[blog and OOC] LIGHT.

Feb 21, 2011 19:41

The lights work! The fridge works too!! THE TELEVISION TURNS ON. And oh min gud, I can boil water and make some of those little Spongebob noodley things with the powder cheese.

... Though powder cheese is kinda weird..

..... Though when you've been living off of canned pasta and packets of peanuts for the last few days only to then throw up ( Read more... )

hello is this an asskicking?, i'll get you chairtergeist, jeg er dansk goddamnit, powder cheese?, nah nah can't be, party at danish apartment, ooc

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Comments 14

OOC oranje_windmill February 22 2011, 00:52:37 UTC
Glad to see you back. Hit me up when you're ready and we'll come up with something thread wise.


Re: OOC danskannabis February 23 2011, 00:56:48 UTC
Will do! ♥


salylimon February 22 2011, 00:58:55 UTC
The Charleston was cold as hell during this blackout...and I think some of our food expired, too. I should head to the supermarket myself now that it's safe to go outside.

(OOC: ;3; So long as you're okay, bb. And I'm totally up for a thread any time, any day. Just pick your poison (Emi or Veronika) and let's do something. o/)


danskannabis February 23 2011, 00:59:50 UTC
Ahhh, you should definitely go to the store! The things in our fridge definitely went bad Not that there was much to begin with even though it was cold in the apartment. Not much you can do to salvage food when it's not at the proper temperature.

Was everything okay for you otherwise with the blackout? Everyone safe?

((OOC: Ahhhhh I would love to do a thread with Emiiiiii ;w; It's about time our little duo finally met off of the lands of the interwebs!))


salylimon February 23 2011, 02:22:31 UTC
Already did! All the meat and dairy we had went bad so I had to toss it as fast as possible, though my boyfriend and I finished off what was left of the milk when we were forced to eat cereal for dinner, haha. I hope you were able to replace everything too, though.

And we were okay! I'm not really good with handling the cold, so I was kind of...out of it for most of the weekend. But at least we can use the heater now! What about you? I take it everything's okay?

((OOC: ;3; They can become an oddball pair of friends, man. And bake together. Bake all the time. And whenever you want, bb~ I can do next weekend. o/))


danskannabis February 23 2011, 02:30:17 UTC
I'm glad the milk hadn't turned, at least! Søren has been busy at the university since the power came back, but we're going to the store when he gets home tonight. For now I'm just living off of what Chinese take out my last paycheck will buy me, and the noodle things with the powder cheese. It's not so bad!

And again, I'm glad to hear that you and your boyfriend at safe and sound at the very least. Minus not handling the cold very well which kjdfg I will make sure to stockpile you in blankets and scarves. Do.. things like this happen very often in Liberty? And things are okay, now! I spent the blackout hiding in the linen closet from the goddamn chair so I think I got dehydrated a bit. Valdi came up to check on me sometimes and kept me company when stor fætter was asleep or missing in action.

((OOC: AHHH BAKING ADVENTURE YES *A* And next weekend sounds good to me! Feel free to hit me up on AIM if you see me around o/ my handle is kladdkajka))


OOC puffin_magic February 22 2011, 23:41:37 UTC


Re: OOC danskannabis February 23 2011, 00:57:12 UTC


Re: OOC puffin_magic February 23 2011, 01:34:47 UTC
I meant the thread with John, if we're still seriously going to do it XD You can NPC Valdi and do beefy man arm hanatamago whenever you want |Db


Re: OOC danskannabis February 23 2011, 01:35:15 UTC
I'm still planning to do it if you two are up for it XD


oxenstierna_b February 23 2011, 22:37:54 UTC
Not that it's really my business but... eating well is pretty important to your health, you know.

[ooc: In other words, I'd love to thread. Come over to Berwald and let him be weirded out/coddle you.]


danskannabis February 24 2011, 00:41:37 UTC

But we couldn't go outside with the blackout for more food, and everything went bad. And the powder cheese is.. terrible, but it's food!

((OOC: YEEEEEEEEES Kai will gladly tell him terrible things about his home life in exchange for food 'A'))


oxenstierna_b February 24 2011, 03:28:18 UTC
Oh, I see. I suppose I got through it more easily than most since the house is so old. I mean, it has a fireplace too so I could keep warm and cook things even if I had to camp in the living room.

I guess... if you'd like, you could come over for dinner someday. I'm kinda used to cooking for more people so I tend to make too much.


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