Oh fandom! Never change your woman-hating ways!

Jul 28, 2010 12:32

You have no idea how many posts hating the heroine of Bad Guy I have seen ( Read more... )

bad guy, rant, fandom, feminism, doramas3

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Comments 13

lesbiassparrow July 28 2010, 17:15:34 UTC
I know - it's quite amazing. She has even fessed up to Rich Guy and is about the only person being honest here!


dangermousie July 28 2010, 19:08:45 UTC
Compared to her two dating choices, she is Mother Teresa. Ah well.


ockoala July 28 2010, 17:31:02 UTC
Oh mousie,

I was told way back in 2004 that everybody and their grandmother's hated Soo Jung in WHIB. And I was like "wahhhh????" Me no comprende. She's the least f*cked up of all FOUR of them characters, and the most honest about trying to make sense of her life and what she wants.

I watched WHIB long after it ended, and to go back and read d-addicts, etc. posts from back then, it's all "Oh, she's such a golddigger, yadda yadda yadda."

Apparently male leads can be serial killers, abusive, heartess, cruel SOBs, and fandom forgives all. But if a female lead is anything other than saintly in spirit (she can be crass, bitchy, etc.) then it's a death sentence for her!

Sheesh, I love Jae In, and I am absolutely become a Han Gi In lover after BG. I thought she was stoned in Witch Amusement and faded into oblivion in Super Rookie. She's getting more talented and beautiful after she got married. If this is what happens after you schtup Yoon Jeon Heon......lucky girl.


dangermousie July 28 2010, 17:39:08 UTC
Wait, what? People hated Soo Jung? You have got to be kidding me. She was the most normal and best of the bunch (not that this is saying much...). Unlike Jae In, she didn't even try to play head games with JIS or SJS either. Seriously. Besides, if they hate Soo Jung, by rights they should be ready to kill the other three - Young Joo was cold-hearted and selfish and cruel, In Wook was manipulative and cold, and Jae Min - well, I loved the woobie to bits but he did commit a double homicide out of jealousy which basically makes him the worst kdrama boyfriend ever. EVER ( ... )


village July 28 2010, 18:04:14 UTC
I know what you mean. I don't hate JI at all but I did shudder a little at her throwing herself at GW in the beginning but she made up for it when she threw off his hand when he was pretending to be her boyfriend. Classic.

It's typical though, expecting the heroine to be some kind of saint and honestly, you can partly blame Kdramas themselves for that. They've set up this Whore/Madonna thing for years. So many heroines *are* saints, so many "bitches" are bad girls. It's definitely a sociological thing but it's also what they've portrayed for so long and people are actually buying into it.

Honestly, of all the characters, I think GW's is the most despicable. Like, I get that he has his reasons for doing what he's doing but he's destroying the wrong lives here -- perhaps I'm not far enough into the series to know for sure why he's going after the "kids" but they seem pretty damn innocent so far. It's why I'm having a hard time with his character. His motivations seem very questionable.


dangermousie July 28 2010, 19:08:17 UTC
There is one scene where I felt bad for her scheming (it's in ep 9) but that's few instances compared to my feeling bad about the two guys' behavior.

I have a problem with Gun Wook's revenge too, for that very reason. But it's also Misa-like, if you think about it - in Misa SJS really wanted to wreck Yoon's life but how was it Yoon's fault that Yoon's mother dumped SJS before Yoon was even thought of? I think it's the same "how dare they be happy in my place" mentality.


village July 28 2010, 19:30:37 UTC
That's true but I find myself giving SJS's character more of a pass because A) he was dying and b) Yoon was a worthless human being. Tae Seung is immature and selfish but I pity him. Mind you I'm up to episode four - will be catching up this evening for sure - so that could all change. heh.


dangermousie July 28 2010, 19:35:51 UTC
I pity TS too. Under the selfishness and unconscious rich-boy arrogance there is a rather desperate, messed-up and sweet kid.

Oh well, we'll see.


mookiehyun July 28 2010, 18:28:34 UTC
I'm a strong believer that rapid fangirls should stay in their own little island, not allowed to comment on any other aspects of the drama other than repeatedly uttering in unison XYZ is HOT!! OMG!!
That's what they r watching for anyways, no need to pretend all that righteous highbrowing. ;)

I rem the hate on SJ in WHIB was justified since she 'sleeps around' OOOOOO she had sex, out of wedlock! Ohnoes!!!! It did give me entertainment reading those holy doctrines.

I would marathon BG soon, I'm actually way more invested/intrigued in HGI's char than the hot namjas 6 eps in. It's just not a drama I'm in the mood to follow live.


dangermousie July 28 2010, 19:06:29 UTC
Not only did she have sex out of wedlock, she had sex with two separate men! Burn the hussy!

I honestly do not get Soo Jung hate. I mean, if the others surrounding her were saintly beings, maybe, but as it is...

I think BG would be a bad drama to follow live - I am glad I waited until it was almost over. (I find most melodramas/revenge dramas work best watched at my own pace, not weekly).


timescout July 28 2010, 19:18:16 UTC
This is why I generally stay far, far away of most K-drama fandoms. Rabid fangirls give me hives.... even if they do tend to be highly enterteining in their madness. :)


dangermousie July 28 2010, 19:36:07 UTC
Hear, hear!!!!


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