There's nothing unnatural about being jealous, but crazy jealousy can interfere with and even destroy your relationships. Crazy jealousy tends to develop along one of the following patterns:
*Those of you that are obsessed with your loved one;
*Those of you who constantly suspect a partner of being unfaithful with no supporting evidence; and
*Those of you who totally overreact to the slightest incident involving the opposite sex and your mate.
Reactions to Jealousy
Some of you explode in a rage - angry verbal confrontations and even physical violence may enter the picture. Others try to play it cool, switching from their heart to their heads while they pretend to be unaffected.
--i got this from some website...i didnt write it
*I have to admit that I do get jealous from time to time...but most of the time I try not to overreact. I believe that people should be able to do as they please (to a certain extent). It's not fair to bind people to fit ur standards just so your own feelings will not get hurt. Sometimes you really really like someone and they really really like you back...and it works out and things are great. Other times you really really like someone and the feelings in return may be more platonic than you'd like. And still other times the first instance occurs followed by the second...yet when one person decides to move on, unpleasant feelings errupt.
Attraction is a bitch. Sometimes you are attracted to the wrong people..sometimes you aren't. But who is to say who's feelings are right? You may think that "jealousy" is not the right term to use here to describe the recent dramatic happenings, but I believe that jealousy is at least a small factor in each instance. Jealousy envokes rage. What does rage accomplish except ruined friendships and bloody knees? I think we should put aside our heartbreak effected envy and let people do as they please. If it hurts you, then take a step back and ask yourself why. If it's not worth the negative feelings, then just let it go, let things be, and move on.*