Title: A Slipping Grasp
Summary: Daniel wonders what Charlotte thinks of him, if she thinks of him at all.
Point of view: Daniel Faraday
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Dan/Charlotte
Spoilers: Season 4.
Words: 290
Disclaimer: I don't own Lost. Pity.
Author's Note: Here's a spur-of-the-moment, super-short fic I wrote last night. Too spur-of-the-moment? Give me your thoughts! Thanks!
A Slipping Grasp
My head hangs over the cool railing of the freighter, my hands gripping it tight so I can hold on. I'm seasick.
We meet. Introductions are always awkward. For me, anyway. But Charlotte is different. The way she looks at me.
I don't know what she thinks of me. I try to read her, but I can't read people. Especially Charlotte. Maybe she hasn't made up her mind yet.
I'm falling out of the chopper. It's terrifying, but not as terrifying, I realize, as not knowing when I'll see Charlotte again.
I don't see her for longer than I thought. I realize I missed her. I worried. It was hard to wait.
The lies expand into secrets I don't think I can keep. Charlotte doesn't seem to give it a second thought, at first.
She does. She sits by the ocean. She doesn't sleep. I don't either.
She's patient with me. She'll hold my hand, pull me through. Maybe I can be there for her if she needs me.
I will keep the secrets. For her.
She smiles. I like her smile. It's different each time. Seeing her, and something makes me smile back.
I stop wondering why she smiles at me. I don't think even she knows.
She tells me she does know why.
Her lips are soft.
Things get more complicated. I wish I couldn't see the end. It's ugly.
If we hold onto each other and close our eyes, maybe things will be okay. But Charlotte's not one to hide, so I won't either.
We sail away. I look back. Charlotte won't. We're leaving everything. We can't leave our regrets.
We're still holding on, but I'm running out of things to hold onto.
Where will we fall?