exists purely to give Zoro headaches and tease out his inner wise-ass.
As to there being more, probably. We'll see if I can type up the couple scenes rattling around in my brain.
Thanks for the review. ^_^
...What *is* with the black hair?
As to the hair... well sometimes that just happens.
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