Pics: Highlights of the Audobon Zoo

Jan 25, 2009 22:48

Normally, I would post something like this on my pic journal, but since that's members only and nobody seems to want to join and I kept mentioning I'd post these here, I'm doing it here for all to see...

These are just gonna be my favorite of the bunch...

Teh Flamingos! They been hazin lots of shrimps...

He's hazin a snooze...

SMURFINATOR ASS! *SNIRK* (And my home buddah...)

See, home buddah - we were like so close for all of a minute (and the props I'm giving - joke...really, it was a joke between me and Trey who took the picture).

Elephant ass and poops - SO SEXY!

She came and said hi!

Elephant NOM NOM NOM...

Giant Porcupines snoozin' too...

I liked this sign - there's no subtly here, and I love that.

Oh, I never told you guys the story of the Smurfinator and the bear! That was fucking funny as hell...which is why when we saw the bears, Madre and I had a good giggle over it.

See, we obviously didn't get the memo about naps time because everyone was snoozin' that day! These two were why I wanted to go to the zoo in the first place... How I'd love to hold a tiger again. *sigh*

Such beautiful animals...

We compared Riley to this guy that day... he slept the same way... *sad sigh*

See - they chillaxin' too!

CAMELS! *bounces*

This guy was haz himself a rat snack when we first walked by - I tried to get a video of him eatzin it, but he dropped it just as i turned the camera on.

The plight of the leopards made me sad :(

Go Audobon Zoo! Don't want to see these beautiful animals go away...

Goats - the bain of my childhood zoo-going experience! *gives squinty glare to the goat*

Ah yes, the monkeys! After taking physical anthropology literally that semester, I was really excited to see some primates in person. This little guy and his brethren like to escape their area... and he was looking for a way to do it that very moment...

They makin' baby monkeys? Or just having a slashy good time? *ponders*

Smurfinator sleeps JUST like this...big gorilla (Smurfinator, not the...well, gorilla)

LOOK! It's my Uncle Timmy! XP

Nothing like a good piece of Ape Ass to get a girl all hot and bothered! *SNIRK*

I had wanted him to look my way - and he did. He made me happy! *squidges gorilla*

See! Everyone haz snoozes that day!

...Cept him  - he haz hay snacks!

I think...he was lookin for his woman... I will say, all joking aside, seeing their mating dance in person really is something both funny and spectacular to behold - I got the opportunity years ago to see it as Lion Country Safari, and it's something I won't forget.

She's gettin ready for her naps...

This is an anhinga drying his wings - they just sit there with their wings in the air to get the water out.

We discussed letting Harley play with this lonely wild dog...i mean, she looks so harmless, right?? ;P

So pretty...but so damn stinky... i mean, like DAMN!

Now this dude was right up a the glass in the giraffe area - and you could reach over the glass (could, but not necessarily should). I only did it to get a picture, but Smurfinator put his hand down near the thing. I was chanting 'bite him, bite him!' in my head. *innocent grin*

These sisters were having a spat...

So one went swimming...right in front of us...

Kitteh was hungry! She wanted meaty snacks...

Now he REALLY got his memo... serious snoozes...

Yes, more gators... but THESE guys are HUUUUGE!

I love otters - they are so adorkable!

I think Big Daddy beats Old Joe...and I have seen them this big in the wild out in the Everglades.

Swamp Thing was all decked out for X-mika!

Now for something different - ALBINO CROCS!

Above the water...

...Below the water.

Above the water...

...Below the water.

Anteater makes a peepee - SEXY!

Spider monkeys!

Toucie Toucie Bird! He makes Fruit Loops!





The Capybara - or according to Smurfinator, the Cookicabra... or was it cochicoobra? All I know is it was funny as hell, especially when I went 'you mean Cabybara?' and we lost it...

Llama + Emu = LLamu?

This guy was funny - Smurfinator kept trying to get his attention so he'd look at us. And all he did was flick his ear like 'Uhhh, no - fuck you.' Madre and I enjoyed it very much.

He was hidin in the bushes along one of the walkways - we think he escaped and was try to hide from his captors!

And that's the highlights (yes, a lot, but it was a big place!). If you want to see the other pictures, you can go to the album HERE. Note that I didn't turn most of the ones that needed it b/c I'm too annoyed with PB right now to do it - they messed up the order of the pics- (oh, and i'm also extremely lazy!).

roadtrips, picspam

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