HELL YEAH! It's definitely best of the whole series! And I went through HELL to be able to see it after taraleesg1 RAVED about it! Of course it's one I own on DVD b/c I ordered it off Amazon...the DAY I saw it! LoL!
And good luck on the converting! It's always fun to lure one into the world of Farscape. I'm trying to get Madre to watch it - to little success...
Oh, and I've been meaning to email you about Dragon*Con, but have gotten busy since coming home. I'll definitely be doing that in the next few days!
*is envious you own them* I must get my own copy. That's next on my saving up to buy list, now that I have SG1. Everyone should know the joy of Farscape! It's like sci-fi crack for your brain!
Drop me an email any time, I'll try and find I pic of me and Quill so you'll know who to look for in Sept.!!
You must! Crackers is one that EVERY Farscape fan MUST have! (It's also on iTunes, if you want to DL it!) If I wasn't saving money for Chicago (and hopefully Dragon*Con) right now, I'm sure I'd buy me some more Farscape DVDs.
I almost died when Ben, in Chicago last year, was at our table for the breakfast and was describing the differences btwen Farscape and SG-1 for us (b/c some of those at the table hadn't watched Farscape). He was all "SG-1 is like a really good wine, and Farscape...is like crack." I went YES! That's how I describe it to people!
I'll probably email after this ep of SG-1 is over...it's hard to focus when Daniel is being all awesome and vengeful! XP
Comments 6
(And I shall be quoting you as I attempt to lure Quill to the Far Side.)
And good luck on the converting! It's always fun to lure one into the world of Farscape. I'm trying to get Madre to watch it - to little success...
Oh, and I've been meaning to email you about Dragon*Con, but have gotten busy since coming home. I'll definitely be doing that in the next few days!
Everyone should know the joy of Farscape! It's like sci-fi crack for your brain!
Drop me an email any time, I'll try and find I pic of me and Quill so you'll know who to look for in Sept.!!
I almost died when Ben, in Chicago last year, was at our table for the breakfast and was describing the differences btwen Farscape and SG-1 for us (b/c some of those at the table hadn't watched Farscape). He was all "SG-1 is like a really good wine, and Farscape...is like crack." I went YES! That's how I describe it to people!
I'll probably email after this ep of SG-1 is over...it's hard to focus when Daniel is being all awesome and vengeful! XP
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