More Unclutter Time

Jan 16, 2009 19:04

Made some headway on a giant spacebag full of clothes.

currently taking a break for dinner.

I've gotten rid of 11 shirts in varying styles, including one that i'm going to give to octopusouphut tomorrow afternoon. i think she will love it ( Read more... )

food, unclutter_2009

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Comments 10

beckis_store January 17 2009, 03:07:54 UTC
Try SELLING your stuff instead of throwing it away! Or donate it to Goodwill! :)


danielefton January 17 2009, 03:19:20 UTC
Most of what went out today is going to goodwill.

my unclutter_2009 spreadsheet shows what goes out as well as where it is going.

I am in need of another box for goodwill stuff as the one i have is overflowing.


beckis_store January 17 2009, 05:01:30 UTC
But you NEED money.. you should try to sell stuff first [then take what doesn't sell to Goodwill]?

That's what I'm doing.

I told Chris already that anything I have posted in my journal and have here just to sell, I'll donate to Goodwill if it doesn't sell by the time we have to move [whenever that is].


danielefton January 17 2009, 05:34:23 UTC
I'm impatient. I'd give it a month at most.

2 weeks ideally. esp if posted on craigslist. because if it doesn't go in that time, chances are people won't see it after.


octopusouphut January 17 2009, 05:44:07 UTC
I gets a shirt?? I'm excited by this :D And it's a good thing you're uncluttering so're going to need to make room for all the scrap mom went through her stuff too. lol There's a lot of fucking stuff in my car for you right now. But don't feel obligated to take all of it. It'll find a good home one way or another.


danielefton January 17 2009, 06:06:49 UTC
yes! i'm excited to be giving things to people I know. It's nice to know that i'm giving to goodwill, but so much nicer to see who gets it.

OH BOY! that sounds like a lot of stuff. I'm excited about that. and it also sounds daunting.

I keep thinking about opening a scrapbook store somewhere in town, since we don't really have a dedicated one any longer. I want something where people can come and use store resources and pay per page or time - it would be a neat place for people to have parties and such. Buy some nice printers and print digital pictures for people, get people in to teach techniques, oh it sounds so glorious in my head. :)


octopusouphut January 17 2009, 14:44:25 UTC
I know the feeling. I'd rather give my scrap stuff to someone I know who will need it than cast it off some where so it *might* get used at some point.

I hope it's not too daunting...we'll make it fun :D

I've had to same idea to open a scrap store here in Louisville. We have a lot of craft stores, and we have an archivers, but we don't have any local scrap stores anymore and there are so many brands that I can find in Frankfort or Lexington, but can't find in Louisville. Sounds like a great idea...I'd come :D


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