Mary ep 11 -- thank you, new writer!

Dec 18, 2010 00:43

The many jealous faces of Mugyul:

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screencaps2, mary stayed out all night, doramas3

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cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 06:03:04 UTC
Have you seen this BTS video where JGS suggests Mugyul have a sexual preference change by the end and KJW asks if they can have this father stabbed in episode 15.


dangermousie December 18 2010, 06:44:23 UTC
Yes, word.

I mean, if people love it and are on ep 12, you probably aren't going to convince them to change their mind. Also, for God's sake, watch something that makes you happier.


cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 07:00:28 UTC
LOL right? It's not like people who have sat through all the parent fuckery on the show for so long and just going to go 'maybe the opinion of that stranger on the internet that I don't even know has some truth to it. This is a bad show and I'm going to stop watching it right now.'


cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 17:17:10 UTC
I'm an anon lurker person who frequently relishes in the awesome of Mousie's drama coverage (Gloria! You're like the only person on the internet who posts about it), but I have to say this: why don't you guys just ignore negative commentary if you hate it so much? If people who watch and hate MSOAN should just stop watching, why don't you stop reading their "hateful" comments? It sounds weird when people who analyze dramas critically, such as yourselves, say that people should stop adding to the conversation because their opinions happen to be negative.

- Mars


dangermousie December 18 2010, 17:34:40 UTC
Hi! :)

I don't really mind people bashing anything in their space (how could I when I bashed YAB for ages in this LJ), even if it does seem a bit of a waste of energy. I just avoid those spaces (e.g. I rarely read Dramabeans' recaps because my taste almost never align with hers). I do hate it when people come into a squeefest and try to convince you how wrong you are to love it. Hasn't happened with MSOAN on this LJ but certainly happened with other topics (I mean, if I list Barbie Hsu as my favorite twactress, coming in and telling me how much she sucks is unlikely to change my opinion).


cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 18:07:34 UTC
Hi! LOL I am shocked you responded to my comment! Really cool, though! :)

I agree. There is a distinction between personal spaces and more public sites. I guess I misread the conversation. It is jerkish if the someone posts a disparaging comment on your squee-filled post as a way to change your opinion or to just be a jerk. I have no problem seeing people drink deeply from their cup of haterade on say a site like Dramabeans (I definitely agree with you on DB. I've found that my choice of drama and feelings about them diverge wildly. I still like to comment though), but I can see where it'd be inappropriate to post a hate-filled screed on someone's journal. Isn't that just the cardinal rule of DBAA?

- Mars


dangermousie December 18 2010, 18:13:48 UTC
I am obsessive about commenting back - if someone went to the trouble of commenting on my lj, I think it's polite to comment back - it's not as if I get hundreds of eager commenters every day :)

I don't think you misread the conversation really - I think me and others in this thread hold somewhat different views re: dramabashing. I don't care if someone does it in their space even if they do it ten times a day (though if that is all they post, I probably won't read them). Others may not like bashing it at all.

I am, however, much less likely to keep reading blog/lj/board/whatever if opinions there constantly disagree with mine, whether it's bashing things I like or loving things I don't. I mean - nobody is going to be a taste twin but at least some overlap is necessary otherwise we might as well be talking tw diff languages.


cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 19:45:09 UTC
We're not actually going around hunting down hate posts just to nag about it on someone else's journal. When I read a review of something I also like to skim through the replies because you do find thought provoking replies that make you go aaaah, so that's what that might mean. I don't even bother reading the hate especially 12 episodes into a series. If they were made in episode 1 of a show that I haven't yet seen, it might actually succeed in swaying me from watching.

I'm not going to go on someone's post where they're expressing their dislike for the series to say that their opinions are wrong and the series is the best thing since toast. These replies hating on MSOAN on a post by some who likes the show can be a real buzzkill.

But in this instance it was just more of a conversation between people who love the show wondering how such a simple fun show can infuriate so many people without actually doing anything. It isn't like we're going around constantly bashing the bashers.

Wow that was more than what I intended to say x3


cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 06:08:21 UTC
And that scene ohmygosh adorable. The paper airplane scene was also an absolute favourite of mine but it has since been demoted to second place. The expression on Mugyul's face when Maeri (how adorable was her jacket?) came and the utter sweetness made me all squashy and warm inside. And to think that I was this close of getting bored with the show.

New writer and I have high hopes for the remaining episodes, but after reading Ockoala's episode 13 preview, I'm seriously hoping that they're going to skip the amnesia plot thing. That is the one drama cliche I absolutely cannot stand.


dangermousie December 18 2010, 06:11:23 UTC
I love amnesia plot but in very different dramas (hint - not romcoms). This would be a bit much for this one especially it's not as if they'd have time to deal with it properly.

Oh, the look on his face when he saw her!


cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 06:18:21 UTC
Yes exactly. If it were a dark conspiracy drama or something where amnesia had its place and plausible reason (like if the person got shot in the head or something) not Domyouji Tsukasa's amnesia where he literally fell from a height of approximately 2 feet.

It gets me every time.


dangermousie December 18 2010, 06:21:07 UTC
Yes, but to be fair to poor Domyouji, his head was never his strong point :)

I didn't mind amnesia there because the resolution with him rushing to rescue her without remembering her and then the scene in the cabin, made me bawl from shippiness and joy.


cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 06:29:00 UTC
LOL Good point xD Though that hairstyle should have acted like something of a cushion.

The scene of resolve is always heartwarming and perhaps I'm not that pissed off at the amnesia or at Domyouji, but at the shameless girl who had the incredible gall to take credit for Makino's Domyouji cookies D<

Gaaah that scene and the elevator scene remains among my two favourite scenes second to the skating rink scene of course.


dangermousie December 18 2010, 06:30:46 UTC
Yes yes yes love those.

Ahhh, Umi. Diieeeeeeeeeeeee!

I think it didn't cushion because it was flatter than s1 perm (remember people mocking him for his hairdo in s2? I kept going 'where were you in s1?')


cwazy_weiven December 18 2010, 06:45:29 UTC
Wasn't it wilder and curlier in season 2? I actually like second season hairstyle more than season one. The first season's actually looked more like a bird took half raw instant noodles and made a home out of it.


dangermousie December 18 2010, 06:46:28 UTC
Maybe you are right.

I much preferred s2 do. It looked less shellacked.


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