Dec 03, 2004 10:43
So after several hours in the emergency room yesterday, the conclusion is that I have either an ovarian cyst or a kidney stone. Got to love when you pay $100 for them to guess at what you might have when you'd already narrowed it down to those two things already.
On the plus side, I found out I'm not pregnant. :-P
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Comments 16
The medical cluelessness on this front is truly staggering.
Make sure you tell Dantesdad that he needs to feed you lots of chocolate chip cookies and chocolate! ;-)
this modern age is great sometimes.
My wife's mom has cancer in her throat. It has metastasized. They can't remove it because it's between two mjor arteries. They are doing chemo and raiation to shrink it in the hopes of getting small enough to remove it. this comes after loosing a part of her toungue to a begnign tumor.
It has metastasized into her lynphatic system, but there is no sign of cancer anywhere else in her body. They lucklily cuaght it early enough because after she had her first rumor removed she insisted on a scan. Otherwise it would have been far far worse.
I say it again, like i have in many case like yours, her and others. doctors piss me off. I won't go into my long tirade about medical care these days.
Tell Marianne I hope her mom's okay. Medical stuff sucks.
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