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Comments 17

lynnenne January 18 2013, 23:53:59 UTC
I think we were supposed to feel uncomfortable during Elena's declaration of love, because it made Damon feel uncomfortable. You can see it on his face, how conflicted he is, because it's everything he ever wanted and yet part of him still can't believe it's real. Not just because of the (stupid) sire bond, but because of his own insecurities.

Which is just another testament to how flawlessly Ian played it.


lynnenne January 19 2013, 02:01:07 UTC
Also I love all your thoughts, especially on Damon/Jeremy being the Funnest Thing Ever.


dante_kent January 25 2013, 00:17:51 UTC
Thank you! Good to have you here. And yes, Damon/Jeremy are my Unlikely Bros To End All Bros. I'm glad the show is finally jumping on that bandwagon. IT'S A GOOD BANDWAGON.


dante_kent January 25 2013, 00:16:54 UTC
You can see it on his face, how conflicted he is, because it's everything he ever wanted and yet part of him still can't believe it's real. Not just because of the (stupid) sire bond, but because of his own insecurities.

Ugh, YES. What a glorious damaged fool our boy is. Ian did a beautiful job. But I'm glad I wasn't the only one feeling the discomfort. It was a very confusing scene for me, but you're right, that's probably because it was a highly confusing scene for Damon too.


catteo January 21 2013, 05:06:01 UTC
Well then, hello!!!! I noticed your continued absence also just FYI! You have been much missed! I hope that your computer woes are now at an end because God knows, nobody needs that in their lives. But yes, ONWARDS!

I do care less about a lot of things. Say, the plot. And most of the characters. Your feels are my feels etc etc ( ... )


dante_kent January 25 2013, 00:23:51 UTC
Hello, my dear! Thank you for remembering that I exist! And I missed you too! The computer woes are not at an end yet, alas, but I will survive. I ALWAYS SURVIVE.

Just imagine a world where we could have both her and Katherine on screen together for realsies! Brain go BOOM.

OMG, THAT. What would the world even do with that much awesomeness on one screen.

That is not what Rebekah is needing thank you. She just needs someone to put her first for a change.

Word. She needs people to stop abusing her, to finally properly appreciate her. She does NOT need True Love to rescue her. Blegh.

Snarky Stefan is about 500000 times more interesting that pining 'repression' Stefan.

So true. Starcrossed Romantic Hero Stefan can go play acoustic guitar while weeping softly. Amusing Angry Stefan can stay - PROVIDED that he stops being the worst about Elena. You've been warned, Stefan Salvatore.

But yes, Stefan/Rebekah could be amazing. Rebekah can make anyone better. And does.

So, I read this part as Rebekah throwing in Stefan's face the " ( ... )


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