In which I ponder Nobuta Wo Produce

Jan 17, 2007 18:14

I know I have a lot of Nobuta Wo Produce fans on my LJ (I especially remember winterspel's lovely posts), so I thought I would ask:

What is it that appeals to you all so strongly about it? (Or if you don't love it to pieces, why not).

The reason I am so interested is because it's a highly-loved drama that evokes such strong emotions in people but I find myself, while admiring the acting and the script, while being enormously moved by certain scenes, and incredibly impressed by Yamapi, still fast-forwarding through scenes and never really falling for it as a drama. It never truly clicks in that magical way. Seven episodes in, I don't think it will. I really doubt I'd rewatch it once I am done. It's a drama I admire and respect more than I love.

I've been wondering why. It's not a simple 'a lead actor/character just not working for me' situation as it is with Long Vacation or Boku Dake No Madoona (where the female lead just keeps irritating me). I love Yamapi, and Kame, and Horihita Maki and their characters. I kept thinking it's because of a lack of narrative drive, but it has as much of an overall arc as maintained by smaller arcs as does Kurosagi which I adore to pieces. But I suppose the mini-arcs in Kurosagi are a lot more dramatic. I kept thinking it's because there is no romance, and I am sure that's a huge part of it (all my Top Dramas are romance dramas, except for Kurosagi which has the best case of UST ever), but still. I adored Gokusen, and while I am a Shin/Yankumi shipper there, until the end it's not any more overt or shippable than e.g. Akira/Nobuko. I suppose Gokusen was cracktastically funny, but that can't just be it (and while Shin is a mystery so it's interesting to try to figure out his reactions, I adore Akira even more so...). Is it the lack of angst or because the lead characters aren't interestingly messed up? But once again, see Gokusen. I'd say it's a combo of all of those, but once again, am left with Gokusen which: a. doesn't have a strong narrative drive, is not a romance drama, and is not particularly angsty, and yet I adore it. So why? I've been trying to figure it out for days. It can't be my thing for MatsuJun because my thing for Yamapi is 15 times as big.

So yes. If you've seen NwP. Why do you adore it? Or why don't you?

In other news, I am reading Twighlight by Stephenie Myer. I wouldn't normally read a novel about a girl in love with a vampire named Edward, but it is entirely too delicious a book. And I still have The Vampire Knight hangover.

doramas3, nobuta wo produce

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