Title: Unexpected Surprise
stttmsbwaRating: PG-13
Summary: Sam and Freddie have an awesome idea for the next Wake Up Spencer segment.
A/N: This is really random and strange and I couldn't help but write it. It's mainly just for laughs. Enjoy! Oh, I forgot to say that this is also for the fic prompt: hair cut.
Sam pointed at the feet poking out from underneath the comforter. All four of them. )
Comments 10
You are made of awesome. ♥
N'awww, I loves youse!
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HEE! Thanks! Oh, Wifey. You the best. =D
I couldn't help the references to iGo to Japan. Some of those moments are too wonderful to not reference.
And especially love Sam calling Freddie "Benson." I love it when they do that.
Me, too! It's so cute and sassy.
*pokes* You paying attention, Dan? You better be writing this down!
Haha! How did I know you'd get a kick out of Spencer's sleepy statements?
And just the thought of Freddie having impure thoughts makes me giggle like a little girl and makes me way too happy.
Oh, I know. I still feel a bit dirty, but oh well. Notso!Innocent Freddie is WAY too much fun. Hmm, even more fic ideas...
And... mmmm... threesome!boys. Threesome!boys with bed head and smiles.
Ahhhh, yes. Those glorious, wonderful boys. I wish there was more of them, but I felt the story had to end there. I guess that just means that I have to write MORE threesome!boys...
And of course I know your weaknesses! That's what wifeys are for. =D
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
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Oh yes, threesome!boys FTW!
And I'm thinking not-so!innocent Freddie is going to be a new favorite running gag for me. There's just too much awesome to be done there.
I loveses youse, too! &hearts
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