So I’m jumping on the prompt table band wagon and have created my own.
Prompts for standalones, ficlets, drabbles :)
McFly slash only/ multiple pairings.
The Sinful Seven
Christmas.002.New Year.003.Valentines Day.004.Birthday.005.Anniversary.006.Birth.007.
First Meeting.007.Touch.008.Taste.009.Confession.010.Heart.011.Eyes.012.Serenade.013.Delicate.014.Kiss.015.Moonlight.016.X.
There are loads but it’s always good to be able to pick and choose.
If anyone wants anything… request away lol ;D
I’ll write any pairing (McFly Slash) so pick a prompt and a pairing.
The one’s struck out are taken prompts.
Have patience I will get round to writing them all... eventually!
Check off List
scribblemusic - Occassions: 001. Christmas; Flones
star55 - Sinful Seven: 001. Lust; Pones
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star55 - Occasions: 005. Anniversary; Pones
star55 - Romance: 006. First Meeting; Pones
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star55 - Angst: 011. Separation; Pudd
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catching_clouds - Occasions: 003. Valentines Day; Flones
catching_clouds - Angst: 015. Revenge; Pudd
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sunev789 - Romance: 008. Taste; Flones
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sunev789 - Angst: 008. Betrayal; Flones
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beckystark06 - Sinful Seven: 005. Wrath; Flones
beckystark06 - Occasions: 007. Death; Flones
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beckystark06 - Romance: 014. Kiss; Flones
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beckystark06 - Angst: 010. Leaving; Flones
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juddpoynter - Sinful Seven: 007. Pride; Pudd
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juddpoynter - Romance: 010. Heart; Pudd
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juddpoynter - Romance: 011. Eyes; Pudd
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b_u_n_n_i_e_s - Angst: 004. Broken; Pudd
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hamstetti - Romance: 003. Pleasure; Pones
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hamstetti - Romance: 007. Touch; Pones
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_princess_han_ - Romance: 005. Passion; Flones
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_princess_han_ - Romance: 009. Confession; Flones
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haylz4000 - Romance: 015. Moonlight; Flones
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leathlin - Romance: 012. Serenade; Flones
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juddpoynter - Romance: 002. Comfort; Floynter
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earenya_beryl - Sinful Seven: 006. Envy; Flones (Third party)
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earenya_beryl - Occasions: 006. Birth; Pudd
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star55 - Occasions: 002. New Year; Floynter
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star55 - Romance: 001. Love; Pones
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star55 - Angst: 009. Decisions; Junes
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star55 - Occasions: 004. Birthday; Junes
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star55 - Angst: 014. Change; Floynter
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star55 - Occasions: 008. Union; Fludd